As soon as Feng lingxuan's voice fell, Zhu Yan suddenly looked up at her, with unbelievable words in her eyes.

She will become like this, because she worships Feng lingxuan. What does she say now to stand up again? Isn't that ironic?

Zhu Yan heard her voice gnashing her teeth: "fenglingxuan, if you step on me from the cloud to the bottom of the earth, and it's your goal to see me down, then you've succeeded."

"All this is the result of your own work. If you don't come to seek death again and again, I won't do that to you." Feng lingxuan said: "of course, I admit that I am not a good person. However, you should know my medical skills and my skills. If you want to stand up again and I am willing to help you, then it is entirely possible. "

"Would you be so kind? If you really don't plan to do anything to me, how can you harm me to such a degree? " Zhu Yan said, "that's right. I asked for all this. I can't blame others."

"In this way, if you want a woman who has no talent or courage, what else do you want to do with her? Shouldn't such a person be lost to the public? " Ice orchid timely opening: "I see you are also full, support nothing to do, unexpectedly ran here to find not fast."

Zhu Yan raised her eyes and glared at binglan fiercely. She knew the power of binglan very well, so she didn't dare to do anything to binglan.

Binglan said: "if you look again, believe it or not, I'll gouge out your eyes, so that you can not see anything. How nice."

Zhu Yan's time is very difficult. She doesn't know anything about the outside world. However, she has personally learned the power of binglan. When she heard binglan say this, she instinctively covered her eyes and didn't dare to say a word more.

If she can die, it's better. She can't die, and it's not easy to live. If she doesn't even have eyes, then she will be more difficult.

Feng lingxuan takes a look at binglan. The two people's eyes touch each other. Binglan winks at her mischievously. Feng lingxuan shakes her head helplessly, and then says to Zhu Yan: "during this period of time, you should have a deep understanding of human feelings, right? I'll show you a way now. It's up to you whether you want to go or not. "

"What way?" Zhu Yan looked at Feng lingxuan and asked uncertainly.

She also knew that Zhu family had completely abandoned her. If she had no other way to stand up again and let her elders see her ability, then the rest of her life would be more miserable than now.

As long as you think about that dark day, life is not like death, Zhu Yan can't stop shivering and afraid.

She will be what she is today. It's true that fenglingxuan did harm to her. However, as fenglingxuan said, she did it all by herself. If she didn't fight fenglingxuan from the beginning, or decided not to provoke fenglingxuan after fenglingxuan taught her, she would not go to the present step.

She abandoned, and all the elders of Zhu family abandoned her, and the younger generation bullied and trampled on her. During this period of time, she felt all the malice in the world.

She hated Feng lingxuan and her incompetence. She told herself many times that if she had a chance to stand up again, she would make those people regret it.

However, she didn't expect that the opportunity to stand up was brought to her by Feng lingxuan.

There is a barrier in her heart that she can't get through.

Feng lingxuan said: "your time is limited, my time is also limited, tomorrow I will leave, I hope you now give me an answer, if you promise, then, I can immediately save you, let you not only recover, but also more powerful than before, if you don't answer, then, I will go now."

Zhu Yan looks at Feng lingxuan and doesn't speak for a long time. Her heart is also struggling. She doesn't know whether she wants to accept Feng lingxuan's kindness or not, and she doesn't know why Feng lingxuan wants to help her. She is full of malicious feelings towards her before Ming Ming.

"There is only one condition for me to save you and let you stand up again, that is, when I need you to do something in the future, you can't refuse, even to kill your family members." Feng lingxuan said, "to be simple, you have to listen to me in the future."

"Are you not afraid that I promise you now, and when you get better, you will go back?" Zhu Yan asked.

She always felt that fenglingxuan was too confident. Why did fenglingxuan decide that she would not betray her.

Fenglingxuan is very calm, she said: "I advise you not to have that idea, you should know my means, if I want to deal with you, there are many ways, you promise today, dare to betray in the future, then, your end will be hundreds of times more painful than now, so, you'd better think clearly and then answer me, what I want is a positive promise."

She likes Zhu Yan. What she wants is the power of Zhu family. She won't use it easily, but once she uses it, she doesn't want to be surprised.

After Feng lingxuan's voice fell, he and binglan were waiting quietly. Zhu Yan hung her head and seemed to be thinking about whether to agree or not.

After a while, Zhu Yan raised her eyes again, as if she had made a major decision. She nodded to Feng lingxuan: "I promise you, as long as you can make me better, let me not live such a life now, then, I promise you anything."

"Remember every word you say now." Feng Ling Xuan nodded, no longer hesitated, and began to save people.

Light green light will tightly wrap up Zhu Yan, Zhu Yan only feel the pain in the body is gradually disappearing, later, she found that all the lost spiritual power came back.

Feng lingxuan stopped, threw a bottle to Zhu Yan and said, "it's filled with pills for washing marrow and cutting bones. After you use it, your body will be improved. I think, after the improvement is over, your accomplishments will be greatly improved."

Zhu Yan took the bottle and wanted to say thank you to Feng lingxuan. However, looking at Feng lingxuan's face, she was speechless.

Feng lingxuan didn't care, and waved her hand, indicating that she didn't need to say anything. Then she asked Zhu Yan to continue to make friends with Sikong Wan. However, once Sikong Wan had any bad ideas, she must tell her at the first time.

Zhu Yan agreed to this without thinking about it. This experience made her see the faces of all the people around her, including her parents and Sikong Wan.

After thinking about it, Zhu Yan found that she really had a very confused and sad life in the first half of her life. She didn't know how many failures she had, so she didn't have a friend when she was in trouble.

Zhu Yan also secretly made up her mind to do it all over again. She was determined to live brilliantly and clearly.

Look at Feng lingxuan. She's not a good person, is she? But there are always so many people around her.

Zhu Yan began to review and had a different goal.

Just want to be absorbed, then listen to the voice of Feng lingxuan ring again, her voice is very good to hear, but her words in Zhu Yan hear like a bolt from the blue.

"I left this period of time, you have any contact with binglan, she will come to you to play when she is OK."

Play? What are you playing with? I'm afraid binglan is playing with her, right? Zhu Yan felt that the light she had not easily seen had disappeared.

Feng lingxuan is very satisfied with Zhu Yan's performance. Binglan is also boring. If she looks at Zhu Yan, she really doesn't have to be afraid that Zhu Yan can turn over any waves. Don't say betrayal, it's to say a word. I'm afraid that she has to think about whether it's suitable, and whether it will make binglan unhappy.

Leaving Zhu Yan, Feng lingxuan still reminds binglan to take it easy and not to make Zhu Yan crazy. Binglan blinks and says innocently: "you see me so beautiful, so sincere and so kind, how can you doubt that I have such bad thoughts?"

Feng Ling Xuan's mouth twitched. The more she lived, the more she looked like a person.

The next morning, fenglingxuan said goodbye to Fu Yanshan and Fu Yankai respectively, then went to say goodbye to Yehe and left directly.

The direction of the volcano is just opposite to the magic flower forest, and the scenery is different.

They have been in this world for a long time, but the time to really play together is very few. They have been running.

Before that, they discussed with Yehe and planned to stay until the end of this volcanic trip. They re participated in the competition of the three courtyards and went to find the wick of the condensing spirit lamp.

Yehe didn't refuse, just told them not to push themselves too hard.

Out of the Cloud City, fenglingxuan and xuanyuanyi discuss, let xuanyuanhan and Jianling come out.

These days, xuanyuanhan and Jianling are resting in the space ring, practicing and recovering. Fenglingxuan will send them anything good. Now, both are better.

Xuanyuanhan is already a six-year-old boy with a round bun face. He looks very cute. However, his cultivation has reached the day after tomorrow. He is just a genius among the geniuses.

All the time, Feng lingxuan and Xuan Yuanyi think they are very powerful. Those so-called talents are just like that in front of them. But when compared with their son's rebellious talent, they suddenly feel that they are too weak.

Jianling is still eight or nine years old, the whole is a miniature version of Xuanyuan Yi, he and Xuanyuan Han stand together, no one will doubt that they are brothers.

Xuanyuanhan didn't see his mother and father for a long time. As soon as he got out of the room, he rushed directly to fenglingxuan's arms.


"Well, are they all recovered?" Feng lingxuan holds her son and asks with concern.

Xuanyuanhan said with a smile: "it's all right."

Feng lingxuan nodded and asked Jianling again. He was sure that Jianling had recovered well. Then he said, "in that case, don't go into the space. Let's go to the volcano together."