On July 30, North American time, in a private villa on Third Avenue in Manhattan, five people came down from two taxis.

"It's beautiful here." Will envy of say, Lin tired smile said: "you will also have."

Will nodded with a smile, because of the explosion of "geocentric adventure", his current film salary is two or three million yuan a play, although there is a downward trend now, but this is not covered by the boss.

"Shall we go in?" Hu Qin said with a smile. Lin tired nodded, so Hu Qin rang the doorbell.

After a while, the door opened and several people entered. When they stepped on the lawn, a beautiful blonde came out of the villa in a red dress, smiling: "Hi, I think you are director Lin from China?"

While saying, she looked at several people and soon fixed her eyes on Lin tired.

Because will winked at her.

How can I embarrass the boss? Just now, the woman's eyes were on the guide in her forties.

"Hello." Lin tired nods with a smile. After she reaches out her hand, she reaches for it and grasps it gently, and then points it at a touch.

In the handshake ceremony, if the opposite is a woman, the man can not take the initiative to reach out.

This is what the movie taught him.

"Welcome, come on in. I think Donny is in a hurry." Women chuckle, generous and polite.

"Thank you." Lin tired smiles and nods.

Several people entered the living room. A middle-aged man in a navy suit stood in the living room and waited for them with a smile. Seeing Lin tired and others coming in, he took the initiative to step forward, stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, I'm Robert Downey. Just call me Downey."

"Hello, I'm Lin tired." Lin tired shakes hands with him with a smile and looks at Downey in front of him carefully. His eyes are protruding. His eyes always seem to be searching around nervously. Occasionally, there are some unnatural actions that make him look strange.

This is a sensitive person.

Lin came to the conclusion.

Because they have something in common in some traits, such as sensitive people are good at observing, especially some small details that others will ignore.

Downey also observed Lin tired carefully, and then said with a smile, "I know the name. I've seen two films you shot these days, and one of them is captain China, right? It's just that I can't find the copyright. "

Lin gave a shrug.

What you can find is a ghost. There is no copyright dealer in North America to buy that movie.

They look at each other and smile.

After greeting, the party took their seats on the sofa, with Donnie and Susan on one side and Lin tired of them on the other.

"May I ask why you came to me?" As soon as he sat down, Downey couldn't help but ask. This question has been in his heart for a long time.

In terms of fame, Hollywood has a lot more male stars than him, and he still has a black history. Even if he has regained his spirits and begged for a second chance to make several films that are still successful, and there is a producer's wife around to help him, but he is far from being white, and can only linger in the second tier, and Hollywood has few big drama teams to look for him, But now there is a big director from China looking for him.

The directors of the two films, totaling more than 5 billion yuan and nearly 600 million US dollars, will not be ignored even in Hollywood.

Lin tired blinked, why

Ever since he knew that this man was picking himself up and watching him struggle, Lin tired felt that he should bring iron man to him. Maybe iron man is his salvation.

And to tell you the truth, an iron man and a Thor, he won't move much about both of them, because he's very impressed, and he likes them very much. He wants to shoot them to share with fans all over the world, but the others

It's better to change.

"I'm your fan." Lin tired said with a smile.

It's 100 percent real.

Donnie couldn't help laughing. He didn't expect the answer, but then there was joy.

"Oh, that's great." He put out his hand and said with a smile that the feeling of being recognized was very precious to him.

After laughing, Lin tired took the script from Hu Qin, which was translated into English. He put it on the tea table and said, "it's just my reason for looking for you. This is my purpose for looking for you. You can have a look and let's discuss it."

Donnie read the script, then Lin tired. Finally, he looked at Susan beside him, then sipped his lips and leaned forward to take over the script.

His agent told him that he was the leading actor in a big movie, so he agreed to the meeting. In fact, now he looks forward to the cooperation more than Lin tired.

Susan gave him comfort by clenching Donny's arm. This man is a combination of contradictions. He is anxious but gentle, eccentric but kind, sometimes mature and sometimes naive, as if there is a child in his heart.

But she loved the child.

Downey picked up the script and first looked at the title page of Ironman

He looked at the name for two or three seconds and thought it was as bad as "captain China".

But he finally opened the script. Susan poured a few cups of coffee with them and chatted with them. The atmosphere was quite pleasant. This woman was very clever. She didn't talk about the movie, but some Hollywood anecdotes and Downey's embarrassment. She also asked about the situation of China and Lin's previous movies.

As time went by, Donny asked Lin Huang a few questions.

"Is this a new superhero series?"

"Yes, but not entirely. It's not a separate series, but a member of my movie universe, just like Captain Huaxia."

"In other words, there will be co productions like" Super League "

"Yes, and probably more than one“

"What's the investment in this movie?"

"500 million yuan." Lin said with a smile that it may cost US $100 million or more in Hollywood, but Huaxia opera group doesn't need that much, because part of the scenes will be shot in China, and special effects are also domestic companies.

It's high quality and low price

After having a detailed talk with Lin tired about the movie and Lin tired's plan for the movie universe, Downey and Susan look at each other, then turn to Lin tired with a smile and say, "the last question."

"You said

"What's my pay?"


After Downey is finished, Lin's goal is achieved. The next day, he gets on the flight back to China. Iron man is scheduled to start shooting in April at the latest. As for now, he has to do his best to work on Qi Tian Da Sheng.

One month after returning to China, all the special effects of Qi Tian Da Sheng were finally delivered, and it took another half a month to find Zhang Shan. They finished the dubbing with several dubbing actors, including the famous dubbing actor grouper. On September 18, Qi Tian Da Sheng finished all the post production and officially submitted for approval.

On September 26, the film was approved and only a few irrelevant lines were deleted.

So far, Qi Tian Da Sheng is ready to go.