Chapter 982 Who Are You?

Chapter 982 who are you?

Ou Yi quickly walked to Wan's side and grabbed her hand, "I'm here. I've been there."

Wan asked, "Is there a fight outside? Is it fake?"

Ou Yi nodded, "Yes, it's fake. Soon, we will fight. There will be gunshots and blood. Don't be afraid. It's all fake."

Wan listened and said, "I won't be afraid, but you should be more careful. What if there are too many people?"

"I see. Don't worry about us. You can act very angry later." Ou Yi said to Wan.

Wan smiled, "Experience the opportunity to be an actor. Very good!"

The noise outside was getting louder and louder, and the fight had already begun.

"Let me go out and have a look first!" Ou Tian got up and it was his turn to go.

Ou Yi nodded, "Go!"

After a while, Ou Tian's angry voice came.

Ou Ye and Ou Chen's angry voices were equally strong.

Wan was amused, "Is it your turn to play?"

Ou Yi nodded, "Yeah, I'm out too. Remember not to leave the tent!"

"I see. I won't leave the tent." Wan promised.

After Ou Yi left, the bickering and fighting became louder.

Qiao Li Chen's voice came in as well, "Ou Yi, you seem to think you've lived too long!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he shot directly at Ou Yi.

Ou Yi was shot suddenly, covering his chest and bending down.

When his men saw this, they immediately rushed over, took out their guns and fired at Qiao Li Chen.

Qiao Li Chen dodged so fast that he didn't seem to have been shot.

After the two sides fell into a chaotic gunfight, those who were watching nearby also ran back and joined the fight.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield smelled of blood, very thick!

Wan came out at this time, held the tent and shouted out, "Stop! Stop it!"

Her voice this time was really hysterical, especially panicky.

But a large area fell in front of him, and even Ou Yi was shot to the ground.

Wan couldn't see it. When Ou Yi saw her standing at the entrance of the tent, trying to walk out, he was so anxious that he shouted at Wan, "Don't come out. It's dangerous outside!"

Wan wasn't really coming out, he was just acting.

Hearing this, she stopped and shouted in Ou Yi's direction, "Ou Yi, are you okay?"

Ou Yi smiled bitterly, "Why would I be okay? You don't have to be afraid. Go in and wait for me. I'll get rid of those eyesore people and go in to find you!"

Wan listened to the gunshots getting quieter and quieter. It seemed that everyone was almost dead or injured.

She nodded, "Okay, then I'll wait for you. Don't worry!"

Qiao Li Chen knew that Wan was acting.

But when he heard her say this to Ou Yi, his heart was still very uncomfortable.

You know, he was shot too!

Although it was fake, he was also lying on the ground.

But he didn't have Wan's comfort, but Ou Yi did.

Wan returned to the tent, but he was still very worried and asked loudly, "Why is there no sound?"

Ou Yi had to pretend to be rude and said to Wan, "It's okay. We solved them all. I'm cleaning up the bodies."

Wan heard this and shouted, "Are they all dead?"

"Mmm!" Ou Yi replied.

"How could this be? They are people too!" Wan looked a little conflicted and sad.

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard the sound of wind and grass.

She didn't know if it was because she couldn't see it, so her hearing became extremely sensitive or what was going on. She heard the rustling sound, getting closer and closer.

Hurriedly shouted to Ou Yi, "Ou Yi, are you still there?"

Ou Yi also heard the sound of wind and grass. He fell to the ground and was still alive, but it seemed that only half of his life was left. Qiao Li Chen looked at each other. He said to xiao wan, "I'm still here!"

Her voice was weak and she gasped for air.

Wan noticed something was wrong and quickly got up and walked to the tent door, "Ou Yi, what's going on? How did I hear that your voice was a little strange? Were you hurt too? Where's my brother? Why haven't I heard my brother's voice?"

Ou Tian fell to the ground and pretended to be dead!

There was a lot of blood on his body, which was actually rabbit blood and fish blood.

All the blood was kept.

There wasn't enough blood. Qiao Li Chen went to find some grass with red juice, squeezed it into juice, and applied it on his body.

At night, the lights in the tent came out. As long as they came closer, they could see the blood on their bodies.

They waited for those people to approach them with ease before they could strike out and kill them all.

"Big brother went there to chase the escaped man. I was not hurt." Ou Yi's voice was even more laborious.

Wan pretended to hear something wrong, his eyes filled with panic, and even his voice was scared, "You lied to me. You must be hurt, right?"

As she spoke, she was about to walk out again.

Ou Yi was shot in the chest. He covered his heart and struggled to get up from the ground, trying to walk towards Wan.

"Don't come over. Just stand there and wait for me. I'll be right there!" Ou Yi covered his wound and walked with difficulty step by step.

Behind them, someone had already emerged from the bushes and started approaching them.

But they were getting closer slowly, so they might still be testing their minds.

Ou Ye, who was waiting in the tree, saw this scene. He did not expect that there were twenty people behind him!

If the other party did not move out of the nest, then the other party's people combined, it is likely to be more than the two teams.

Fortunately, Qiao Li Chen thought of such a trick to lure the enemy. Otherwise, if they were allowed to follow behind, it would be very dangerous. He might not know when he would be killed.

Ou Yi also felt something approaching behind him. He turned around abruptly and saw the number of people moving slowly. His face suddenly changed.

"Honey, go in, don't come out!" Ou Yi shouted immediately.

Hearing this, Wan subconsciously walked inside.

She also felt that the enemy Qiao Li Chen was trying to lure had already appeared.

And Ou Yi's call was a signal.

Those who were lying in a pool of blood, pretending to be dead or seriously injured, were on high alert, waiting for the best time to come.

Neither Ou Yi nor Qiao Li Chen expected so many people.

No matter how good their plan is, it will be extremely difficult to annihilate the enemy at a stalemate between the enemy and us. It will depend on the opportunity.

Ou Yi looked at the people who were approaching, covering their wounds and half-bowing in pain. A look of genuine panic flashed in his eyes, "Who are you?"