Chapter 972 Unconscious

Chapter 972 coma

Wan saw that Qiao Li Chen had never been able to make a decision. This was the first time she had seen him so embarrassed, so painful, and so struggling.

She said, "If you don't gamble, I may not know when or the next second, I will die. The voodoo was real, not fake. The voodoo insects will explode in my body at any moment. Don't hesitate any more. If you hesitate any more, it will hurt me. Instead, it deprives me of the right to live."

She sounded a little heavy, but she knew that if she didn't say that, he would be in pain and didn't know whether to agree or not.

Qiao Li Chen sighed deeply and looked deeply at Su Xiaowan.

"Okay, I promise!" He said to the old lady.

The old lady nodded, "Then follow the steps I told you to help me."

Qiao Li Chen nodded, "I see!"

Wan had already prepared herself, but when she saw the old lady carefully open the wooden box and take out the snake inside, she was still breathing nervously.

She's always been afraid of snakes, ever since she was a child!

At this moment, the snake still wanted to bite her.

She could not help but clench her fists and cheer herself up. At the same time, she also forced herself not to be afraid and not to retreat.

The old lady looked at Wan and said, "The snake bite doesn't hurt, but once it's bitten, within a few minutes, you'll be paralyzed."

Wan bit his lip, "I see!"

The old lady looked at Qiao Li Chen again, "We have to be quick. You can disinfect the scalpel under the fire first."

Qiao Li Chen moved quickly, disinfecting the scalpel, preparing all the other tools, and disinfecting everything that was needed.

"Now lie down and lift your clothes!" The old lady said to xiao wan.

Wan's eyelashes trembled and he lay down slowly.

She took a deep breath, not daring to look at her abdomen.

"I'm starting now. Are you ready?" The old lady asked joe Li Chen.

Qiao Li Chen nodded, "Ready!"

The old lady grabbed the snake and placed it on Su Xiaowan's stomach...

Qiao Li Chen's heart ached at the sight.

He only hoped that Wan would be fine.

After the snake bit Su Xiaowan, the old lady quickly put the snake into the wooden box and covered it.

Then he picked up the scalpel and stared at Su Xiaowan's belly.

"How do we know where the voodoo bug is?" Qiao Li Chen asked nervously.

The old lady said, "This snake venom can paralyze the voodoo insect. Once the voodoo insect senses danger, it will approach the belly button. At this time, if we look closely, we can see its rapid wriggle from the surface of the skin."

Sure enough, a minute later, something was wriggling on the skin surface of Su Xiaowan's abdomen.

"Right here!" The old lady and Qiao Li Chen couldn't help but get excited. Qiao Li Chen followed the old lady's instructions and held the voodoo around to prevent it from escaping again.

The old lady moved so fast that without anesthetic, she cut the scalpel straight into Su Xiaowan's abdomen.

We can't let the voodoo bug break in Su Xiaowan's body. It would have poison, an unsolvable poison.

The old lady's eyes were quick and her hands were quick. She had already quickly cut Su Xiaowan's belly open and used tweezers to remove the voodoo bug.

When it was taken out, the voodoo bug was still moving.

This voodoo insect is actually seven colors.

Although Su Xiaowan was bitten by a snake and showed signs of paralysis, it was only the one round of his stomach and the rest of his body, and everything was normal.

When Qiao Li Chen saw that the voodoo bug had finally been removed, he quickly poured disinfectant on her wound and applied all the herbs to stop the bleeding on it. At the same time, he had already lowered his head to inhale the place where she had been bitten before.

He knew it was too late, but at least he could suck the poison out of the wound where the snake bit him.

The old lady was surprised to see it.

She hurriedly fed Su Xiaowan the snake poison she had prepared before.

The antidote to the snake's poison was an ordinary one. The old lady was not sure if it was a powerful antidote to the snake's poison.

During the whole process, except when she was bitten by a snake, she felt a little pain. At the back, she didn't feel any pain in her stomach at all.

He only felt his stomach stiffen, and the feeling of stiffness slowly spread.

Soon, she fell into a daze.

Seeing this, Qiao Li Chen looked at the old lady, "What should we do now?"

"We can only wait. I have given her the medicine to understand the snake venom. Although I don't know if it will work, the poison that I hope to keep in her body can be counterbalanced with the snake venom."

The old lady had already said that she could not cure the snake of its deadly poison.

However, she still felt that the method that her ancestors left behind was feasible.

After all, if the ancestors really gave up the people of the tianding clan leader who had not come to the secret place as scheduled, they would not arrange for them to stay here for generations, waiting for the people who had been poisoned to come in, and let them personally take out the voodoo insects for the tianding clan leader.

The old lady put the voodoo into a glass bottle.

Qiao Li Chen frowned, worried.

The old lady had already bandaged up Su Xiaowan's wound. She looked at Qiao Li Chen and said, "This voodoo insect can't die yet. Take it back and keep it!"

"Why?" Qiao Li Chen looked at the old lady and asked.

"If this voodoo dies, you will be affected. So, you keep it. Use some animal blood and feed it every once in a while. Over time, once it eats and sucks animal blood, it will gradually lose its sensitivity to the voodoo insects in your body. By then, you will be free."

The old lady said to joe Li Chen.

"If the voodoo bug in my body can make me feel her hurt, I wish it was in my body all the time."

The old lady shook her head, "Now that the voodoo worms have been removed from her body, there is no connection between the two of you. You won't feel his pain anymore. Did you feel heartache just now when she was bitten by a snake and when I cut her skin with a scalpel? Once the voodoo insect was removed, your heart stopped hurting?"

Qiao Li Chen nodded and thought about it carefully. The pain just now seemed to have suddenly disappeared.

"Your relationship with Wan is over. In the past, the succession of the appointed clan leader would be affected for the rest of his life. You won't be affected unless you take out the voodoo insects like Wan."

The old lady looked into Qiao Li Chen's black eyes with a thick sense of nervousness, knowing that he was still worried about Wan, worried about the snake venom in Wan's body.

"She will wake up safe and sound." The old lady comforted Qiao Li Chen.

Qiao Li Chen was very confused and anxious.

Before Wan woke up, he knew he would always be in this state, always in this state of uneasiness.