Chapter 435

Name:From the Apocalypse Author:风邻晩
These people are gang members with guns. They are not much stronger than ordinary people in terms of strength and personal ability, but they are more courageous

In the face of Shen Guang, a powerful assassin, as long as Shen Guang doesn't want to be found, they can't find it at all, and they don't know what they will face.

When an individual dies, the gunfire begins to decrease, not as intense as before. Finally, the gunfire stops,

At this time, those who were shooting at each other also found that the situation was wrong.

Although the shooting was fierce, they all knew that everyone was prepared this night. Not many people were really shot. Even if they were shot, they wouldn't be like this. There was no sound.

Looking at the dark environment around, like the mouth of the devil, these people, somehow, had a cold sweat on their forehead, and the pistol trembled uncontrollably in their hands.

"Get out! All, all come with me! Get out of here! " The guy with the general leader summoned up the courage to shout. After opening his mouth, he found that he was the only one around. The men around me disappeared all of a sudden!

"Damn it! Where have you all been? "

Escaped? impossible! There can't be no footsteps!

"Michael, Mike! Is that you? " I felt the cold around me and trembled a little.

Poof! It was quiet around, and the only sound that responded to him was the soft sound.

Boom! Gollum!

Something landed and rolled.

"Who's here? Talk? "

He walked towards the sound, and it seemed that he had kicked something under his feet. Gollum! The thing rolled on the ground.

What's that? I didn't see anything that could roll before I came here, did I? What's wrong with your feet?

The man thought in surprise and looked around carefully to make sure there was no danger. Then he looked down at the ground through the dim light in the distance, and finally saw what was on the ground.

That's a ferocious blood dripping head, and it's Mike's head he just shouted! Close contact with these, blood came to my face.

"Ah!" The man was startled. As a result, he sat down on the ground. The whole man didn't know why. He was inexplicably frightened. He threw away his hands. The pistol supported his legs and retreated desperately.

Brush! Terrified, he showed his extraordinary strength and made him move ten meters away with his hands almost between breathing.

The explosive movement of ten meters made him gasp until he saw a person in the dark. The whole person was shocked and almost stopped breathing.

"You..." what did he want to say.

Poof! The whole person didn't know what was going on. He quickly fell into the dark and couldn't see anything. Then he couldn't feel anything.

"You have gained ten points of experience!"

The system prompts, and Shen Guang stops to look at the scene. There is no living guy at the scene.

The corpses on the ground fell to the ground in a mess, and the smell of blood slowly dispersed around them.

Shen Guang killed Shen Guang in no more than a minute from the shooting to the end. That is, in the end, this man let Shen Guang waste some time.

In the distance, the police car had stopped drinking and looked at here almost dimly.

In the night sky, the red and black lights on the heads of these policemen are very eye-catching, similar to those gang members who have just been killed, which makes Shen Guang doubt whether these guys are pretending.

At the next moment, Shen Guang came here without hesitation. The electricity was general and almost came in an instant. What's more amazing is that Shen Guang didn't make a huge sound at such a fast speed.

"The gunfire seems to have stopped?"

When Shen Guang got here, he heard the murmur inside the car.

The people inside almost drank too much, and their tongue trembled when they spoke.

Then, Shen Guang smelled the strong wine smell and looked at the empty wine bottles on the ground. He knew that these guys didn't drink less. It's so cold in this season. It seems normal to drink and warm up in this chaotic age without rescue restrictions,

"Eh? Who are you? "

When Shen Guang arrived, the police inside finally found him. A policeman rubbed his eyes and looked at Shen Guang incredulously. There was no one outside the window before. This time, a man suddenly appeared. If he hadn't looked carefully, he would have almost made a mistake.

Shen Guang didn't answer him. Instead, he looked directly into the hole and examined them and the police car.

"Eh?" He looked at a bag in the car, which contained powdery things. Looking at the amount, it was at least two kilograms.

Poison powder?

So many?

This made Shen Guang not believe it, because poison powder was forbidden, but it was not cheap. This tape, with these policemen, could not have so much poison powder. It was too hot for them to hold on.

"What's in the bag? Poison powder? " Shen Guang asked.

His tone is soft and magnetic, like an old friend for many years. He is intimate and trusted, and can easily remove each other's defense.

When asked, Shen Guang's spiritual power has been launched, quietly affecting the police inside, making the other party relax their vigilance and willing to share their secrets with him.

"Yes, it's poison powder..."

The effect was good. When Shen Guang asked, the other party explained the source of these poisonous powders.

Shen Guang nodded. That's reasonable. Otherwise, these things can't be eaten by four policemen.

Those guys who are almost crazy for money, if they have no backers, these things really have to get in trouble. Even the police will rob them.

Immediately, Shen Guang's face was cold, but his tone did not change. He still asked in a faint tone. His affinity strength suddenly increased: "say, what good has your director done?"

"Our director..."

The four policemen, balabalabala, told Shen guanglai all the secrets they knew, and complemented each other.

"Well, strange, why did I tell you this?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"No, he knows. The director will kill us!"

"Ah? What about that? "

"Kill, kill him!"

These people were very vigilant. When Shen Guang lifted their control, they reacted at once. Then there were a lot of sweat on his forehead. The whole person woke up in panic. Even if he was slow due to drinking, he still realized the seriousness of the problem and tried to make up for it.

When it came to killing him, the policeman had drawn out the ordinary police pistol.

"He intended to attack the police."

Take out the gun, open the bolt, and aim the muzzle at Shen guanglai. The charges have been netted. There is no doubt that the man will shoot the next minute.

"Yes, yes! I can testify! He just intended to attack the police! "

The other policemen did not react slowly. The whole person quickly woke up, and immediately cooperated tacitly, and the more they said, the more powerful they became, as if things were really like what they said.

With the intention of attacking the police, the police here can kill the gangster directly! And they belong to self-defense, and they won't have any trouble.