Chapter 922 Who Is Master Ou?

Chapter 922 who is master ou?

When Ou Tian heard them say that, he immediately understood.

"In other words, you have already planned for them to be brought in. A good catch?" Ou tian asked angrily.

Ou Xun nodded, "So what?"

Ou Tian sighed deeply, "Aren't you afraid that the old patriarch will retaliate against you when you go out?"

Ou Xun chuckled, "He can't get in at all. How can he get back at us?"

"What about master ou? Wasn't he in charge of guarding the outside of Secret place? Isn't he going out? Besides, didn't you just say that the old patriarch has been giving you financial support?" Ou tian suppressed his anger and asked.

He did not expect lord ou and Ou Xun to have such a vengeful intention.

Now that I think about it, when master ou gave me the photo album, he might have decided to bring me out with him.

Ou Xun nodded, "He did give us financial support. But money was used to buy some daily necessities. Master ou will find a way to bring it in."

Ou Tian heard what Ou Xun said and quickly looked at master ou.

"Didn't you say you didn't come in before?" Ou Tian now realized that what this old man said was also half-truthful and half-lie.

Uncle ou smiled and said, "Why should I tell you the truth?"

Ou Tian was a little speechless, "So you're not going out?"

Uncle ou nodded, "In order not to let the traitor find us, I will not go out again. This Secret place is forever a secret."

Ou Tian looked at uncle ou, "Aren't you afraid that when I go out, I will tell others where this Secret place is, how to come in and tell others?"

Uncle ou and Ou Xun both chuckled.

"Do you think you can go out?"

"Why, since you brought me out, you don't want me to leave here?" Ou Tian realized the problem. They just wanted to keep themselves alive, but they wouldn't let themselves leave.

And bring out the secrets of Secret place.

Uncle ou nodded, "Of course, even if we let you out, you won't be able to get out."

Ou Tian felt that at this time, it was unlikely that master ou would lie to scare himself.

So he stopped bothering about it and saved Wan and the others first.

"Open Shimen, or I'll kill both of you!"

Ou Tian's tone became harsh. If he wanted to show his ruthlessness, he could definitely do it.

Ou Xun didn't seem afraid.

She looked at Ou Tian and said, "Your father was a traitor back then. Looks like you're going the same way as him!"

Ou Tian's eyelids twitched. His father betrayed Wan's mother and lived with guilt for so many years.

If he gave his father another chance to come back, he believed that his father would never do such a thing again no matter what.

He would never betray Wan's mother.

Ou Tian said, "I just asked you to open Shimen and let them out. Is this betrayal?"

"Of course, this secret place is the secret forbidden place of our family. Only people from the clan leader's line can enter." Ou Xun said.

"So you're not going to open Shimen?" Ou Tian asked in a deep voice.

Ou Xun nodded, "Even if you kill me, I won't drive. Besides, I can't open it either."

Ou Tian didn't know what to do when she said that.

He held a gun to Ou Xun's head and really only threatened her.

It wouldn't really hurt her.

But now, she was not afraid of her own threat, and did not open this Shimen at all. What should she do?

Wan is still inside, and Qiao Li Chen and the others should be inside.

He could ignore the bodyguards inside, but Wan had to be rescued.

And Ou Yi.

Although Ou Yi was a member of the old clan leader, Ou Yi was kind to both himself and Wan.

Most importantly, both Wan and he felt deeply ashamed of Ou Yi.

Ou Yi was by far the most sincere and sincere person to him and Wan.

Ou Tian took the gun and shot Ou Xun in the foot.

The gunshot suddenly rang out and the bullet shot into the soil.

The ripples scared Ou Xun into taking a step back subconsciously.

When Ou Tian saw this, Ou Xun was not as calm and indifferent as she seemed.

It seems that human beings are instinctively afraid of death.

Ou Tian raised his gun again and pointed it at Ou Xun's head.

"If you don't open it, the next shot, I can't guarantee that I'll hit the ground again."

Ou Xun's eyelashes trembled. She looked at Ou Tian, "I said I can't open it. Without jade, I really can't open it. If you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do."

"Where did you press to close Shimen?" Ou tian asked her.

Ou xun pointed to the lower right corner of Shimen, blocked by long weeds.

Ou Tian glanced at Ou Xun again, not sure if she had lied to her.

He walked over and squatted down to find a dent in the lower right corner of Shimen.

Ou Tian put his hand in, and there was something inside that looked like a cylinder.

Ou tian tried to turn the iron pillar, but it was so tight that it could not be twisted at all.

Ou Xun stood aside and said to Ou Tian, "Don't waste your energy. This switch is to close the door. It doesn't turn on the function of Shimen."

Ou Tian turned around and glared at her, "You said before that the line of heavenly patriarchs can come in without jade. If there is no jade in the clan leader's vein, how can we get in?"

Ou Xun looked at him and said, "I don't know. My parents didn't tell me. Because the clan leaders are extinct."

Ou Tian's eyelids twitched. He suddenly had an impulse to tell Ou Xun and uncle ou. The predestined clan leader's line was not extinct.

Wan was the rightful heir to the throne.

However, at this time, Ou Tian was not completely sure whether the two people in front of him were really going to lock Wan and Ou Yi in there.

He was still acting, lying to him, lying to him.

So Ou Tian continued to study the switch.

Uncle ou came over with his old pipe and knocked on Ou Tian's back.

"Didn't your father already repent? You still want to help the people inside and let them out?" Master ou's face showed displeasure.

"Don't you know that the woman inside is my sister, my real sister." Ou Tian yelled at master ou.

"Oh, really?" Uncle ou smiled and said, "I've seen your sister before. She has a black mole behind her ear."

Ou Tian frowned when he heard master ou say that.

Who is this Mr. Ou?

He was supposed to be here all these years because he was outside guarding Secret place.

"Who the hell are you?" Ou Tian asked.

"You don't have to know who I am. Your father called me before he died. On the phone, he said that he had been in agony all these years and begged us to forgive him. Did he lie to me?" Uncle ou looked at Ou Tian with anger in his eyes.

When my sister was very young, she was no longer in the family. So, you met us when we were very young. Who are you?" Ou Tian felt that it was necessary to find out who this old man was.