Chapter 835 Look at the Result

Chapter 835 looks at the results.

This was a spiritual test for chairman Qiao, who had been through a lot of hardships, had seen many big scenes, and was able to cope with any unexpected incident with ease.

Finally, all the papers were taken out.

Chairman Qiao rubbed his brows, took a deep breath, and flipped to the last page to see the results.

He closed his eyes tightly, as if he needed to settle down, relax and calm down.

When he opened his eyes, chairman Qiao thought he had been blinded.

He opened his eyes wide and looked at them over and over again.


It was unbelievable!

Chairman Qiao waved to the dean.

"Take a look. Are these numbers nine? Why do I feel like I'm getting old?"

Only then did the dean dare to look over. When he saw that it was all nine, the dean was also surprised.

"This is indeed full of nine, which means that Buding is indeed the president's biological son. Absolutely!"

Hearing what he said, chairman Qiao's mood was beyond description.

He felt like he was about to ascend to immortality!

Actually, really, Buding was really his own grandson.

No wonder, no wonder I have such deep feelings for little pudding.

He felt that his feelings for his two sons and Gioroi were not as deep as before.

Could this be the wonder of the legendary bloodline?

This is the legendary next-generation relative.

God, Buding is really his grandson!

Chairman Qiao was filled with excitement.

Her eyes were wet!

If Buding knew, he wouldn't be so insecure anymore.

Chairman Qiao really wanted to let Buding know right now.

But he didn't know how to tell Buding.

When chairman Qiao returned to the ward with the dna test, he walked briskly and met his wife who had been waiting for him at the door.

"Honey, guess what the result is?

Chairman Qiao said happily.

Seeing her husband so happy, Qiaodong Lady couldn't believe it.

"Is Buding really our grandson?" Qiaodong Lady guessed.

Chairman Qiao smiled and gave the results to his wife.

Qiaodong Lady screamed excitedly when he saw the results.

Realizing that he had lost his composure, he quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

"Oh my god, this must be god's will!" Qiaodong Lady was overjoyed.

"Yes, it must be god's will." Chairman Qiao looked at his wife who was moved to tears, but her face was full of smiles.

She smiled and said, "Look at you. You're smiling and crying. It's so ugly!"

When Qiaodong Lady heard this, he raised his hand and gently punched his husband's chest.

"Am I not too excited? But, has Wan been with Li Chen before?" Qiao Lady suddenly thought of this question.

Chairman Qiao shook his head, "Didn't you say before that Buding was the son named Yan Mo? He also took out a paternity test. It seems that Yan Mo has been lying."

"Yeah, should we go in and tell Li Chen and Buding now?" Qiaodong Lady asked.

Chairman Qiao hesitated, "Not yet. Wan was dead, and now Li Chen had treated Buding as his own son. Most importantly, why would that Yan Mo lie? I was afraid that my son would run over to look for yan mo again. There may really be some conspiracy here."

"But now Buding can't leave Li Chen at all. He can't go abroad at all." Chairman Qiao thought further.

Qiaodong Lady nodded, "Okay, it's up to you. Everything must be based on Buding. But that Yan Mo, you still send someone to find out why he lied?"

Chairman Qiao nodded, "I know."

The two of them chatted outside for a while, and chairman Qiao put away the dna test.

He said to his wife, "Actually, I really want to tell Buding now so that he won't feel insecure following us. We are his closest relatives."

"Yeah, why don't we tell Buding in secret and tell him not to tell his father for the time being?" Qiaodong Lady suggested.

Chairman Qiao thought about it and shook his head.

"Let's wait until I find out what that Yan Mo is up to or what he's up to. We'd better keep this a secret." Chairman Qiao said.

He had just come out in such a hurry that he had forgotten to remind the dean.

"I'll talk to the dean." With that, chairman Qiao turned around and left again.

In fact, how dare the dean say it? He wouldn't have said it without chairman Qiao's warning.

Qiaodong Lady went back to the ward again. Buding saw grandma and asked, "Grandma, what have you been doing?"

Grandma just went downstairs to take a look. Buding, do you have any fruit that you want to eat? Grandma will buy it for you."

Looking at his precious grandson and thinking about how he thought he wasn't born to the The qiao family some time ago, Qiaodong Lady felt his heart stop in a panic because of his hurt eyes and uneasy state of mind.

Reality is really too much of a tease!

It was clear that Buding was their grandson, but it took them a long time to find out the truth.

"Dad just said to ask the dean, why have you been there so long?" Qiao Li Chen said.

"Oh, he might talk to the dean!" Qiaodong Lady said.

Just then, Qiao Li Ting came.

He still had some difficulty walking, but he had almost recovered.

He was a soldier with an inhuman will. The discomfort he felt when he walked could be completely restrained.

He was carrying a fruit blue in his hand, which he had bought from an imported supermarket.

Put the fruit down and ask the little pudding what she wanted to eat.

Buding looked at the banana and said, "Big daddy, I want to eat a banana."

He heard his son call his brother big daddy, but during this time, Buding only called himself second uncle.

There was inevitably jealousy in her heart.

Qiao Li Ting peeled the banana peel for his son and fed it to his mouth.

She looked at her son's small mouth and bit it slowly. It was really cute.

I can't see enough for the rest of my life.

Qiaodong Lady saw how much her eldest son liked Buding. She wondered if she should tell her eldest son that Buding was actually the biological son of her second son.

Buding was also a member of their The qiao family.

After eating the banana, Buding clamored to get out of bed.

Qiao Li Ting bent over to hug his son.

Qiao Li Chen came over and said, "Big brother, your legs aren't completely healed yet. Let me carry them!"

Buding, who was about to reach into his father's arms, withdrew his hand.

He went to his second uncle's arms.

Seeing this, Qiao Li Ting glanced at Qiao Li Chen again.

Brat, he even robbed someone with his big brother!

"My legs are completely healed!" Qiao Li Ting said unhappily.

Buding, who was in his arms, turned around and said, "Big daddy, Buding doesn't want you to be too tired. Anyway, uncle is free. Let him hug me. Get some rest. After a while, Buding wants you to hug him every day!"

Hearing this, Qiao Li Ting was happy.

He knew that Buding loved him the most.

"Okay, dad will rest for a few more days and hug you every day." After that, he even looked at his brother, Qiao Li Chen, ostentatiously.