
The wooden door creaked continuously. The camera shot from Lin tired's shoulder, and we could see the grandfather with only one head exposed on the bed wrapped by bedding.

The skin on his face was as wrinkled as the bark. His eyes looked at the direction of the door, and the light in the room was dim.

"What's the matter, grandfather?" Lin tired into the room, the camera switch to the side, Lin tired slightly bent down to ask.

"I want to go to the bathroom." Grandfather's voice is old and weak.

"OK, I'll help you up." Lin tired helped his grandfather up and handed him the urinal. Through the camera, he could see that his grandfather was bony.

"How are you, grandfather?" Lin tired squatted down and asked.

Grandfather nodded and didn't speak.

"All right." Grandfather slowly put down the urinal, said to Lin tired: "help me sleep well."

"Good." Lin tired promised, carefully placed the grandfather, tucked tightly by the corner, put him to package only a head exposed outside, Lin tired after checking asked: "grandfather, OK?"

"Well." Grandfather nodded, Lin tired smile, turned to go, suddenly heard grandfather said: "little tired, I sleep under the bed, always sleep well, you help me see what."

"Well, maybe it's a mouse." Lin tired said and squatted down.

The lens is placed behind Lin tired, carefully parallel to the edge of the bed. The picture is divided into two parts with the bed board as the line. Lin tired is in the left half of the picture, the upper right corner is grandfather, and the lower right corner is the hanging sheet.

The next second, the sheet was pulled open by Lin tired.

Pale face, as like as two peas in the same way as his grandfather, curled up and trembled: "little tired... There is a ghost in my bed."

The impact of the picture is coming!

Song Peng's sweat exploded in an instant! I'm sweating and goosebumps all over my body. At this time, the picture division in the computer is too classic, and the light art is just right, making this picture full of impact!

Shit! What the hell!

Song Peng jumps up directly, and the picture is still playing. Lin tired in the movie also froze, looking up at his grandfather on the bed bit by bit.

My grandfather looked at me with empty eyes, and his voice rang out: "what's there..."

"Ah!" Lin tired falls to the ground in horror. The picture gives him a close-up. He gasps and looks at his grandfather in horror.

At this time in the picture, because Lin tired's hand let go, so the sheet hanging down, the picture under the bed covered up.

Just at this time, grandma's voice sounded out of the picture: "what's wrong, what's wrong."

"Grandma, don't come in. There's a ghost." Lin tired cried anxiously.


Grandma into the mirror, panoramic, she took a steel ball in her hand, looked at the situation in the room, said: "where there is a ghost, you sit on the ground why, get up quickly."

Lin tired hand a finger, not shaken to grandma said: "under the bed."

Grandma opened the sheet, looked at it, turned her head and said to Lin tired, "what's there?"

Lin tired's eyes moved away from the grandfather on the bed and looked under the bed. His eyes were stunned. As expected, there was nothing.

"Hu..." Lin tired with sweat.

"Get up quickly. Your eyes are dazzled. You are surprised." Grandma scolded.

Lin tired stood up against the wall and said with a smile: "maybe..."

"Well, if you have nothing to do, wash your hands and go to bed. I'll do a lot of things." Grandma said and turned to go, Lin tired also followed to go outside, out of the door and couldn't help looking back.

Grandfather lay quietly in bed, nothing.

He rubbed his eyebrows and closed the door. The light came out of the crack of the door and reflected on his old face. Then it became thinner and disappeared.


Song Peng breathes out in a cold sweat and sits back. He can't wait to open the barrage. He wants to see what the sand sculpture netizens say. At the same time, he also dispels his uneasiness.

He's feeling someone in the room now! Especially under the bed!

"Nuclear shot!"

"It scared me to death! Damn it

"No, I dare not sleep today."

"I was lying in the middle of a movie, and I jumped up and looked under the bed."

"It's from a cell phone! The most important thing is that the director did it all by himself

"Does the director have any other films?"

"Five dollars is worth it."

"That shot just now is invincible! You know which one I'm talking about

"I used to feel lonely, but now I think the room is full of people..."


Looking at, song Peng's state of mind finally stabilized, this time he did not dare to close the barrage.

In the picture, Lin tired goes back to the room, lies on the bed, stares at the ceiling, frowns and thinks. A moment later, he grabs the case at hand, turns over, turns over and goes to sleep.


"You're back..."

"Why did you come back..."

"Xiao tired... Grandma is so happy..."


In the dark, Lin tired tossed and turned, suddenly sat up, turned on the light in a hurry, gasped like drowning, looked around in horror, and then gradually calmed down and stretched out his hand.


The lights are off.


The next day, Lin tired kneaded his hair and walked out of the door. The wide angle of the lens showed that the clock on the wall pointed to 11:20.

There was food on the table in the main room. It was obvious that the food on the plate had been moved, and it was cold. Lin tired looked at it and called out: "grandma."


The room was silent. Lin tired looked at the room where his grandfather was. He hesitated and didn't go in.

He sat down to eat. The side camera of his half body can take pictures of Lin tired and the food. He began to brush on the bullet screen.

"Emmm, I want to eat."

"Illusion? It looks a little familiar. "

"This meal seems to be the ones left over yesterday?"

"The table's as like as two peas last night!"

"Didn't grandma wash the dishes?"

"Are grandparents his fantasy or real existence?"

"I just went back to have a look. I'm sure I didn't move!"

"So grandma didn't wash the dishes?"

"Is it really an illusion? Then why are there meals? "

"What's going on?"

In the picture, Lin tired quickly finishes his meal, brushes the bowl, and goes to the toilet to see that yesterday's clothes are still soaking, so he goes to wash them. After several short and clear shots, the whole process takes about 15 seconds. The shots switch smoothly and quickly, which looks very comfortable.

"2333... The director tiktok must play."

"Tiktok is enough, and the atmosphere is over."

"Nuclear power ahead!"

"Non combatant evacuation in front of us!"

Song Peng is looking at the sand sculpture barrage. He is very happy when he sees the prompt. He is startled and pays close attention to it. He just sees Lin tired drying his clothes. The neighbor's old woman is eating at the door and basking in the sun. He happily asks, "I'm back."

"Well, I just came back yesterday." Lin tired replied politely with a smile.

"Just in time to pack up and stay for a few days?"

"Three days."

"Oh ~" mother-in-law wants to speak, and grandfather's voice rings again. Lin tired looks at the room, hesitates, puts down his clothes and goes to the room.


"Grandfather?" Lin tired shouts carefully.