Chapter 610

Name:From the Apocalypse Author:风邻晩
When the police arrived, they were almost fully armed. Bulletproof vests, shotguns, automatic rifles, grenades and even tear gas were all brought out.

These things are rarely dispatched, only in the case of major accidents.

But after arriving at the scene, the police were shocked to see the tragedy at the scene.

That's terrible!

Although they knew some possible bad situations through the scene when they came, they still didn't see the shock of the scene.

It's far worse than they thought!

Reality is sometimes more cruel than imagined.

A person looks at these tragic scenes. Even they are not much better than others, and they can't control their anger, fear, cold weather and cold sweat.

"FK... Don't be caught by me, or I will break his * *"

"God! Who is it? Who did it! "

These policemen looked ugly. After seeing these, they aroused a lot of sense of justice. At the same time, fear also appeared. They cursed all the way, trying to ease the tension in their hearts by yelling.

Just a few steps, they even had a layer of delicate sweat on their foreheads, one holding a handkerchief to wipe the sweat, and the other holding a gun was shaking.

This is not to say that the police are unbearable. Although they are police, they are only ordinary people in the final analysis, and all their activities are only around here.

Although there are many troublesome things to contact, they are all normal things - trivial things. Such a ferocious situation in front of us, a scene that is difficult to encounter for decades, will make people's heads grow at a glance.

Fortunately, the FBI people are here and take over here. Otherwise, they have to ask for support like their superiors.

Although the police have no right to take over here, they still have to provide necessary assistance. They set up blockades outside to prevent outsiders from damaging the scene.

Outside, the ranchers still have no need to leave. They are all guarding here in their cars.

These ranchers now do not want to leave without results, otherwise no one can guarantee whether their ranch will become the second Pete ranch.

Unfortunately, these policemen had no use investigating the scene and didn't know the situation at all. Therefore, they had to wait for Peggy Carter.

Shen Guang and Peggy Carter, after checking, the preliminary survey has come to an end. Now they just need to ask the public about the situation.

Although they are close to here, they came the latest because of their relationship, and they have to learn from these people who arrived at the scene first.

They first asked Martin, the cowboy who first found it.

Martin, a middle-aged white man, stopped studying after graduating from junior high school. He didn't have much craft and culture. He didn't like to go out, so he just worked in the pasture.

He is quite down-to-earth. He has been doing this work for more than ten years. Now he is an excellent cowboy. Here he can be said to have a wife, children and dogs - in the American Empire, his wife, children and dogs are all together, which can be regarded as a complete family.

Peter has worked here for three years. He is a well paid wage earner and has won Peter's trust.

Because my home is near here, I don't live here. This time, there was an accident in the ranch, so I survived with good luck.

Although I was lucky to survive, I was still frightened by the situation at the scene. My eyes were dull and slow to respond. I didn't seem to recover from the previous blow.

"I don't know what happened... Yesterday, it was fine. Peter asked me to come early. It doesn't need him to say. I came early every day. I came to work today and there was no one on the way. I saw this scene when I came... I know something happened! I didn't dare to go in, so I called the police and informed others... "

"The police didn't arrive. The others arrived first. They all know these things!"

Martin was very excited. Although he calmed himself down fiercely, his tone was still trembling. The whole person occasionally showed a look of fear. When he spoke, he trembled and looked confused.

Fortunately, the whole story is quite clear.

After asking other people and Shen Guang's judgment, Martin's words are more credible.

"Well, Martin, I probably already know. You can go back and have a good rest now."

Seeing the other party like this, Peggy Carter saw that she couldn't ask any important clues, so she didn't ask again. It's meaningless to ask again.

"Thank you, officer. I think I need to see a doctor. Can I go to the city to see a doctor?"

The nearest town is more than 50 miles away.

"Of course, no one can stop you from seeing a doctor." Peggy Carter nodded and told him to leave.

Martin thanked Peggy Carter gratefully, and then got on the car driven by the family next to him and went to see the doctor - this time he was frightened, and now he can't recover. He must see a psychologist.

When Martin left, Peggy Carter continued to ask the others.

As time went by, the light in the sky darkened again. It seemed that it would snow again this day, and the people around were becoming more and more impatient.

One by one, their impatience made them less afraid of the reputation of investigators.

"Madam, can we tell us some results?"

"Sir, it's late here! Can we go now? "

One by one came up to talk to them. Although she was full of words, Peggy Carter understood what these people meant.

"Well, you can leave. Be careful at night. You'd better be on guard! If there is danger, call me at any time! The Federation will go to your rescue! "

Peggy Carter's words were more formulaic, but the gang left with satisfaction.

After a while, it was deserted.

"Woo woo! -"

The wolf barked and appeared!

It's colder in the north. The wolves that were almost killed also went south from the country in the north and appeared here. At this time, they howled and made people feel haze in their hearts.

These animals are smelling blood.

The wolves haven't howled long.


The sound of helicopter rotor came from a distance and approached quickly, which made these howling wolves stop howling immediately - among the teams chasing wolves, there are helicopters. These wolves have good IQ and remember this sound.

Soon after, a helicopter came, and then heavily armed soldiers jumped down to take over here.

Then, less than a quarter of an hour later, trucks and large trucks also came.

The soldiers took over here! Then there was no nonsense. People in biochemical clothes came down with sealed bags and began to pack these bodies.

Whether it is people or dead cattle and sheep, these need to be transported away. After it is determined that they are harmless, they can be treated.

Pete's ranch is blocked and will not be opened until it is investigated.

At the same time, there have been two consecutive Pitt's family or relatives who need to deal with Pitt's related matters. Of course, this can not be done in a short time.


In the middle of the afternoon, snow particles came down, and then it turned into heavy snow in less than a quarter of an hour.

Soon the snow covered everything. Pete ranch was completely silent, and the surrounding ranchers were like great enemies and didn't dare to rest easily.

These ranchers have their own channels to get information. Pete ranch is not without resistance - it is judged according to the bullet shells at the scene and the degree of damage.

Even so, without leaving any important clues about the perpetrator, it seems that there is a great difference between the two sides. Peter ranch can't resist at all.

When other ranchers heard this, none of them didn't worry. Everyone's strength was not much different. Peter was unlucky today and who was unlucky tomorrow. No one can guarantee that.

Even if the distance is close, there is a greater chance of accidents, but this kind of thing also has a chance to happen to them.

Some people who were worried about accidents and were easy to move began to drive away from the ranch and live in the city.

Worried about an accident, but because they were reluctant to give up the cattle and sheep in the pasture, they had to organize defense.