"What? Green lotus root!"

Feng Qianwei felt a shudder when she heard the mysterious words.

"It turned out that she was able to escape the pursuit of human faced snakes at that time, not because she hid well, but because they were actually of the same kind."

She felt that the most terrible thing was not the human faced snakes, but the shadowless people.

"What the hell are they?"

If she hadn't accidentally seen the picture of Princess Yin changing clothes under the candle, she didn't find any clues at all. Yin Guifei looks like a normal person. There is nothing unusual in her usual speech and behavior.

How many people are shadowless in today's imperial palace?

Before, no one knew what the human faced snake would eventually look like. Now perhaps there is an answer.

"By the way, you said that concubine Xi got the snake entanglement curse because of the snake venom. That shows that the snake entanglement curse is not invisible. In fact, it can be spread only by relying on the snake venom as the medium."

Feng Qianwei suddenly remembered this. Maybe the snake Gu is too humble, so no one found its existence.

"Where did she get the snake poison in her hand?"

"I saw her dream of memory. She fished the well water from a well in a palace and carefully put it into a bottle."

Before magic, she thought that Princess Li was crazy, so she used magic to make her fall into the deepest and most fearful memories.

"Well water! Isn't it?"

Feng Qianwei thought of Empress Dowager Qing's Anning palace, where there was a very deep well, which made her feel deeply uneasy.

She found a safe place for magic and cloud weaving to guard her, and then her spiritual consciousness entered the spiritual bead space.

She took out her well water and came to the old miracle doctor's residence.

"Teacher, the snake entanglement spell is probably spread through snake venom. Do you see if there is anything in the water?"

"Snake insects are invisible things. They need to live in the cold running water. It is difficult for the naked eye to find their existence, but if a drop of blood is dropped, they will appear."

The old miracle doctor poured half of the well water into a deep white bowl, then took out the blood bag in the storage bag and added a drop of blood.

At the next moment, tiny snakes appeared in the originally ordinary water and rushed to the blood drops. The water in the whole bowl was boiling, and there were small snakes.

"This is really snake venom. The number of these snake venoms is very large. Once they enter people's blood, they will continue to reproduce more snake venoms, and then spread through human contact, even through droplets. The reason why the snake entanglement mantra is mysterious and terrible is that it can't find the source of its transmission. Now I know its medium."

The old miracle doctor was not at all optimistic when he learned about the media.

Once the snake venomous insects are integrated into the body, they begin to multiply. With more and more snake scales, it means that the number of snake venomous insects is increasing.

"If you can kill the snake venom in your body, you can stop snake poisoning."

Feng Qianwei put forward her idea.

"It's too difficult. Those snakes and insects hide very deep and it's difficult to find them."

The old miracle doctor shook his head and felt that the idea was correct, but it was almost impossible to implement it.

"There is another way, that is to attack poison with poison and control poison with poison."

Feng Qianwei said.

"Then you need to find a suitable poison bug that can restrain snake poison. But even so, it's difficult to cure it completely and can only delay it. All the powerful poison masters are in candlelight moon city. I know a friend of the poison master. Keep some of these snake poison bugs here and I'll study them carefully."

The old miracle doctor thought her proposal was feasible. They could try their luck in candlelight city.