Feng Qianwei walks into the water prison built under the palace. The water level here is very high and can submerge her shoulder. Her whole body is surrounded by the power of lotus soul, forming a shield so that the sewage can't get close to her.

Her spiritual knowledge turned into thousands of luminous butterflies and flew to the depths of the prison.

It's dark underwater. There are cells all around. I don't know what danger there is.


There was terrible silence around, only the sound of her walking through the water.

The underground water prison is very big. I don't know who built this huge water prison. It seems that it should have been a long time, not recently.

Feng Qianwei walks along the narrow road in the middle of the water prison. She dares to come to this place alone. I have to say that she has great courage. Most people don't even have the courage to come down, but without hesitation, she decided to come down and look for it herself.

Because she knew that green lotus root would tell others what happened here. She wanted to find people as soon as possible.

As for why she should let green lotus root leave, she also wants her to inform the people in the palace to deal with the human face snake. Otherwise, if they wait for the human face snake to leave the palace, they are afraid that more people will die.

She doesn't have time to take care of human face snakes right now. Xu Jihuan and the old miracle doctor are in danger. She has to rescue them first.


When she was looking for someone, there was a sharp scream in her ear, accompanied by a heavy object hitting the firm cold iron net of the water prison.

Feng Qianwei turned her head and saw a ferocious face squeezed on the cold iron net.

"Human faced snake again!"

Feng Qianwei saw that the man's face was covered with snake scales, and the hand holding the cold iron net was also covered with snake scales. Her feet had disappeared, leaving only a snake tail.

The man lost all his senses and was frantically hitting the cold iron net, splashing water.

If the prison were not strong enough, the human faced snake would break out.

Once people are completely serpentinized, they will become monsters who only know how to kill.

"Are all the snakes in this water prison?"

As more and more people saw the snake, she had a bold guess in her heart.

"The snake winding curse has developed to such a severe level. We must quickly find Xiaohuan and the teacher. If they are locked with other people's face snakes, it's terrible."

She immediately released more spiritual awareness and quickly swept through the huge underground prison.

Finally, she found Xu Jihuan and the old miracle doctor in a water prison. Their situation was very bad and they were surrounded by a group of people and snakes. The old miracle doctor is protecting Xu Jihuan in the dead corner behind him. The Lingbao in his hand has little power left, and the protective cover is getting weaker and weaker.

However, those human faced snakes were tireless and madly hit the crumbling protective cover.

The luster of a string of Buddha beads in the old miracle doctor's hand has become more and more dim, and the beads will break at any time.

Their protective covers can't stop the water. They have been soaking in the cold water for a long time and are very weak. The most terrible thing is that the situation of the old miracle doctor is getting worse and worse. Influenced by those human face snakes, his snake speed is getting faster and faster.

Even if the old miracle doctor took the medicine of inhibition, he could not stop the curse from spreading rapidly.

Those human face snakes will speed up the spread of the curse. Once the old miracle doctor turns into a snake, it's over.

"Ka! Ka!"

The Buddha beads suffered too many attacks, the surface broke open, and one by one fell into the water.

"No! The Buddha beads are broken."

The old miracle doctor originally promised Feng Qianwei to take care of Xu Jihuan, but now he can't do it.

"The water prison is too firm. We can't escape. The Buddha bead has only a little power left. You can hold it for a while. I can't live long. Don't waste the energy of the Buddha bead."

He took the Buddha beads off his wrist and stuffed them into xujuhuan.