Chapter 87

In the original story, it was because of Liliana that Sihael didn’t become a wolf. She must have removed them all before Sihael stepped into the banquet hall. But this time, because they couldn’t be together, Sihael was caught in the empress’s clutches.

Anxious, I bit my lips hard.

“Is there any way to stop it? What should I do if something like this happens in the future?”

Is there no other option except to keep Liliana at Sihael’s side in some way?

However, I was hesitant to do so. There’s no way they’d cooperate properly if there was still a spark of enmity between them.

Liliana sighed deeply as she looked at my pleading eyes.

“I’ll make you an armor.”

“Really? You would?”

I sprang to my feet and grabbed Liliana. Liliana flinched at my frightening gesture.

“It’s hard right now, but I’ll try.”

“Thank you! Liliana, do you need anything? I’ll get you everything!”

It wasn’t simply empty words; I could get her anything she wanted. Money? Honor? Power? Even if there was something I couldn’t get, Sihael could.

However what Liliana actually wanted was completely unexpected.

“Then, promise me you won’t use your blood recklessly in the future.”


“I don’t think you’ll listen to me even if I tell you to stay away from him, so please take care of yourself.”

“Okay, I promise.”

It was so simple that I was embarrassed by the trivial request.

‘Why are you trying to help me like this?’

I was just a minor character, but the feeling of being protected by the heroine was unfamiliar. Liliana reached out and carefully rubbed my lips.

Then she totally healed my injured lip, leaving no trace of it. Similarly, Liliana cleaned up the teeth marks on my neck before grabbing my hand.

“I’m sorry I rushed to you recklessly. However, my concern for you is sincere.”

“That… why do you care so much about me?”

It would be an exaggeration to claim she was acting in this manner because she was kind and nice. She was very protective of me, as if I were her own child.

“Though meeting people with unusual blood like us is uncommon, it is not impossible. As we travel through life, we occasionally run into one other and may even build a relationship.”

She had a distant look in her eyes, as if reminiscing old memories.

“”I was friends with someone like that before I met you. They were good people. The two of them were a couple. The husband had a rare blood like the young lady, and his wife was a demon.”

[T/N: The term demon in the novel refers to half human and half monster beings. The closest word that I could find for it was therianthrope. Hope this cleared some of your confusion.]

It was a love that transcended races. Liliana drew her lips together and smiled softly.

“Despite the disapproval of the people around him, the man married the demon woman. He thought their love was stronger than his wife’s appetite.”

Ah, this story was strangely similar to me and Sihael…

It was just our tale if you changed the relationship from a couple to friends.

“The couple adopted and raised a child, starting a happy family. Just like any ordinary couple.”

She whispered softly as if telling a secret.

“Did the wife overcome her appetite?”

I already knew the answer to the question just by looking at Liliana’s tearful eyes.

“No, their love failed. The wife couldn’t resist her urge and cut out her husband’s heart. She even chewed it well before swallowing it into her stomach.”


“After swallowing her husband whole, the wife regained her reason, but was shocked by what she had done and took her own life.”

“The child…”


A heavy silence hung in the room. Sihael also closed his eyes. He was lost in thought , and I couldn’t tell how he felt.

“I wanted you to get further apart because I’d seen people lose their lives by staying close like the two of you. It was all for the sake of you two.”

So, my relationship with Sihael really touched on Liliana’s trauma. Liliana was concerned about us as we inadvertently became closer.

She considered not just the possibility of Sihael eating me, but also the possibility of him collapsing after eating me.

“The more His Highness eats the young lady’s blood, the more he will become greedy and crave it. He’ll crave it like an addict. Endlessly. He’ll eventually consume you.”

Liliana’s steady gaze was fixed on me. She seemed to be telling me to flee now because it wasn’t too late for me.

But I had no intention of fleeing.

‘I gave up running away from the moment I gave up my neck to Sihael.’

Sihael had the same thought as well. Instead of moving away from me, he devised a solution.

“Is there any way to control my appetite?”

“No, Your Highness, you have to overcome it yourself. I don’t know if it’s possible.”

Sihael, unable to refute Liliana’s words, averted his gaze. He might be recalling the recent memory of almost eating me.

“If you wish to stay together, you must break the curse. If you completely get out of your wolf form, being affected by blood will also naturally disappear.”

To do that, Liliana and Sihael had to imprint…

“But I don’t think it’s going to be easy.”

Yeah, that’s right. I gave a firm nod. The two persons in front of me appeared to have travelled a long and winding path to go from nothing to developing feelings for each other.

“So, why don’t you leave His Highness behind and come with me?”