He Huan sat quietly in the side hall and closed his eyes.

The fragrance curls out of the exquisite incense burner, like a day for more than ten years. In her dream, she can always smell the same fragrance, which is hard to forget all her life.

Without xuanyuanyao's edict, no one is allowed to approach the coffin containing xuanyuanzun's body. She forbeared again and again, and then restrained her impulse to rush to see Xuanyuan Zun immediately.

She couldn't believe it without seeing it with her own eyes.

Xuanyuan Zun is by no means a sign of early death. Her father once said that her two senior brothers are both dragons and phoenixes among people. They are invaluable. What they can achieve in this life is immeasurable.

But why did he suddenly die? Still dead!

He Huan needs a reasonable explanation. The only person who can explain to her is xuanyuanyao.

She suddenly remembered a remark made by second master yuan. He said that no one knew whether Xuanyuan Zun died of illness, but his death was absolutely related to Xuanyuan Yao.

Is it really xuanyuanyao's hand?

He Huan's hands and feet were so cold that he seemed unconscious. He was very sad.

It's from the same root. It's too urgent to fry each other. They are the closest twin brothers in the world.

It was getting dark.

The palace people came in and quietly lit candles, bringing a warm light to the room. Seeing that he Huan closed her eyes and said nothing, the palace people thought she was still asleep and didn't dare to disturb, so they quietly withdrew again.

He Huan's mouth hung a bitter smile. More than two hours have passed. Brother Yao is really the same as in the past. He doesn't care about her at all. There was a seductive woman around him. Just standing on his side, his appearance and temperament could dazzle people's eyes.

It seemed that he had completely forgotten what he said to her on a snowy night that year. Thanks to her years of obsession with him, she would rather quarrel with her father than sneak out to find him.

Commitment is meaningful only when two people care. One person takes it seriously, while the other takes it as a joke. In the end, the person who takes it seriously becomes a laughing stock.

She will clench her teeth and insist on waiting. She asked xuanyuanyao to answer many questions. He can bear her love, but respect her brother's death. She must know the truth.

Xuanyuanyao finally came. However, he didn't come alone. Beside him was a beautiful woman, holding hands and inseparable.

He Huan's face immediately sank, and his smile disappeared.

"I've been waiting." Xuanyuanyao gave a greeting and nodded.

"Brother Yao, haven't we seen each other for six years? You have changed so much that huan'er almost doesn't recognize you. " She meant something and said something. She wanted to completely ignore the woman sitting next to xuanyuanyao, but after working hard for a long time, she found that she couldn't do it at all.

"You're wrong, younger martial sister. It's not six years, it's twelve years." Xuanyuanyao felt a little strange in his heart. It's the first time he has seen his master since he left the palace with he Huan and Shiniang. It's strange that he Huan said he had only been separated for six years.

"Obviously..." he huancai wanted to refute, and suddenly found that xuanyuanyao didn't call her "huan'er" as intimately as in the past.

The word "Shimei" is a clear line, which completely divides the relationship between the two people. He Huan saw the woman sitting aside as a bystander, and suddenly understood something in his heart.