Chapter 966 Hidden River

Chapter 966 dark river

Wan's body fell down rapidly, and Ou Yi reacted very quickly. At the moment of falling, he took out a dagger and struck hard at the wall of the cave to reduce the force of the fall.

The wall of the cave was stone, and sparks rose from the dagger.

But he didn't expect that there was a hidden river at the bottom of the cave.

Ou Yi and Wan both fell into the dark river, which was like ice water, making them shiver.

Ou Yi swam quickly towards xiao wan, "Honey, we're going down the river. Maybe we'll go somewhere else."

Xiao wan nodded, but the water was too cold.

Her hands and feet quickly froze, and she could hardly move.

Ou Yi had a rope tied to Wan's body, and Wan didn't move behind him. He immediately realized it.

"Honey, let me help you!" Ou Yi quickly pulled out his backpack and pulled out a life jacket.

This life jacket was found in Qiao Li Chen's tent.

Ou Yi brought it out just in case.

After quickly helping xiao wan put it on, her body floated up.

As Ou Yi swam forward, he pulled on the rope and led Wan along.

A hole suddenly appeared here. After they fell from the top, they fell into the river.

Most likely, other people fell into the fog as well.

"Honey, you'll be out soon. Don't fall asleep." Ou Yi did not hear Wan's voice and felt uneasy.

Wan wanted to move, but the water was too cold for her to bear.

If Ou Yi hadn't put on her life jacket, she would have sunk into the water by now.


Wan suddenly thought of a question, "Didn't the mural we saw earlier say that we wanted to find ground water? Is this earth water?"

Ou Yi finally heard Wan's voice, sighed with relief and swam even harder.

It's very possible that the water from the deep spring was shown on the mural, but the water from the deep spring is most likely the underground water here. No matter how deep the spring is, there is no such depth." Ou Yi said.

"When we go out later, pack some of this water." Ou Yi said to Wan.

Wan didn't know why, even though it was cold, she still felt thirsty.

Open your mouth and drink directly into the dark river.

It was too cold. When you drank it, you could feel a chill all the way from your throat to your stomach.

But strangely, after drinking it, Wan was not as afraid of the cold as before.

I don't know if it was the ice water that irritated my stomach. After a while of ice, my body actually started to heat up.

As soon as it heated up, Wan gained strength and swam forward.

Ou Yi often exercised and had a good physique. He swam with Wan in the dark river for more than half an hour before he saw a glimmer of light.

"Honey, we'll be out soon. I can already see the light." Ou Yi kept talking to Wan all the way.

I was afraid she would fall asleep.

Wan wasn't cold anymore. She was holding on.

"Really?" Wan's eyes lit up at Ou Yi's words.

They had been swimming in the underground river for a long time.

She didn't know if she and ou yi would die in this dark river if they couldn't swim out.

Now Ou Yi showed her hope.

When there was hope, the two of them became much stronger.

Finally, he swam outside. The exit of the underground river was actually a cave.

There was a faint light, a bright moon at night.

Ou Yi led Wan to the shore.

Looking up at the high entrance, Ou Yi wondered if this was the way out or if he was going down the river.

Wan wriggled the water off his clothes and looked up at the high hole, "How are we going to get up? Did you bring a rope?"

Ou Yi nodded, "Yes, yes, but we have to get up from here. We can't just rely on rope."

"Then what should we do?" After Wan dried the water on his clothes, he came over and dried the water on Ou Yi's clothes.

Ou Yi smiled at the sight.

"I can do it myself. You should rest for a while." Ou Yi said to Wan.

Wan looked down at the river below him.

Under the cave, the riverside of the hidden river was not close to the cave wall, leaving a meter wide distance for Ou Yi and Wan to rest here.

"Can't we go up now?" Wan asked Ou Yi.

Ou Yi frowned, "Look at the wall of the cave. Because of the underground river, the wall of the cave is always wet. It is covered with moss and slippery. We can't climb it. Unless someone from above answers us!"

"Let's try. What if my brother and the others are really up there?" Wan said.

Ou Yi nodded, "We can try!"

But he saw that there was no sign of anyone going up under the hole.

I wonder if Ou Tian and the others are up there.

"Ou Tian, Ou Tian, Qiao Li Chen, Ou Ye..." Wan shouted from the bottom of the cave to the top.

Ou Yi shouted with her, and after a long time, no one responded.

"It seems that there is no one up there. Since we can't go up there, we can only go through the dark river. Maybe the exit isn't here." Ou Yi looked at Wan, afraid that she would not be able to hold on.

Wan nodded, "Well, let's continue swimming. There's no response from outside. They might not be up there."

"Take a break and we'll start swimming." You can't stay here all the time. Although there is food, the bottom of the cave, near the dark river, is very cold.

Xiao wan nodded and leaned against the stone wall, wanting to rest for a while.

But when she leaned back, she suddenly realized something was wrong, as if she heard something.

She was startled and said to Ou Yi, "Did you hear that?"

"What?" Ou Yi took out some cookies from his bag and handed them to Wan.

Wan said hurriedly, "I thought I heard a noise just now, as if I had touched something."

"Really?" Ou Yi stuffed the biscuit into Wan's hand and came over to check the wall Wan had touched before.

"Here?" Ou Yi asked xiao wan.

Wan nodded, "Yes, I was leaning here just now, and I heard the sound."

Ou Yi walked over and leaned against the wall, as Wan had leaned against before.

This time, there was no sound.

Wan felt strange and said to Ou Yi, "I'll try again."

Ou Yi nodded and moved aside.

Wan leaned back against the wall of the cave, which was covered with soft moss. Leaning against it, he felt comfortable instead of cold.

She used some force, and suddenly a voice came from behind her.

Wan looked at Ou Yi in surprise, "There's really a sound. Did you hear it this time?"