Chapter 957 Are You All Right?

Chapter 957 are you okay?

When Qiao Li Chen brought Ou Ye and Ou Chen to the lake, he did see a few huge crocodiles left behind.

"If my guess is correct, one of these big crocodiles is the leader of these crocodiles. Kill!" Qiao Li Chen said.

When the crocodiles saw these humans, they attacked them fiercely.

The three of them were very accurate and fired directly at the weakest spot on their bodies.

It looked extremely dangerous, and the crocodile soon came to their feet. The next second, its mouth was wide open, and its sharp teeth gleamed under the rain.

The guns in their hands did not stop at all. They retreated hurriedly. They would have bitten them immediately. They would have attacked them immediately, but they suddenly stopped.

Qiao Li Chen looked down at them, the blood in the wet soil, dragging out a few long traces of blood, they were not lightly injured.

Watching them stop, Qiao Li Chen immediately said to Ou Ye and Ou Chen, "Retreat!"

The three of them did not retreat in the direction they came from, so they would only encounter crocodiles that had been chased back.

He chose another steep path and ran all the way.

When they returned to their previous camp, Ou Yi and the others retreated.

Looking at Qiao Li Chen and the three of them unscathed, Ou Yi also realized that Qiao Li Chen, this man, had both courage and resourcefulness. He could even figure out how to deal with these social crocodiles in such a short time.

Finally, all the crocodiles were repelled, and now everyone could go back to the tent to rest.

Ou Yi did not go back to rest, but immediately went up to find Wan.

Wan was asleep. She was worried about them, but she was so sleepy that she couldn't bear it. She had no idea what was going on outside.

When Ou Yi went up, he found Qiao Li Chen following behind him.

He turned around and asked, "Why are you following me?"

"I'll go up and take a look too!" Qiao Li Chen said lightly.

"Thank you for your kindness, my wife. I'll go and see for myself!" Ou Yi said to Qiao Li Chen.

It was raining heavily and the two of them stood in the rain, facing each other quietly.

Ou Ye and Ou Chen stepped forward and said to Ou Yi, "Osh has those three pieces of jade on her body. We must make sure that she is safe now and not let anything happen to her!"

"Are you so interested in those three pieces of jade?" Ou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Of course, I heard that these three pieces of jade are related to our leaving here. And she's not only wearing jade, she also has a map to get out." Ou Ye said.

Ou Yi said nothing more and took a deep look at Qiao Li Chen in the rain.

His eyes seemed calm, but there was some hidden hostility in them.

Ou Yi knew that he and Qiao Li Chen, although on the surface of peace now, were actually enemies.

But this kind of enmity, and that kind of enmity between enemies, is somewhat different.

It was a bit like a rival in love.

Ou Yi didn't know if he was mistaken.

He turned around and walked up.

Everyone went outside the tent together, pulled it open, and saw all the bodyguards sitting inside.

Ou Yi's face changed, "Who let you in?"

Several bodyguards quickly stood up and walked out.

Everyone lowered their heads and was about to say something when xiao wan woke up.

She looked at the people outside and said to Ou Yi, "I called them in!"

The people outside were all drenched and the rain hit them mercilessly, but they still stood as straight as pine and cypress.

"Are you all right? Did the crocodile attack?" Wan stood up and prepared to come out.

Ou Yi rushed forward and stopped him, "Don't come out. It's raining heavily outside!"

Wan nodded and looked through Ou Yi at Qiao Li Chen, who was standing outside with a sullen, handsome face, trying to suppress his jealousy.

"The crocodile has retreated. You have a good rest!" Ou Yi said to Wan.

Wan nodded obediently, "Then let them in. There are too few people here. I don't feel safe."

Ou Yi wanted to stay with Wan, but he was afraid that the crocodiles would return.

He had to stay down until tomorrow.

Ou Yi did not pursue the four men and let them in.

After watching the little night, Ou Yi turned around and looked at Qiao Li Chen.

"Let's go down!"

Qiao Li Chen's eyes were slightly cold. He turned around and walked down first.

Ou Ye and Ou Chen followed behind Qiao Li Chen in silence. Both of them knew that Qiao Li Chen would feel uncomfortable watching Wan and ou yi get close.

But there was no other way. It could only be solved after leaving here.

Back in the tent, everyone changed out of their wet clothes and rested.

Fortunately, the crocodiles did not return at dawn.

At dawn, the rain began to fall.

Ou Yi got up early and made breakfast for Wan.

By the time it was brought up, the rain had stopped.

The air was fresh and the air was full of water, and the birds on the branches began to chirp.

Wan got up, finished breakfast, and everyone started packing, ready to move on.

The farther away from the lake, the safer it will be.

There was no need to worry about these crocodiles at night.

Wan had no more nosebleeds, and everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

The stretcher came over and Ou Yi asked xiao ye to go.

Wan wanted to leave on her own and was always being carried by others. She was always in trouble.

But Ou Yi didn't want to. Wan had no choice but to agree and get on the stretcher.

After the rain, the sky was as blue as if it had been washed. The sun lazily crawled out, and by noon, the light was also strong.

Ou Yi had been by Wan's side, holding the umbrella made of that dress for her.

Everyone was very hot, especially the two men carrying the stretchers, sweating profusely.

Wan couldn't stand it. After lunch, she asked to leave on her own.

Ou Yi still firmly disagreed, and Wan still couldn't get over him in the end.

In the afternoon, two people came to carry her. Wan took out the map and studied it carefully. She asked Ou Yi, "Are we on the right path?"

"That's right. What's wrong?" Ou Yi asked her.

Wan frowned slightly, "Why do I feel that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, as if we suddenly came to the tropical zone from the rain belt? You see, I had to wear a coat yesterday, but today, I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, and I can't stand the heat. Even if it was cool yesterday, because of the rain, but a few days ago, it was not so hot! Isn't it supposed to cool down after the rain?"

Ou Yi also felt that the more they walked forward, the higher the temperature.

I don't know if the sun above me is too strong or something, but the temperature has obviously risen a lot.

But they had only traveled for a day, and were still in the same world. How could the sun suddenly change above them?