Chapter 106

More tears flowed from my eyes from the unexpected shock.

Then, something warm and watery touched my eyes, and that was the lips of Sihael…

When I realized that, my face was heated up. I couldn’t speak and my mouth was twitching, but Sihael wrapped his arms around the back of my head and pulled me into his arms. I was helplessly dragged and hugged by his chest, and I opened my mouth in a daze.

Thump, thump, thump.

I was embarrassed by the sound of my heart beating loudly as if a drum was being beaten.

‘Is this the sound of Sihael heartbeats, or mine…?’

It was definitely the sound of Sihael’s heartbeats, but it didn’t seem it was his only. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears.

Why? Why? Why on earth? As I flinched in panic, the hand wrapped around my shoulder tightened. I was again buried in his chest. At the strange atmosphere, I averted my eyes which were only looking at Sihael’s eyes.

What should I do? Should I push him away?

After listening to the sound of his heart for a long time, I could hear his low voice above my head.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“Oh, no. I’m sorry, too. I didn’t want to cry, but all of a sudden…”

I couldn’t finish my sentence. How could I explain this? That I cried because I was very upset that he was angry?

‘How can I say that without feeling ashamed?’

I shut my mouth tight.

“You cried, Rosetta.”

“I cried for the first time today.”

“Yes, yes.”

Sihael patted my head and said,

“Thank you for saving me.”

Oh, yeah, that was the most important thing. I missed what I had to say because we suddenly raised our voices and started to fight.

“Thank you for saving me too.”

As we calmed down and looked back at each other, the strange atmosphere gradually returned to normal. Our fight seemed to have been settled, but Sihael was a more persistent man than expected.

“Still, don’t feed me your blood if possible.”


Just when I was about to open my mouth, Sihael quickly added.

“It’s because I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake. Miss Stubborn, please listen to me at least once.”

“There’s nothing to worry about. I subdued you again this time.”

Sihael smiled lightly when I proudly told him how I had knocked him out at once by pressing a vital point.

“That’s great, Rosetta. You subdued me even when I completely lost my reason. You’re so cool.”

“Of course. Even when Your Highness was Shasha, I subdued you with my fists.”

“Good job. I’m so proud of you.”

After bombarding me with compliments, Sihael stroked my hair. It felt good, even though the soft caressing hands were ticklish.

But we couldn’t stay hugging like this.

‘If we go on like this, my heart might burst…’

I was careful not to touch Sihael’s chest as much as possible. Of course, both of us were naked, so all the skin-touching kept bothering me.

“Excuse me, Your Highness, now please,”

The moment I looked up and saw Sihael, our eyes met. My gaze naturally lowered to his lips. Recalling the kiss that landed on my eye, I hurriedly lowered my eyes.

“Why are you avoiding me?”

“No, I’m not.”

“No, you clearly avoided me.”

Excited to find something to tease after a long time, Sihael stuck his face close to me. He pulled the corners of his lips and whispered playfully.

“Are you embarrassed?”


I was indeed embarrassed…!

I raised my head and turned around in surprise seeing his face in front of me.  Sihael burst into laughter, as if he found my overreaction more fun than usual.

“Who would believe you if you said no with such a face? Huh?”

Laughing, Siehael teased my hair.

‘It’s annoying! I can’t see his face, huh?’

I blinked in surprise seeing the black object at the entrance to the cave.  A three-headed snake looked at us and flicked its tongue. It was a Lumiyan that appeared in his main body after a long time.


For the first time, Lumiyan looked like an angel. But that lasted only for a moment. I was left speechless at the sight unfolding in front of me.

“I found her first!”

“No! It was me!”

“Get out of the way, both of you! Master, I found you first!”

The three snake heads began to fight.

“Excuse me, guys…”

Their fight didn’t stop despite my confused expression. The first head that had finally won flashed its eyes at me.

“I was the first to find you ! I did a good job, right?”

“Yes, you did well.”

When I smiled at the first snake who wished for praise, it twisted its body as if it was happy. The second shouted in disgust.

“You fool! We have to get out of here!”

“Oh, that’s right! Master. Let’s go. Leonard is very, very worried!”

“Sorry, I’ll be there now!”

I immediately got up, but the arms wrapped around my waist made me fall forward. When I held onto Sihael’s shoulder in a hurry, I was surprised by the warmth in my hand and took away my hands.

“Your Highness? What are you doing? Let me go!”

“Are you more pleased with that snake than with me?”

Is this the time to argue about that? We were finally able to escape this damn cave, but Sihael did not let me go.

“Of course! Lumiyan is here to save us!”

“I told you I can’t be just a paramour like that.”

I grabbed the back of my neck at the bullshit I hadn’t heard in a long time. Sihael clung to me, saying even if I frowned and hit his shoulder, he couldn’t let me go like this. I pushed away Sihael’s chest and asked Lumiyan.

“Are you here alone, Lumiyan? What about my brother and Nanabi?”

However, Lumiyan just stared blankly at me and Sihael in shock with his tongue flicking here and there.


“Hey, you pervert doggie!

Lumiyan revealed his sharp fangs and slammed his body against Sihael. The coward Lumiyan attacked Sihael first! I didn’t know where he got the courage but I couldn’t help but gape at the astonishing sight.

“You punk.”

Surprisingly, Lumiyan didn’t get kicked out by Sihael and his attack worked unexpectedly. Lumiyan, who wrapped his body around Sihael’s arm, pulled it back with all his might and flicked his tongue menacingly. At first glance, Lumiyan had the upper hand. Even so, I was more worried about Lumiyan than Sihael.

‘Lumiyan is in trouble.’

I gulped nervously when I saw Sihael’s enraged face.

Look at those cold eyes! It seemed difficult for Lumiyan to live a normal life now.

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