Zhan Yu looked around and found that he was the only one left.

Feng Qianwei followed a large group of people out of the camp. Strong people opened their way in front. Even if they met evil spirits, they were not afraid.

They carry all kinds of Lingbao, colorful brilliance, illuminating the darkness.

People from all major forces showed their magic powers and rushed to the entrance of the underground palace in Yantan village.

When Feng Qianwei passed by the village, she stopped and took a look at the big well.

"What's different about this well?"

She just glanced at it and didn't have time to look at it. She didn't run as fast as everyone else. If she delayed any more, she wouldn't be able to keep up with the big army.

She didn't follow Yun Liangze and them this time, but acted by herself. For them, the underground palace was too dangerous for ordinary people, so they didn't take her. But she also wanted to see it, so she followed others and went well all the way.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel something and glanced back at the figure of a woman in white standing by the magic well.

The woman held a white umbrella, and the darkness around seemed to turn into her background.

Feng Qianwei feels that the woman is very familiar. She just wants to have a closer look. The woman has disappeared.

"Am I dazzled? Could the woman with an umbrella in white be the one who destroyed liuyunchuan? What does she want to do?"

This woman is completely like ordinary people. Even if she is mixed in the crowd, no one will find it.

Thinking of this, Feng Qianwei shuddered. She hastened to quicken her pace, but she was not confident that she could deal with the terrible woman. All the people here are not necessarily the opponent of that woman.

A person who can involve several cities in this world can imagine how powerful her power is.

"There are cracks in the barrier of the underground palace!"

"Someone has gone in ahead."

"Let's go too! If it's late, there might be nothing."

"The pressure below is very great. If your strength is insufficient, I advise you not to go."


Figures disappeared at the entrance of the underground palace. In front of them, someone sprinkled streamer powder at any cost to prevent sudden danger in the dark, making the long underground palace steps shine like a brilliant Milky way.

The underground palace barrier opens, but people with insufficient strength still can't resist the terrible pressure.

Feng Qianwei walked down the steps. As everyone said, she had to bear pressure at every step here. The gravity under her feet was very strong. She couldn't go down at all unless her soul was very strong.

This step seems to test the strength of everyone's soul. People who are not strong enough have no qualification to go to the gate of the underground palace.

The lower the number, the less. Because of the particularity of this step, those evil spirits can't get close.

Those evil spirits have infinite power, but their souls are not strong, and they can't even cross the first level.

"Alas, it's too difficult. We can't even get to the door."

"The young hall Lord, they have gone down. I think only those favored children of heaven are qualified to go to the underground palace."

"I saw the owner of the peerless building coming, and now I can't see him."

"I don't know what the underground palace looks like. It's a pity that I didn't see it with my own eyes."

"Well, let's go back the same way! It's said that there is a terrible Python in the underground palace abyss, which may appear at any time!"

"The python is probably the guardian beast of the underground palace. At present, we don't know where to hide. If we come out, we will be in danger."

Feng Qianwei saw several people walking back helplessly, and she continued to walk.

When they saw the little girl walking farther than themselves, they all looked surprised.