31 031| Plan

After a long day with Virgo, he returns to the kingdom of Pureheart with the sword of Melchior Stronghold. A symbol of unity, the sword is, and according to the old man himself, no one could shatter the sword with the dragon seal. He also wishes to speak with the king, suggesting a plan that could end the long-term war between the two kingdoms.

He represents himself in front of King Felix, bowing first before proposing a suggestion. Gladly, the king allows Quartz to say whatever he wishes to say but only for a minute or two since the king is also quite busy today.

"Your majesty, I know a way on how to end the war for good."

"What do you propose then? And by the way, where did you get that sword of yours?" The king notices Quartz's new sword. He questions about it for it piques his interest.

"Melchior, an old pawn of the kingdom gave it to me. His words has also given me an inspiration to end the war without the need of spilling anymore blood. We could unite the two kingdoms together. There is no need to fight. Without fighting, Sacchi would live in peace and tranquility. There will no longer be death."

"Melchior? Oh I know him, he fought by my father's side but I never got the chance to meet him personally. What you say is true. Unity could stop the war, that's if, both kingdoms agree."


"I concur, unity will end the war for good, but for Vladimir, not... not so much. You know the king of Witherheart, he wants Sacchi to fall under the palm of his hands thus he persists to fight, conquering towns and states. As king, it is my duty to stop him."

"But your majesty, win or lose the product is all the same. No matter which kingdom wins in a siege, the town would be left under destruction, and the people would suffer in the end."

The king remains silent for a while, thinking about Quartz's words. Both has a point. You cannot unite two kingdoms if the other disagrees, and no matter which side wins the product remains the same, the product is always destruction and chaos.

"You are a wise man, and your thoughts are more clever than mine. Hearing your proposal has given a hard time for me to come up with a decision. I have tried to commence many treaties yet the opposing kingdom disagreed. I have offered my peace many times, yet it was rejected countless of times. You are dismissed for now while I think of a decision."

After proposing his plan, Quartz leaves the king's room, hoping that the king would find a way to make the people of Witherheart agree. As long as there is no unity between the two kingdoms, war will always preveil to the point it becomes endless.

"Cheer up sire, the king is also busy handling other things and decisions, not just yours." Endeavor comforts.

"It's not like I'm disappointed or anything. Virgo has a point, Melchior and Gallius has one too. Without unity, this war would never end I believe." Quartz replies, massaging the head of his falcon which sits on top of his shoulder. As he walks around the halls of the fortress, he comes across the princess of the kingdom.

"So, you tried to convince father to unite the kingdoms didn't you?" The princess decides to walks by the man's side.

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I did a little eavesdropping, hehe. You're not the first man to suggest unity. Even my father suggested it to his father, however, no matter how willing Pureheart is to reunite with Witherheart, the opposing kingdom would not agree.

The kings of Witherheart, from the first until now, King Vladmir, are greedy to claim the land for their ill will so, they persist to claim our orb." Jupiter responds to his question. She then sighs afterward.

The day becomes older, and the arrival of dusk begins. The young man's mind remains troubled and uncomfortable as he thinks of a way to reunite the two kingdoms wherein both agrees. Only then, will Sacchi's peace return, and order will be restored.

On his room, he stares to his window, remembering his father and friend again. He sheds a small tear, as he wishes to return to his home, Earth. For now, he has an obligation to fight until a way could be found to reunite the two kingdoms together. He also thought about many things while staring at his window, such as the words Balthasar Bluemagic told him back during the time when he played chess. He wonders if a human like him misses his family as well.

For now, the fight continues, and more sieges are about to be declared.