"Thank you." Lin tired pursed his lips and said with a smile, without any complacency. The feeling was that this man was very low-key and calm. He sat there quietly, as if there was no outstanding place, calm and indifferent.

"You're welcome. I'm telling the truth, not praise. What you've done has been spread all over the Internet. What do you think now? Are you still satisfied with the box office? Did you expect that before? " Huang Jing a mouth thunderbolt, said non-stop.

"Er..." Lin tired was a little confused when asked. After thinking about it, he said: "I didn't know about the box office before I came here. Yesterday, the purchasing manager of Chenguang told me that the box office was almost one million, and it has exceeded three million. You just told me that."

"Don't you understand?" Huang Jing is surprised to ask a way, the eye stares big, the mouth also slightly opens, a face of inconceivable.

"Well, I didn't pay much attention to the hairstyle of home because I was busy with the new movie."

"Oh, director Lin must be the type of workaholic." Huang Jing said firmly.

Lin tired embarrassed smile, said: "no, I may be more axis, do a time can't pay attention to other things, and I'm not interested in money."

Huang Jing listened attentively in front of her, but she was confused in the back. She snorted twice in her throat, and obviously had a choking action.

"I'm sorry. By the way, director Lin, why are you not interested in money? Although I don't advocate money worship, money is indispensable to anyone. " Huang Jing funny looking at Lin tired waiting for him to answer.

"I usually spend very little money in my life. The manager of our company forced me to buy this dress when I came here. I usually wear one or two hundred, which is very good." Lin tired said with a smile, if he said this before, it might be a little unnatural, a little self abasement, but now he has gone through that period, now looking back, he can be quite calm.

"When the box office of this movie comes down, I should be able to buy a house for my parents. I usually don't go out at home. I just write scripts, draw scenes, work and live in the crew. It's the company's money, so I don't have much feeling about money, because it's enough." Lin tired said his idea seriously.

Huang Jing has been looking at Lin tired's eyes, trying to find out the unnatural or complacent emotions inside, but those eyes are very calm and calm, so he has to believe that this is the most real idea of the young man.

Yes, they have enough

However, she had a preliminary feeling that she had known the young director. At least, he was a pure director, calm and introverted. He knew his heart very well.

So Huang Jing nodded and said with a gentle smile, "I began to believe."

Lin tired smile.

"How did you decide to teach yourself to direct, director Lin?"

"I've been interested in movies since I was a child."

"Well, why didn't you go to a professional film school? What about Beiying? "

"The conditions at home are not very good, the tuition fees of art colleges are too expensive, and my grades are not good enough for special recruitment."

"Well, that's true. Under what circumstances did director Lin decide to shoot home?"

"That is when I always have no food to eat in Hengdian. Once I went home, my mother carefully discussed with me to let me go to work well." After recalling it, Lin tired frowned and said with a smile: "at that time, it was very sad. I think the most helpless thing in the world is time. When time goes by, maybe it's a turn around, you will find that those straight waists in your memory don't know when they begin to stoop. They even struggle to speak. You also begin to understand that you are not a superhero and can't save the world, You can't even save yourself. "

"You suddenly realize the responsibility on your shoulders, those things you think are far away come directly from the pavement, and you can't breathe."

"You realize that when you grow up, you don't have that much time, you have to do something."

Lin tired of this passage of words, also some heavy, Huang Jing listen to the heart some sad.

"So I decided to have a try. After studying for so long, I should go and have a try. Then I went back to my hometown and made this movie home." Lin tired finished this passage, looking a little solemn.

"Yes, I didn't expect that director Lin felt so deeply about life when he was so young." Huang Jing's face was a little heavy. She sighed and then continued to ask:

"It must not be easy. How did you make this movie by yourself? Because we ordinary people in the mind of a crew to have photographers, lighting division or something

"I bought a tripod, set the angle in advance, and let it shoot automatically. If you pay attention to the movie, you can see that many of my shots are long shots, and the shots don't move during the process. I don't have many equipment, and I can't shoot several angles at the same time, so I shoot more times to make up for the monotony of the shots."

"In order to adjust to the right lighting, I took off all the light bulbs at home. The only difficulty is the split lens."

"Well, I've seen that scene. Now the scenes of those scenic spots on the Internet are very popular." Huang Jing said.

"Is it hot?" Lin tired dumb, and then said with a smile: "I don't know."

"Well, in the jitter, the micro message is tiktok, and millions of points are praised." Huang Jing nodded.

"The audience likes it." Lin tired said with a smile.

"It's so hard. Have you ever thought of giving up at any moment?"

"No Lin tired said without hesitation.


"Because I like it, I like making movies, and after I lived with my grandparents in my hometown for a few months, I figured out a lot of things."

"What's the matter?"

"We always think that there is a long way to go in the future, but it's not. Life is really short. After living with the old man for a few months, we can understand that you should do what you want to do in such a short life, or you will have nothing to look forward to in bed like my grandfather later."

"The most terrible thing in life is that I don't have any sense of expectation. During that time, I was very calm, and I knew my inner thoughts more clearly. It was precipitation. I like making movies, which is what I can look forward to." Lin tired said seriously.

Huang Jing couldn't help clapping. The results of this dialogue were unexpected. Originally, she didn't expect much for this interview task, but now she thinks that this special interview is likely to be hot.

"It's wonderful." Huang Jing said with admiration.

Lin tired modest smile, waved his hand to signal nothing.

After the interview continued, Huang Jing asked about his grandfather's health, how much he expected for the box office, what the new film would be like, and so on. The atmosphere gradually relaxed. At the end of the interview, Huang Jing politely said, "I believe director Lin will continue to work hard and become a successful director. Thank you again for coming to our movie today, Looking forward to your new movie. "

"Thank you."