Chapter 984 Complete

Chapter 984 is complete

Hearing them talk about Ou Tian, Wan quickly asked, "Did my brother go after those people too? Is there any ambush ahead?"

Qiao Li Chen heard this and looked at Wan in the tent.

Although he knew that Ou Tian was not Wan's biological brother, Wan had been there for a long time, supporting each other with Ou Tian.

Wan and Ou Yi could be as affectionate, let alone Ou Tian.

But he didn't say anything. At this time, it was not appropriate for him to respond to Wan before Ou Yi did.

"Honey, you don't have to worry. I'll take a look now." As Ou Yi spoke, he waved for a few people, all with guns in their hands, ready to go forward.

When Wan heard this, he became anxious.

"Ou Yi, don't go!"

Ou yidun stepped down and recognized the urgency in her words.

But in his heart, he was inexplicably happy.

This meant that she was worried about him!

"Don't worry, I'll be careful!" Ou Yi said.

Wan was afraid that something would happen to him, so he said, "If you leave, who will protect me?"

Ou Yi immediately changed his mind and the people under his opponent said, "You go ahead and take a look."

Instead of going, he went back inside and looked at Wan.

Qiao Li Chen's eyes darkened, and he felt a little displeased.

He didn't know that Wan was so worried about Ou Yi just now because he felt that he owed Ou Yi.

He still had feelings for Ou Yi.

Because at that moment, he saw that Wan's reaction was subconscious.

Subconsciously, she was afraid that something might happen to Ou Yi.

Ou Chen came over at this time and said, "My sister values her feelings more. As long as she is good to her, she will cherish them. So, she didn't want anything to happen to Ou Yi just now, just because she felt like she owed Ou Yi a lot."

Qiao Li Chen also wanted to use this reason to convince himself, at least to make his depressed heart feel better.

"Mmm!" He answered, looked at Ou Chen, and said, "How many people do you think the other party brought?"

Ou Chen shook his head, "In the beginning, I thought that the other party was like us at most, bringing in more than a dozen people. I really didn't expect that there would be so many people. Besides, the other party couldn't have gone out with the whole nest just now, so they left something behind."

"Yes! Ou Tian is also a smart man. After chasing a distance, he hasn't caught anyone yet. He should be coming back." Qiao Li Chen said.

Sure enough, not long after, Ou Tian returned with his men.

The people who went to find Ou Tian came back with him.

As soon as he came back, he walked towards Qiao Li Chen.

"After a while, those people disappeared." Ou Tian's face was downcast. Most importantly, he wanted to know how the other party managed to escape so skillfully.

As expected by Qiao Li Chen, he said to Ou Tian, "It's okay. It's too late. Let's pack up and get some rest. We have to go tomorrow."

Ou Tian was a little worried, "Let's rest now. What if they come back to seek revenge on us?"

Qiao Li Chen shook his head, "They dare not come back!"

"Why are you so sure?" Ou Tian didn't understand.

"They suffered heavy casualties. Since they brought so many people in, their purpose must be either to be interested in Secret place or to kill us who came in with them."

"But now that they are almost done by us, they have to preserve their strength to prevent us from attacking again. Otherwise, the sniper wouldn't have appeared out of the blue and caught us off guard. The only thing the other party wants us to do is to think that they are still strong and are ready to retaliate at any time, so that we are careful not to retaliate against them."

Ou Tian heard it and understood.

"In other words, the sniper just showed up to cover his ears. We are now basically certain that for the time being, they won't dare attack us. We can also have a good night's rest." Ou Tian said.

Qiao Li Chen nodded, "That's what I mean."

After that, he said, "Go and see Wan!"

Ou Tian nodded and walked towards the tent where Ou Yi and Wan were staying.

Wan heard Ou Tian's voice and smiled.

"Brother, you're back! Are you hurt?"

Ou Tian shook his head, "I'm not hurt. Don't worry!"

After that, he said to Ou Yi, "Qiao Li Chen said we should rest first so that we can catch up tomorrow."

Ou Yi frowned, "He's sure it's safe now?"

Ou Tian told Ou Yi what Qiao Li Chen had just said.

Ou Yi wasn't sure. Qiao Li Chen wasn't right.

But if everything was as qiao lichen expected, it could only prove that Qiao Li Chen was really a great person.

Ou Yi was a technological genius, but his intelligence and planning were not as good as Qiao Li Chen's.

But right now, whether Qiao Li Chen was right or wrong, he couldn't let Osh continue.

He said to Wan, "Honey, you should rest first!"

Wan nodded, "Okay!"

She also knew that when she was resting, no one had to worry about her to get a good rest.

She lay down and looked up at the dark sky.

It was early morning.

She didn't know what time it was or if it was a little brighter.

There was always darkness in front of him.

"Ou Yi, you should go to bed early too. You have to go tomorrow." Wan said to Ou Yi.

According to Qiao Li Chen's plan, after killing the people behind them, they will start a new plan.

At that time, the little party would fake death and make Ou Yi give up.

It wasn't that he didn't want to, but Wan always felt guilty.

All right, but let Ou Yi bear her deceit, bear the harm that her fake death brought to him.

But this was the only way. Wan was really afraid that ou yi would know about her cheating on him.

He was afraid that his mental illness would relapse again.

After the fake death, they went back to their own worlds and ended up together for the past few months.

Maybe, it's good for everyone!

"Ou Yi!" Wan heard his breathing and knew he was still in the tent.

"What's wrong?" Ou Yi asked quickly.

"Has my brother left?" Wan asked.

"Let's go! He went back to rest. Ou Yi told her.

"Then you should get some rest!"

Wan said again.

"Okay, I'm lying down too!" Ou Yi was also in his sleeping bag.

He didn't leave the tent, he didn't leave her.

Wan felt like he had a lot to say to him.

But when it came to words, he didn't know what to say.

It was getting closer and closer.

I really hope he can have a smooth ride in the future!

Wan thought about it and fell asleep.

By the time she woke up, it was already dawn.

She couldn't see or know if there was anyone in the tent.

She tried to call out, "Ou Yi!"

Ou Yi wasn't there. It was Ou Tian's response.

"He went to make you breakfast." Ou Tian said.

"Oh!" Wan sat up and Ou Tian handed her the coat.

"He's always like this. He has to cook every mouthful of food and dish I eat." At this point, Wan suddenly felt sad.

Ou Tian looked into Wan's godless eyes and could actually hear the guilt in her words.

Wan, don't think so much. Meeting people is fate. Separation is not without fate, nor is it the end of fate, but completion." Ou Tian consoled.