Chapter 515

Name:From the Apocalypse Author:风邻晩
"You don't understand his power!"

Gong Benli said that at the moment, a smile appeared on her serious pretty face.

The long gun in his hand has appeared in his hand and is ready for battle.

She originally thought that the three newly joined were their strong enemies. Unexpectedly, they were just Xiaobai, and they didn't join in. They didn't know Shen Guang.

This reassures them, because the threat is not big!

It turned out that their relationship was not as good as expected.

"What does that mean? What hasn't seen his power? Why haven't I seen it? Such a battle is meaningless! " Maryn was unconvinced.

In the beheading world, they once fought side by side to invade the Imperial Palace and fought with the supreme emperor of the Empire.

Defeated the supreme emperor like a God, didn't you see his power?

That battle was for the people of the whole empire. Now? Not for who?


There is nothing in this camp. It makes no sense to retreat or not.

Before Ma Yin and chercy could argue, they heard the exclamation of the women. They looked at the sound and immediately saw that Shen Guang, dressed in war clothes, had rushed alone against the tide of living corpses.

As fast as lightning, they fell into the army of living corpses, even though they could hardly catch Shen Guang's moving speed.

There was a cold awn, and the corpse in front had been cut off.

Cold awn! It was caused by Shen guanglai's recovery of the sword. Even ordinary movements have already surpassed the height that ordinary people can't surpass.

It's like a constantly selected electric fan blade. You can only see the shadow, you can't see the fan blade, and Shen Guang's speed is faster than this!

Facing many corpses, Shen Guang didn't use fancy sword technique or gorgeous sword Qi. He just used this method to chop back and forth.

Waving the long sword, the fan-shaped killing range has fallen down like cutting wheat in front.

His killing, like antelopes hanging horns, is always so traceless and very stable.

The living corpses seem to have no response. They continue to rush to the camp, regardless of Shen Guang - they have an instinctive desire for living people, but Shen Guang can control their breath. The induction of these living corpses has lost its effect here.

In other words, as long as Shen Guang is willing, these corpses can completely ignore him.

Now Shen Guang has this move to make these living corpses ignore him as much as possible, and he directly cuts and kills these things.

Sword stabbing, chopping, chopping... Human beings invented the skill of using the sword in order to prolong the service life of the sword and make the sword play its due lethality.

Shen Guang's skill has already reached a master's state that is difficult for ordinary people to reach with his amazing understanding. His sword is stable and has a mysterious and mysterious taste.

The sharp blade in his hand is the magic weapon among the magic weapons. Killing these target like living corpses is like playing.

A sharp blade is more like life.

Shen Guang wandered around at will. In an instant, there were a lot of corpses on the ground, smelling disgusting and with great lethality.

Shen Guang had already turned to internal breathing, and the whole person was unmoved.

All the girls in the camp saw Shen Guang face millions of living corpses with a light wind and a free and unrestrained spirit. They were all boiling with blood and wanted to join them.

The first thing brush can't stand is poison Island Yuko. Her soul of killing makes her eager to kill and enjoy the touch of cutting the enemy with her weapons, which makes her enjoy.

After seeing Shen Guang's great power, he couldn't bear it any longer.

Brush! She has jumped out with one step, and several ups and downs have been killed in the tide of corpses.

In this process, ordinary people only see an illusion and can hardly keep up with her speed.

"What a fast speed!" The pirate boatman looked at her in horror.

When the corpse tide was added to the poison Island, he put it into a hot oil pot and added water, which immediately boiled.

Poison Island Yuzi can't restrain her breath than Shen Guang. She can't do Shen Guang's mellow and leak free. After entering the corpse tide, those who smell the breath of living people immediately detonated the corpse tide.

Although they knew that poison Island Yuzi was powerful, they were still surprised at her speed, and had the idea that they would never catch up even if they worked hard.

What surprised the pirate boatman most was the sharp blade in her hand, which felt more fierce than that of Captain Shen Guang! More domineering.

I saw the slender knife passing by, the corpse splashed, and the corpse turned into two pieces, looking more hot blood.

Shen Guang's looks very neat, but his actions seem to be the same.

Killing is like a machine. It's just chopping back and forth. It's amazing at the beginning. Next, it's not ornamental.

The killing style of two people is like that of two basketball teams. One team plays steadily for a hard victory, without performance, but with rigid cooperation, which is criticized.

The other one is full of fancy movements, which is very ornamental.

The unprecedented one is Shen Guang, and the latter is Yuzi of poison island.

These pirate boatmans are just ordinary people. They can't see their skills at all. They are just laymen who watch a person lively.

But this is a battlefield, not a stadium. All fancy and redundant actions are unfavorable. Only those who know how to fight with two engines can see it at a glance.

The performance of poison Island Yuzi looks amazing, but it can't last. It's like a rootless duckweed moving with the waves of the corpse tide, and the whole person dodges danger and danger.

She is not an ordinary person. She has used the introduction to cultivation, mutated fruits and serum. She has long been not a mortal, and her lasting power is also quite terrible.

Even duckweed can still persist for a long time, and the whole person wantonly enjoys the killing.

Shen Guang is like a reef. He has a firm foothold in the corpse tide and cleans up the corpse tide again and again. Although it looks very slow, his lethality is always terrible, always one by one.

Even if poison Island Yuko breaks out, he can't catch up with his killing.

"Let's go too!"

Here in the camp, the women were eager to try. Finally, they couldn't help jumping down and killing the past.

According to the prior agreement, several people are combined to help and cooperate with each other to fight.

"Are you crazy?" Ma Yin shouted anxiously, and then she saw Hill jumping down beside her.

"Hill!" Ma Yin was in a hurry, but there was nothing she could do.

Hill didn't answer and began to unite with other women directly.

She can attack from a distance, but she is not good at melee. Before, she only took the mutant fruit and did not use serum. Melee will only add chaos.

In the same situation as her, Chelsy was not as good at assassination as Ma Yin, even in frontal combat, so they could only worry, but they couldn't help.

Hill is different. First of all, the emperor's tools in his hand are conducive to slashing, and serum has been used. There is no problem for the whole person to adhere to it for a period of time.

In particular, the benefits brought by learning the whole school are l admirable to Maryn and Chelsea.

Finally, the two clenched their teeth. He didn't go, so he just picked up his rifle and fired - although there were many fewer bullets, there were still some bullets for everyone's rifle.

Bang! Bang bang!

Scattered gunshots sounded. Although it was not as good as Shen Guang's holding and hanging, it was simply too simple for the other party's ordinary monsters.