The reflection in the water looks like her when she was a child. You can still see the shadow today. Bright eyes, bright teeth, picturesque, lovely and smart.

"It's cute!"

Feng Qianwei looked at the reflection and was sprouted. Those big eyes, the water shining smartly, like a pure spring flowing in the sun.

Her clothes are quite simple, a cloth skirt with navy blue and white patterns, and a pair of silver bracelets with bells on her wrists. The silver bracelet is surrounded by colorful silk thread, which is made of unknown material and glitters in the sun.

Feng Qianwei didn't stay long. She continued to walk along the path with the basket on her back. There was a village in the distance. When she approached, she saw the smoke curling up in the village.

The wooden plaque hanging obliquely at the head of the village is engraved with mottled words. Feng Qianwei looks carefully and can see that it says Yantan village.

"There are only peach trees outside the village. I don't see Epiphyllum. I don't know what the village is like?"

Without stopping her pace, she observed that the grass on the village road had hardly been trampled. It seemed that people often walked along the humble path.

She chose to take another road, which is hidden behind a red phoenix tree at the head of the village. If she doesn't look carefully, it's hard to find a way here.

She walked along the path into the village. Not far away, she heard a surprised sound falling.

"Girl, you're back! I'm so anxious. I thought you were lost. I just picked some rouge peaches. I've been there for so long. I'm anxious to be a teacher."

Feng Qianwei looked up and saw a man with elegant appearance walking towards her in surprise near the well not far from the entrance of the village.

According to her judgment, this should be a teacher. His body is full of bookish spirit. He carries books with him, and a few drops of light ink are dyed on his vamp.

The well next to him is ten times larger than an ordinary well, with green bricks in a circle, half a person high. Without wooden buckets hanging on one side, she could not be sure that it was a well.

She doesn't know why the well is so big? Is this the only well in the village?

Can this person be trusted? Does he really know her? Or is there another picture?

She was not credulous and did not respond, but was silent, frowning and sullen.

"Girl, are you still angry with being a teacher? I'm just worried that you can't remember the way, so I won't let you pick Rouge peaches. You're so stubborn that you have to prove your ability."

The elegant man said reluctantly, reaching out to take the basket carried by Feng Qianwei, and she avoided it.

"OK! This time I was wrong as a teacher. I shouldn't underestimate you. Now let's go home! You're not a child anymore. Don't play small."

Although Feng Qianwei didn't fully believe him, she knew nothing about it at present. If she wanted to find a clue to pass the test, she had to go deep into it before she could find the secret. She thought for a while, but she kept up with the man.

According to him, her present identity is his disciple. In order to prove his ability, he picked the peach called Rouge peach alone.

Everything seemed reasonable, and she didn't see any flaws. She followed the man and met other villagers along the way. They respected the man very much.

"Good master!"

"Oh, the girl is so good that she picked so many Rouge peaches."

"If you can pick Rouge peaches alone, you are an adult."

"Congratulations to the master and his disciples for successfully passing the test of the rite of passage."


Along the way, everyone spoke enthusiastically to let Feng Qianwei know more.