Chapter 3

Name:Forgotten Juliet Author:차유로
The Duke’s carriage, with Juliet inside, soon arrived at the Capital’s Great Temple.

It was early in the morning, but there were already rows of colourful carriages lining up outside the temple. Today was the last day of the year. In addition, it was also the day the temple made the most money.

Juliet deliberately stepped down from the carriage at a distance.

“I’ll return soon.”

Few people recognised Juliet walking alone without a maid. Thanks to that, Juliet was able to visit the temple without interruption.

If a family donated to the temple, they could write a wish on a piece of paper, and the temple would light a candle in their name. Moreover, the larger the donation, the larger and more splendid the candle was.

It was a shallow trick, but aristocrats who needed the luck would open their wallets generously.

Already, there were quite a few candles lit around the altar as if many had already made wishes for the New Year. Because of this, the white marble statue that stood directly below the domed ceiling looked as if it was wearing a halo.

It was only after Juliet took out her purse and gold coins that she realised she didn’t have any particular wish in mind.

‘What wish should I make?’

As Juliet stared blankly at the statue of the Goddess, she heard whispers from behind.


“That woman?”

“That’s the Duke of Carlisle’s …….?”

She didn’t even have to look back to feel their penetrating stares.

Lennox Carlisle was completely indifferent to social gatherings and the like, but the nobles of the Empire were extremely interested in him.

An unmarried young Duke.

A rich and powerful ruler.

Only once a year did the Duke of the North appear in the capital. It was only for the Royal Palace’s New Year banquet.

He always showed up at the banquet with beautiful partners, and every year it would be a new woman. Even though they never lasted over 3 months, the women were known as ‘the lovers of Carlisle’.

His short-term lovers received a great amount of attention from people.

Truthfully, the taste and indifference of the Duke of Carlisle also played a part. The Duke’s lovers were all beautiful, but of surprisingly low status.

The dazzling beauties, low in status and somewhat lacking in culture, were perfect prey for the society’s aristocrats to sink their teeth into.

People were busy laughing at the appearance of the Duke’s new lover, how shallow his taste was, and how naive the women were.

However, the most popular topic of gossip was something else. What happened to them after their relationship with the Duke ended?

“No, isn’t that Miss Montagu?”

Sure enough.

As soon as Juliet asked the young Priest to light a candle after handing over her gold coins, people came over to greet her.

“Miss Montagu, when did you arrive in the Capital?”

“Are you doing well?”

“I sent you an invitation to a tea party the other day, but I’m not sure if you received it.”

“I’ll be terribly upset if you keep refusing.”

After taking a deep breath, Juliet smiled and responded moderately.

“I’m a little busy. Thank you for the invitation, but I’ll have to decline.”

She offered them a smiling face, but drew a clear line. Their words were meaningless anyway. Juliet knew very well what they said about her behind her back.

A few years ago, people were shocked when Juliet Montagu first appeared as the partner of the Duke of Carlisle.

It was because she was completely different to the Duke’s past lovers before her.

Once, Juliet Montagu was the only daughter of a historic Count family. Although the Montagu family had nothing to boast about beyond their past contributions to society, it was a status considerably higher than the Duke’s past lovers.

Moreover, until her, the lovers of the Duke of Carlisle were all of a certain type of gorgeous beauty, with wide, open eyes. On the other hand, Juliet was of a more elegant and refined beauty, with delicate eyes as if painted by a brush.

Those who remembered the Duke of Carlisle’s tastes were left puzzled.

The deceased Count and Countess Montagu, and their only daughter, Juliet, were rarely the topic of gossip. Lennox Carlisle on the other hand…

He was the Duke of the North, the centre of all sorts of rumours and gossip.

However, for a woman from a fallen family to appear at the dance, holding the hand of the Duke of Carlisle was… And a dazzlingly beautiful woman at that.

The embarrassment was only brief, and soon people chattered with interest.

The subject had changed, but nothing had truly changed. The moment she foolishly took the hand of the Duke of Carlisle, Juliet Montagu’s ending was decided.

The higher the status, the harder the fall. Juliet had become the perfect prey for the socialites to sink their teeth into.

Mockery under the guise of sympathy.

People placed bets over how many months it would take for Juliet Montagu to be abandoned by the Duke. Everyone laughed at the foolish Countess, expecting her downfall.

But a month passed, and then 2 months. However, even after the season and the year changed, no news was heard.

Juliet Montagu still resided in the North, and she was still the Duke’s lover.

People were disappointed.

Of course, no one mistakenly believed that the Duke had really fallen in love.

The only Duke of the Empire not belonging to the Royal Family… The fallen Countess Montagu wasn’t nearly good enough to become his Duchess.

Not only that, but the Duke of Carlisle’s attitude to her was no different to his previous lovers.

If the Duke of Carlisle really thought of her as a serious partner, or cared for her at all, he would have sanctified that love with marriage since they were both of the perfect age.

However, those that were dissatisfied now began to blatantly criticise Juliet with jabs of sarcasm.

People didn’t think she would be the Northern Duchess. And Juliet also agreed with this idea.

Contrary to many peoples’ misconceptions, Juliet never thought she would marry him. After all, she was the person who knew Lennox Carlisle best.

Whenever she wasn’t needed, she was easily cast aside.

“Oh, who is this?”

Suddenly, the entrance to the temple became bustling with noise, shortly followed by the appearance of a woman with a group of people in tow.

She greeted Juliet cheerfully.

“It’s been a long time, Miss Juliet.”

“…….Princess Priscilla.”

Although she could feel the blatant hostility, Juliet bowed politely, pretending not to notice.

It was Princess Priscilla, the Emperor’s niece.

In an imperial family without a daughter, she monopolised the Emperor’s affections. As a result, Priscilla enjoyed the status of a Princess in society.

She was also famous in a different sense, as she was the first person to dance with Lennox Carlisle when he first attended the banquet 10 years ago.

‘So precocious.’

Princess Priscilla was only 15 years old at the time.

Anyway, after that day, the Princess fell in love with the Duke of the North, and began to beg the Emperor. To send a marriage proposal to the Duke of Carlisle.

The Emperor was troubled by this for a while. If Lennox Carlisle were to marry the Emperor’s niece, it would be like giving wings to an already dangerous threat*.

On the contrary, if rejected, it would be a disgrace to the Imperial Family. In the end, however, because of Priscilla’s stubbornness, rumours were spread that a proposal had been made in the name of the royal family.


“I’m awfully late, but congratulations on your engagement, Princess.”

“That’s okay. If you live in a rural village, it’s natural to receive the news later.”

There were thorns in her words, but Juliet simply smiled lightly. There was a limit on being charming.

Half a year ago, Priscilla eventually became engaged to Count Caspera, a relative of the Imperial Family.

Juliet made eye contact with a young man standing beside Princess Priscilla as he openly glanced at her. Judging from his disapproving stare and fancy clothing, he seemed to be Count Caspera.

Not a bad choice for the Princess.

Count Capera was the adopted son of the Marquis of Guinness, and when his father dies, he’s to become the Marquis.

The Marquis of Guinness was a great nobleman who ruled over the Southern territories of the Empire.

“Well, this is great. It’s fate that we met like this, so let’s make a wish together!”

Suddenly, Priscilla pulled Juliet’s arm. Then, she clasped her arm as if she was a close friend and led Juliet to the altar.

“It’s been a long time. So, I want to light a candle for Miss Montagu.”

With a friendly expression, Priscilla took out a gold coin.


The gold coin fell from Priscilla’s hand onto the floor.

“Oh my Goodness.”

It was obviously a deliberate move.

“Sorry. My hand slipped. Juliet, can you pick it up for me?”

As she spoke, Priscilla stepped on the dropped coin with her shoe.

“Okay, Juliet? Since we’re friends.”

Only then did people burst out laughing, realising Princess Priscilla’s intentions. Spectators folded their arms as if they were wondering how Juliet would react.

Juliet glanced down at Priscilla’s shoes as she stepped on the gold coins.

It was a technique she often used to humiliate the Duke’s lovers. A shallow trick asking her to do this or that, eventually resulting in her bowing to Priscilla’s feet.

Juliet neither blushed nor panicked.

Perhaps Princess Priscilla had forgotten who Juliet Montagu was.

Although the family had fallen, the Montagu’s were a founding member of the Empire. And although she’d stayed in the North for the past few years, Juliet had grown up in the capital. She was used to these childish little tricks.

Everyone wanted to see her embarrassed and disgraced, but even if she chose the wrong partner back then, she was far from foolish.

Juliet smiled calmly instead of reddening with contempt.

She wasn’t a naive little girl who chased after lovers.

‘Not naive enough to burst into tears from something like this.’

And, most crucially, Juliet Montagu was in a bad mood today.

“What are you doing? Come on, Juliet,” Priscilla urged her again.

Normally, she would’ve let it slide because of her dislike of bothersome things……….

Juliet simply smiled again as she stared at Priscilla, who seemed to glow in her eyes.

“I have a better idea, Princess.”

A better idea?

It was at that moment when a confused expression settled on Priscilla’s face.

Clink. Clang.

With a cheerful sound, numerous gold coins fell from Juliet’s hands. Priscilla watched in dismay.

After pouring all of her gold coins to the floor, Juliet spoke,

“I forgot about your gift earlier.”

“This, what is this……….”

“Congratulations on your marriage, Princess,” Juliet added with a straight smile.

And then she repeated Priscilla’s own words from moments ago.

“Oh, I have slippery hands. But we’re friends. You wouldn’t be mad about this, would you?”

In an instant, the inside of the temple became as silent as the dead.