Chapter 855 Forced to Take Medicine

Chapter 855 forced to take medicine

Wan looked at the medicine in a daze, then looked up at the clan leader.

"Was this really found in my brother's safe? Is there something wrong with my brother?"

All Wan could do now was pretend to be ignorant.

After seeing the medicine, Wan pretended to be worried because he was worried that his brother was sick.

She quickly picked up the medicine to check.

"What kind of medicine is this? Why don't you even have the instructions or the name of the medicine?" Wan looked at the clan leader in shock.

Wan once threw a bottle of this medicine into the woods, and the clan leader probably didn't see it before the surveillance.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so patient to watch Wan act here right now.

"You really don't know?" The clan leader narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wan shook his head, "I don't know. My brother never told me."

At this point, Wan's eyes were wet at the right time.

"My brother must have been afraid that I was worried, so he didn't tell me what was wrong."

"It's all my fault. I don't pay much attention to my brother's health." Wan looked very remorseful and sobbed.

"Since you don't know what this medicine is for, I'll tell you." Said the clan leader.

"What's this medicine for?" Wan looked nervous and stared at the clan leader.

"This is a cure for voodoo." The clan leader told Wan.

Wan's mouth twitched. The clan leader was really a liar.

This is not a medicine to cure voodoo, it is only to stop the bleeding caused by voodoo.

Wan asked quickly, "Voodoo? What is voodoo?"

Looking at xiao wan's ignorant face, the clan leader's eyes deepened.

"Your brother has never been poisoned. If he keeps these drugs for voodoo, there's only one possibility, and that's that your sister has been poisoned."

Wan's heart was pounding, and she felt like she couldn't handle it.

She quickly shook her head, "I haven't been poisoned by any voodoo. It's impossible that I was poisoned by voodoo. I didn't even know it, did I?"

Wan looked doubtful. He opened the bottle cap and poured out a few.

He put it between his nose and sniffed it, "And I've never seen or taken any of these drugs."

But at this moment, the clan leader chuckled.

"Did you really not eat it?" The clan leader asked again.

Wan shook his head in confusion, "No!"

"Well then, take this medicine!" As he spoke, the secretary next to the clan leader took out a medicine bottle.

This bottle was not the kind of medicine that Wan had taken.

"What is this?" Wan asked quickly.

"This is a drug that can induce voodoo in your body. After you take it, within three days, the seven orifices will bleed to death."

Speaking of this, the clan leader did not forget to add, "Of course, if you have no voodoo in your body, take this and nothing will happen."

Hearing him say that, Wan instinctively wanted to refuse.

He has voodoo in his body. After taking these, he will die in three days.

Wan shook his head, "I'm afraid. What if this drug has any other toxicity?"

Seeing xiao wan's refusal, the clan leader's face darkened.

"Are you guilty?" The clan leader said coldly.

Wan shook his head, "No, no, I'm just afraid this medicine will have other toxicity!"

"As I said, this medicine only induced voodoo in the body. As long as you don't have voodoo, nothing will happen."

The clan leader said again, his eyes losing patience.

Wan was thinking about what to do. She couldn't eat.

But now that the clan leader was right in front of him, if he didn't eat it, he couldn't really explain it.

At this moment, she wished so much for Ou Yi to appear. Only he could stop the clan leader.

She looked at the door.

But the clan leader said, "Are you waiting for Ou Yi? Isn't that more proof that you don't dare take this medicine?"

Wan's hand on his lap tightened slightly.

"I'm just afraid of death!" Wan said, "I'm really afraid of death. After all, this is medicine. I'm afraid."

Wan said, pretending to cry pitifully.

She wanted to stall as long as she could. Ou Yi was down there. When the contact went to find Ou Tian, he should have come up.

The clan leader looked at the secretary as if he had seen through her mind.

The secretary immediately stepped forward, poured out two pills and walked to Wan.

"Do you want to eat it yourself, or should I feed you?" The secretary asked xiao wan.

Wan's eyelids jumped. Taking this medicine meant that he could only live for three days.

She could not eat, even if it would arouse the clan leader's suspicion, she could not eat.

Wan quickly got up and retreated.

She shook her head, "You can't force me!"

Wan deliberately raised the volume, hoping that Ou Yi downstairs could hear it.

When Ou Yi saw that Totem had made the arrangements, he immediately went upstairs.

He was worried about Osh. He didn't know what the old man would say to her upstairs.

As soon as she reached the stairs, she heard her voice.

Ou Yi had no time to think about it and instinctively ran in faster.

Wan saw Ou Yi rushing in from the door and quickly ran behind him to hide.

"Ou Yi, they want me to take the medicine and say something to test for voodoo." Said xiao wan pitifully.

Ou Yi's face darkened when he heard that.

Totem came up at the same time. He had wanted to stop Ou Yi, but he couldn't.

He opened his mouth and said, "This is not a poison. Only people with voodoo in their bodies can induce the poison."

With that, Totem poured two pills and swallowed them in front of everyone.

He looked at Wan, "Now you can rest assured. As long as you are not poisoned, you will be fine."

Ou Yi looked at Wan, and Wan frowned.

She didn't want to take the medicine. She was already poisoned and would die if she took it.

But now, Totem took the medicine in front of everyone.

Wan was cornered.

At this time, the secretary also poured out two pills.

"Master yi, if you don't believe me, I can have two too."

With that, the secretary put the medicine into her mouth without hesitation.

"Why must she eat it?" Ou Yi asked.

The clan leader told Ou Yi, "Our people found this medicine to control the bleeding caused by voodoo in Ou Tian's safe."

"You sent it to be examined? How can you be so sure that this is the drug?" Ou yi asked.

"Because I have the same medicine on my hand. It's the same as mine." The clan leader told Ou Yi.

Ou Yi was not moved after listening.

"She doesn't want to eat, so don't try to force her!" Ou Yi warned.

At this time, the clan leader said, "I think she will eat voluntarily in order to prove her innocence. After all, this medicine is completely non-toxic to people without voodoo and will not have any reaction."

The clan leader's words were brilliant.

Wan's eyelids twitched wildly. If he didn't eat them now, I believe even Ou Yi would suspect him.

Then, for the rest of his life, he would have a hard time