Chapter 914 Whirlpool

Chapter 914 whirlpool

After tying the rope, Wan looked at Ou Yi and said, "In this case, will I implicate you?"

Wan felt that it was impossible for him to jump from such a high place. With so many external factors, he could still react and survive in the water.

By then, it would really involve Ou Yi.

Ou Yi smiled, raised his hand, and rubbed Wan's head.

"No, I will take you out of the water with me." Ou Yi was confident that, since he was a child, he had been exercising all year round and had good physical fitness. He could stay underwater longer than most people.

Wan looked at Ou Yi and said in her heart that it was fake not to be touched.

Ou Tian said, "Then I'll jump first."

Wan nodded, "Brother, be careful!"

Ou Tian, half of the bodyguards jumped down.

Then he stepped forward, found his spot, and jumped down.

Wan looked at Ou Tian's figure and fell down at an extremely fast speed. Finally, he fell into the water and caused a splash.

Ou Yi turned to Wan, "Let's dance together!"

Wan was still a little scared. She stroked her chest and said to Ou Yi, "Okay!"

Ou yi took Wan's hand and found a seat. Then, he said to xiao wan, "I'll count one, two, three and jump together!"

As soon as Wan nodded, his palm grabbed Ou Yi's hand.

"Wait, I'm a little scared!" Wan regretted it.

To be honest, she doesn't want to dance anymore.

She felt that if she jumped down, she might die.

The water below looked fierce and deep.

None of the people who had jumped down had surfaced again.

Wan was a little scared. She turned around and looked at the entrance of the cave.

She wanted to say if she could go back on her word or not.

Can you run back from this cave?

However, the reason she came in was to find a way to cure the emotional voodoo.

He was the one who was going to die, and he was not afraid of this adventure, whether he would die or not.

If he really wasn't dead, then entering Secret place, he would be able to find a cure for the aphrodisiac, and then he would be able to save Buding.

At the thought of her son, the fear in Wan's heart was much less.

Ou Yi had been watching Wan closely. He knew that letting a woman jump from such a high place, and there was danger and vitality below. No one could tell.

He said, "Why don't I let them follow you out of here and wait for me in the village?"

Wan shook his head, "This cave is so long, and without you, I don't have the guts to walk again. Forget it, just jump!"

With that, Wan began to count, "One, two, three..."

On the count of three, Ou Yi took Wan's hand and jumped down together.

It was too high, and the body was falling so fast that the heart seemed to be pounding up, rushing out of the throat, feeling an endless sense of fear and despair.

Wan closed his eyes tightly, and the sound of the wind blowing in his ears shook his eardrums.

Suddenly, with a bang, Wan and Ou Yi fell into the water at the same time.

This sudden gravity caused them to plunge into the water and their bodies to rush into the depths of the water.

Wan only felt that the wind in his ears had turned into the sound of water entering his ears.

She instinctively opened her arms to start swimming, but the current was too strong, and her body seemed to be drifting with the current, being swept deeper by a force like a whirlpool.

Just as xiao wan couldn't hold his breath and his whole brain was about to explode, the next second, he suddenly relaxed...

When Qiao Li Chen and his men arrived, there was no one at the entrance of the cave.

He went up with Ou Ye and Ou Chen to observe the hole.

In front of the hole, there was an open space. Outside the open space, there was a curtain of water rushing down to the sky.

"There's no way!" Ou Ye frowned slightly.

Qiao Li Chen looked at it and said, "Look around and see if they left any clues."

They began to search on the stone wall near the entrance of the cave.

Finally found a word.

A word jump.

"This word seems to have just been engraved." Ou Ye said.

Qiao Li Chen nodded and he walked behind the water curtain again.

He looked down and said, "If you jump at this height, as long as you can swim well, you will be fine."

But Qiao Li Chen was not a good swimmer. He drowned once when he was a child and was saved by his childhood friend.

Since then, he rarely went swimming, but he wasn't completely unable to swim.

"Then let's jump down. They all dare to jump down. They must be sure that there is no danger down here." Ou Ye said.

Qiao Li Chen nodded, "Okay!"

"Qiao Boss, you don't know how to swim!" At this moment, the head of the bodyguards of the same profession came forward and said.

When Ou Ye and Ou Chen heard this, they immediately said, "Why don't you go back first? We can go in!"

It was all over here, and Qiao Li Chen was unwilling to give up.

He was looking for medicine to save his son.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm just not a good swimmer, but I don't know how to swim at all." Qiao Li Chen said.

But the head of the bodyguard was especially worried. They suggested finding the best swimmer and tying him to Qiao Li Chen with a rope.

Qiao Li Chen didn't agree at first, but Ou Chen and Ou Ye both demanded it.

He could only agree in the end.


As soon as she emerged from the water, Wan felt that her breathing was free, there was more air, and there was no sound of rushing water beside her ears.

She opened her eyes and was shocked to see a place that looked like a paradise.

She and Ou Yi had just arrived at this seemingly calm stream in the swirling whirlpool at the bottom of the water.

On the shore, Ou Tian, uncle ou and the bodyguards were all standing there, twisting the water from their clothes.

Ou yi took Wan's hand and walked to the shore.

The backpack on the bodyguard's back was waterproof, and the contents of the water were not much wet in the current.

Ou Yi found Wan's clothes and asked her to change them in the woods not far away.

When Wan came back soon after changing, all the bodyguards on board appeared on the shore.

Wan walked up to master ou and asked, "What's going on? How did we get rushed here after jumping down from above?"

"As I said, there is a dark river below. The force of the impact that we have from the top is the force that can directly rush into the dark river whirlpool in deep water." Uncle ou said to xiao wan while smoking a cigarette.

Wan was only amazed, "Haven't you been here before?"

"No, but I've heard of it." Uncle ou said.

Wan heard him say that and smiled, "But the location of this secret place is really amazing. When we get out, we won't have to go back the same way, will we?"

It's impossible to climb such a high place.