"Oh? So it seems that your curse probably comes from that river. I didn't see any river when I went into town in a carriage. Is there a river in your town?"

Feng Qianwei didn't see a river passing by. After listening to Bai Shiba's story, she felt that the woman, the child and the mysterious things in the river might be related to the snake winding curse.

This is only her initial guess. After all, it may also be a coincidence.

She doesn't have many useful clues at the moment. Naturally, she needs to make more guesses.

"When it comes to this river, it is very special. It is a big river running through the Phoenix Mountains. It is not in Bailing Town, but outside the town near the Phoenix Mountains. There is no river in Bailing Town, only a water well."

Bai Shiba knows everything about her. Since she can find the snake winding curse on him, she may have a way to solve it.

"People of the older generation said that the river used to flow into bailing Town, but the river was like a white Ling, strangling the throat of Bailing town. Some people also said that it was the wronged souls who claimed their lives. There were a lot of grievances in the river, all of which were cruelly abandoned baby girls. But that's a legend of the older generation. No one has seen it. Maybe all the people who have seen it have died."

"How did the river disappear in Bailing town?"

Feng Qianwei asked.

"A lot of things happened in our town. A large number of townspeople and merchants drowned in the Aya river. Everyone seemed to be upside down, with their feet on the water, their head under, but half of their body didn't sink, but they just floated on the water. Many people were hanged on willows by the water, but how could the fragile willow branches hang people? This happened, It made people panic. Until an expert came, he cut off the Aya river outside the town, asked the villagers to dig wells for water, filled the river with soil and built this street. "

Bai Shiba mentioned what had happened in the town and knew it in more detail than passers-by.

"The gate of Bailing town was specially reinforced at that time. Since then, it has been safe and nothing strange has happened."

"Is the expert still in Bailing town?"

Feng Qianwei is very curious about the expert who is very capable. If that person is still here, he should know many secrets that we don't know.

"No, the expert died a few years ago."

Bai 18 shook his head. If the expert was still in the world, strange things would not happen again in Bailing town.

"By the way, seeing that you are heavily guarded at the moment, what happened to bailing town?"

Feng Qianwei tried to ask, not sure if he was willing to tell her.

"I hope you can keep this secret. After all, it's not a good thing. The business in our town is much worse now. If it comes out, I'm afraid it will have a greater impact."

As the mayor, Bai Shiba wants to think for the people in the town.

"If you really think of everyone, you shouldn't let people who don't know enter the town again. Concealing things can't solve things."

Feng Qianwei saw his cover up and could see that he had scruples in his heart.

"Miss, I don't know. If no outsiders come to our town, none of the people living here can live. The coming and going caravans have injected popularity and vitality into here."

Bai Shiba said seriously that he didn't mean to hide it from her, but declared to her to keep it confidential before telling her.

"I won't talk about it everywhere. You can rest assured and tell me the truth."

Feng Qianwei nodded.