Chapter 764

Name:From the Apocalypse Author:风邻晩
The car stopped. Before long, two people came down from a truck in the middle of the front.

The man had a saber in his hand, a king's box hanging from his body, and a epaulet on his shoulder, indicating his current position, squadron leader.

Beside him, the serviceman, with cowhide file bags, bastard boxes and other things around his waist, looked like he was on standby.

"What's going on? Why did the car stop? "

The squadron leader's face was ugly. He leaned on the ground, covered his nose and asked the attendant next to him.

The traffic on this land is quite primitive, especially here. The road condition is very bad. The road is too bad. The car passes here and bumps badly.

Moreover, the ground is loess. When the car comes over, there is a piece of smoke and dust. After coming down, people are about to become natives. Cover their noses to avoid inhaling dust.

The serviceman immediately ran to inquire about the situation. He saw that the car with the problem had begun to come down. He checked the car. After he understood the situation, he immediately ran back. Then he answered his own officer.

"Squadron commander, the car seems to be broken."

"Really? What's going on? What's wrong with the car? Can you fix it? "

The squadron leader asked the serviceman the specific situation with an ugly face.

"There is something wrong with the engine. It will take at least half an hour to remove the obstacle."

The serviceman is a busboy. He is responsible for handling all kinds of chores. Although he doesn't have to fight directly, it's not easy. If he doesn't do beautiful things, he may be directly beaten in the face by the officer.

Devil here, the level is more strict. Slapping is not a joke, but a real slap. Slapping without water will definitely swell.

The serviceman was still very clever and asked detailed questions. He didn't run twice.

Just then, three chief sergeants and an executive came.

They were pale and had a strange smell, and the dust could not be covered up.

"Your Excellency squadron commander!"

Several people came to the squadron leader and respectfully packed their luggage.

"What's the matter with you?"

The squadron leader was almost vomited by the strange smell brought by several people.

"Sir, the soldiers are carsick and dizzy. They can't go any further. They must have a rest!"

One of the squadron leaders came forward and suggested, and then said the reason.

There is basically no good road here. The car has been bumping all morning. Now the whole person is bumping his internal organs out.

This is a standard squadron. There are 180 people in the whole team, but there are only four trucks. In addition to the squadron leader, the other soldiers are crowded together - at least six trucks are required for a normal fleet. As a result, they can only match four trucks because of the shortage of vehicles.

These squadron leaders and sergeants can also sit in the co pilot's seat to relieve themselves. Those soldiers can't do it. They all stay in the same car. More than 40 people are crowded together. The air is muddy and doesn't vomit.

It was so dirty that people couldn't bear to look straight at it.

When several people got off to check, they all got some pungent smell.

If you don't stop and recover, you may lose your combat effectiveness by bumping.

"How could it be? Come and have a look with me. " The squadron leader took the lead to go over and check.

"Hi, squadron commander!"

The three sergeants saluted happily and looked at it again.

At the scene, the soldiers were released from the truck. The people on the trucks suddenly came from the truck as they were like sardine, and they vomited up on the ground with a dull face.

Although these soldiers finally stood in formation, they were in a very poor state.

There was a strange smell around, and the exciting squadron leader had a faint nausea.

It's like the three Sergeant chiefs worried that if they don't take a break, these soldiers will be really in bad condition, which is very unfavorable to the next battle.

"The whole army rested in place."

The squadron leader gave the order to rest without hesitation.


On the street, a neat team, carrying guns, slowly walked along the street to the outside of the city.

When the anxious people on the roadside saw this team, they immediately stopped their work and looked at the team one by one. Their eyes were filled with wonder and couldn't believe it.

It's only half a month. The team is even decent.

Especially with a gun, it doesn't seem to be underestimated.

They looked at them with some worry, but the team was well disciplined. Although some people secretly looked at them, no one came out. They were all manly and high spirited.

A group of children who didn't understand anything looked at them, raised their small faces in surprise and looked at them with envy.

"What are they doing? Do you want to run away? "

"I don't know. Before, they said to beat devils! I don't know if it's the devil? "

"Fight the devil? Good! I hope they beat all the devils away! "

"Look at them. Maybe they can really do this!"

"They are all great guys. They used to clean the street and fetch water for my family!"

"They helped my family, too!"

"Also helped me."

The crowd talked and looked at the team differently. They almost looked at them with their own eyes. They had expectations, blessings and worries about them.

Finally, watching the team disappear outside the town, they dispersed and continued to be busy with their own affairs.

Shen Guang moved here, and the county began to fluctuate.

"The devil is really coming!!"

At this moment, the people in the county are really sure that the devil is coming. At this moment, the county is also full of an uneasy atmosphere.

Many people immediately packed up.

Those who can go out of the city go out of the city to take refuge with their relatives in the countryside, or take refuge in remote places. If they can't go to the countryside, go to places far away where devils can't go for the time being.

These people are only a few, and more people have no place to go because of family reasons, so they can only stay in the county.

However, they are also prepared to come.

Hide your valuable belongings and food at home. You can go out as little as possible, so as to save trouble.

But no matter what they do, they can't change their uneasiness. They just hope that they won't be too unlucky and don't meet the devil. Even if they do, they expect the devil to be less vicious and don't be too unlucky.

Outside the town.

Shen Guang has been waiting here on his horse. When he sees these people coming out, he gives orders directly.

"Follow my orders! Run! "

At the command, directly ride the horse and let the people behind run.

These people have no opinion at all, because they have been used to this kind of thing when training them these days.

Besides, Shen Guang is an officer. It seems natural for an officer to ride a horse.

This line lasted half an afternoon until it stopped in a deserted small village, and everyone ran down. Although they moved forward at a uniform speed, they were tired.

"Camp and have a good rest!"

However, Shen Guang ordered everyone to rest.

As for burying the pot for cooking, we are about to fight now. For safety, all open fire cooking smoke is prohibited to prevent exposing our traces.

Most of these soldiers were born in poverty, and a few captured green skins can adapt to this environment after training. Therefore, at this time, no one opposes - no objection, military law service, simple and rough, everything is very simple!