Chapter 785

Name:From the Apocalypse Author:风邻晩
Although we are ready and have made the trap, the devil's fighter plane is not so easy to wait.

Although the devils have a lot of planes, they are only relative to the backward China. They are not enough to use in this land. Once dispersed, they are even more stretched.

After all, it is an island country with insufficient information. Even if it has been plundered wildly, time is not enough for them to digest these achievements. Don't want to be a fat man in a short time.

Just like now, they want to make more aircraft into the battlefield, but resources and manufacturing limit their development. With the progress of the war, the lack of resources will further limit their pace.

Just like the U.S. empire, why is it always rolling with equipment and revealing the details of local tyrants? It is because there are too many resources.

Therefore, although Shen Guang was ready, they still didn't wait for the plane to come. However, at this time, Shen Guang inquired about the use of troops here through various channels.

"Brother Shen Guang, there is a taro Yamada who will organize the devil's army to clean up our place. Should you be careful? That's a group army of 24900! "

"Oh? Taro Yamada? This Yamada won't have anything to do with Yamada United? "

"Yamada Zhiye, remember? He is the brother of taro Yamada. The devil is a lieutenant general! "

"Lieutenant general? Lieutenant general! Ha ha, I just want to kill a lieutenant general! "

"Hahaha! Brother, you are a hero! In that case! I'll wait for my brother to win! At that time, we must ask chief Yan to celebrate for you at the chairman's place! You know, the chairman knows you! This time, if you can kill the old devil! The chairman will certainly award you the medal of day and night! "

Shen Guang skimmed his lips and didn't care.

Whether Yan laotuo or bald, these two people are very stingy.

They all want him to work, but everyone is not generous. They don't treat him as their own people. They just give him something and send him away.

Yan laotuo gave some food. It was good for the bald chairman to directly give a designation and power up the whole country. In addition to these, there was no actual reward.

If someone else gives him a regular title or honor, he may be very happy, but for Shen Guang, these are farts!

For him, it doesn't matter whether he has this number or not. If it's not for sharing some information and his subordinates, he must ignore each other's opinions.


Honor is really good on some occasions, but for most people, it is useless not to eat and drink, especially those under him.

They are just ordinary people. When food and clothing can not be satisfied, for them, there is no real gold and silver to honor.

If Shen Guang does not give him strength, he will not even be able to suck up his men.

However, he is not a person after all. Before he can't use extraordinary power, he has to consider for the people around him. Sometimes the formal designation still has some effect, and this is the reason why he accepts it.

"By the way, you should also pay attention to the devil's planes. These little devil planes are hateful. These crazy bombs are not safe in the city."

Later, when Jiang Shan said about the devil bomber, he was very dissatisfied with the devil and vaguely revealed that he was also dissatisfied with the policy of Yan Baichuan, the chief executive.


After a few days of heavy snow, it stopped.

The temperature is very low. When the boiled hot water is brought outside, it can freeze for a moment. When people are in front of them, their eyelashes will freeze and their breath will freeze.

It's too cold. If the food supply is not enough calories, people can't support it in such weather.

Shen Guang's people are also affected. One person has chilblain on his hands. In some cases, his hands and feet are swollen. Many times, training is a pain - which puzzles Shen Guang and has to be solved.

At the trap, Shen Guang made use of these cold characteristics to build hail barriers and water solid fortifications.

It looked so beautiful that many soldiers were curious. They even found that it was warmer to stay in such fortifications than to stay outside.

On this day, arhat came again, and he saw that Shen Guangzao's ice fortress came.

Especially when they saw the undisguised fireworks, they all worried about Shen Guang.

"This is not to recruit little devils. The little devils bomber is coming and can't be prevented."

"That's what I used to attract the little devil! Come on, Rohan, this is not the place to talk. Let's go inside. "

Shen Guang led Luohan to a "house".

It's a house. In fact, it's a cave dug from an earth slope.

Inside the fire, hot Kang, and steaming, smoked people want to sleep and hibernate.

The house is clean and tidy, with window flowers and festive paper cutting, which looks like a new year.

"You cleaned up well here! Much better than the last time! "

Lohan was amazed at the change.

"Hahaha, it's not my credit, it's all jiuer's credit. I can do this myself! Jiuer, look who's here! "

Shen Guang laughed but didn't take credit. Then he shouted jiu'er while talking.

There is a woman at home, much better than a man at home. She cleans up and is not messy at all. Especially jiuer, it's very good to do this, very housekeeping.

"Uncle arhan is coming! Come on in, it's warm inside! "

In the room, jiu'er, who was sewing boots for Shen Guang, listened to this, put down his hands and came out alive. When he saw the Luohan being handled, his eyes lit up and he was happy and warmly entertained.

During the New Year holiday, she didn't go home again and had no relatives. Luo Han came, which can be regarded as making up for this.

She went into the basket where she packed her things, and then brought tea and hot water. She was not enthusiastic.

"You have something to say. I'll prepare the meal."

While they were talking, jiu'er went to prepare the meal.


"Shen Guang, do you sell those weapons?"

Jiuer left to prepare the meal. Luohan and Shen Guang ended their chat and directly entered the topic.

"Arhan, how did you start trading weapons? Besides, our relationship, if you need it, just give you some. "

Shen Guang was surprised that Luohan's painting style of suddenly buying and selling arms really made him unaccustomed, just like an honest man who suddenly bought arms.

"This is not. The devil is coming. Brothers don't have many weapons, so get some weapons back. However, these weapons are exchanged with your life. What should be done? I can't take advantage of you."

Arhat is very serious and his words are very simple. He doesn't mean to take advantage of Shen Guang. He comes as he should in the way of trading. He will never use these weapons in vain.

Of course, if he takes advantage, he is not Luohan.

"OK, tell me what you have. If we need it, we'll trade at the market price."

Seeing that he was serious, Shen Guang was no longer polite.

Just like Luohan trivial, these weapons and one of his men, as a boss, naturally want to think of the younger brother who works hard below.

Therefore, Shen Guang and Luohan had a barter transaction here. First, they talked about what Shen Guang needed. After confirmation, the two sides finally pulled things out for trading, and the transaction was so simple.

Bargaining, wrangling, and the two sides also give in to each other's profits.

Finally, the deal was settled before jiuer's meal came.