Chapter 963 I Can't Find It

Chapter 963 is missing.

In the middle of the night, ou yi woke up feeling a little cold.

It was dark outside and there was no moonlight at all.

The cold air came in, and Ou Yi had to close the tent.

He turned to look at Wan, who was fast asleep.

Ou Yi remained alert all the time. He was afraid that the party would be so cold that he closed all the tent doors.

She was afraid that she would not be able to breathe well at the party. There was too little air in it.

Therefore, he had to keep in mind that as soon as Wan breathed heavily, he would immediately open the tent door and let in some fresh air.

When morning came, Ou Yi opened his eyes and looked at Wan.

She was still sound asleep.

Ou Yi opened the tent door and wanted to go out to make breakfast for Wan.

However, the fog outside was still thick.

He couldn't see his fingers.

He could only see the tent he was in, not even the other tents around him.

There was an inexplicable sense of uneasiness in her heart.

Ou Yi did not go out immediately, but called Wan up.

"Wife, wife!" Ou Yi called out.

Wan slowly woke up. She opened her eyes and looked at Ou Yi, "What's wrong?"

"It's so foggy outside that I can't see anyone else. I'm going to look for them now to see if they're up. But I'm afraid that when I come back later, I won't be able to find our tent, so you can come with me!" Ou Yi said.

Xiao wan nodded, came out of his sleeping bag and put on his clothes.

"It's so cold!" Wan felt too cold.

Ou Yi put his coat on Wan as well.

"Wear more. This is the valley. It might be cold sooner or later because of the location." Ou Yi said softly.

Wan draped Ou Yi's coat over his body and went out with Ou Yi.

Ou yi took Wan's hand and held it tightly as he led her along.

But the two of them wandered in the fog for a long time and couldn't find anyone else.

At this point, both Ou Yi and Wan realized that it was weird.

Wan only felt colder and colder. She didn't know if it was really cold, or if it was this weird feeling. This feeling that everyone had disappeared gave her a huge sense of fear.

"Ou Yi, where have they all gone?" Wan was terrified.

She was not afraid of herself, but of Qiao Li Chen and Ou Ye.

Ou Yi didn't know what was going on either. Fortunately, last night, he insisted on staying with Wan.

If she was left alone, and now she couldn't even find her, that would be the real urgency.

"Let's go back to the tent first. When the sun comes out later, maybe the fog will dissipate." Ou Yi comforted Wan.

However, the two of them walked around for a long time, and did not find where their tent was.

Wan was even more afraid, "What should we do? We can't go back!"

Ou Yi held Wan's hand tightly, afraid that Wan would disappear in the next second.

"Don't be afraid, we'll find it." Ou Yi comforted her.

Ou Yi took Wan and walked on, feeling like he wanted to go back to where he had come from.

"Listen, I think I heard the sound of water." Wan stopped and listened carefully.

Ou Yi listened for a long time, but did not hear any sound of water.

"Are you sure?" Ou Yi asked.

Wan nodded, "Really, I really heard the sound of water. It's on my right."

When Ou Yi heard this, he quickly pulled xiao wan to his side.

Keep her away from the sound of the water.

He wasn't sure where the sound of the water came from, and the water wasn't deep.

It would be bad if Wan accidentally fell in.

"Then we can't get close to the sound of water. We're going in the opposite direction." Ou Yi said.

Wan nodded and followed Ou Yi in the opposite direction.

The fog here was really too thick and visibility was very low.

Not sure if he heard the sound of water, Wan felt especially dry.

She wanted to get close to the sound of the water, but she also knew that it might be dangerous there.

I can only endure it.

"I think I saw the tent!" Ou Yi said suddenly.

Wan looked in the direction he pointed and saw nothing.

They walked on and saw the outline of the tent.

Both of them quickened their steps. When they reached the tent, they found that it was not the one they had lived in before.

And there was no one in the tent.

Before, they were all divided into groups of four. No matter what, these four people must be together.

So everyone slept at night, and the four of them slept together.

But now, there was no one in it.

"Whose tent is this?" Wan asked Ou Yi.

After ou yi pulled Wan in, he closed the tent door.

"It's too foggy outside to breathe." As Ou Yi spoke, he sat down and began to check whose tent it was.

When he realized that this was not his tent or Qiao Li Chen's tent, Ou Yi's face suddenly changed.

But Ou Yi didn't want Wan to panic.

"Maybe it's the tent that Qiao Li Chen's men live in." Ou Yi said.

Wan sat in the tent, not as cold as before.

"I don't know how long it will take for the sun to come out. I don't know how long it will take for the fog to dissipate." Wan was depressed and worried.

She and Ou Yi went out for a long time, but they didn't see Qiao Li Chen and the others.

I wonder how they are now and where they are.

Suddenly, a sentence from Ou Yi came to mind.

He said that the old patriarch had said that she and Ou Yi were the only ones left when the people who came in went out.

Is it related to the fog?

Did something really happen to all of them?

Wan could not help but sweat at the thought of this possibility.

She looked at Ou Yi, "My brother and the others won't be in trouble, will they?"

"No, don't worry. The fog in this valley may just be a natural phenomenon. We'll wait. When the fog clears, we'll see them." Ou Yi comforted Wan.

"But we can't find them, and they can't find us either. Will they get away from here and expand their search to find us? What will happen then?" Wan was burning with anxiety.

The uneasiness grew stronger and stronger.

"No!" Ou Yi was actually very uneasy, but he had to comfort Wan and not make Wan afraid.

Ou Yi found a bottle of water, took it out, and handed it to Wan.

Wan looked at the mineral water. It wasn't the brand they brought in, nor was it the brand Qiao Li Chen used.

He asked, "This water, it seems that we didn't bring it?"

"We brought it. We didn't just bring in one brand of water." Ou Yi told Wan.

Wan believed it, unscrewed the cap, and took a few sips.

She felt very dry just now, and now that she had drunk the water, the feeling of thirst was much better.