Chapter 204 A Masked Man

Whether she made it or not, how could Sherry not know? That morning, she woke up from a strange bed. She was so tired that she didn't even feel a little bit of pain. Didn't she, who had thought as a wife, know what had happened?

Sherry would never forget that day. When he opened his eyes, the whole world collapsed.

At first, Sherry thought that it was a joke between her and Wilson.

When she woke up, she found herself in a strange room and under the same condition, her first reaction was to calm down.

Sherry called Wilson's name again and again, but no one answered her. Her heart sank to the bottom. She looked at the clothes scattered on the ground and found a string of Buddhist prayer beads.

Sherry recognized the man. This was what Wilson had gone all the way for, and it was said that he wanted to give it to a powerful man.

Sherry was dumbfounded when she saw the beads! The terrible idea in her mind became more and more intensive. The sound of the running water in the bathroom had replaced her sanity.

Sherry didn't even have the courage to open the door. He changed his clothes hurriedly and stood in front of the bathroom door, hesitating.

Her reason told her that the person in the room was absolutely not Wilson, but she still wanted to live a miracle

At last, Sherry did not have the courage to turn around and run out of the room.

She dared not go home. Instead, she ran away to her mother's house! Sherry was not a fool. She knew clearly that her days with Wilson were not going to change. And she also knew that Wilson was very selfish and ambitious! It was just because she knew that it was not a surprise for a man like him to do such a thing, wasn't it?

How much Sherry wished she could run back and questioned Wilson, but the marks on her body Sherry was smart and rational. No matter what the truth was, she couldn't take the risk.

Sherry had been resting in her mother's home for several days before she returned to the Lu Clan.

As what Sherry expected, Wilson was really asking questions in a roundabout way and asked Sherry the question, which indicated that she had given up hope.

Due to doubts and conjectures, day by day, Wilson and Sherry had been on the same page. As time went by, Sherry became more and more silent, cold and indifferent!

All of a sudden, a lot of mistresses rushed into Wilson's head! As Mr. Sidney was so disappointed with him and completely ignored him, Wilson couldn't help thinking that Wilson's behaviours were even more out of line

It was not until Mr. Sidney paid too much attention to Marvin that they dared not to disobey his orders, that Wilson started to confront his eldest son, Marvin.

Wilson was no longer a father or a son, but a competitor and competitor! At the same time, as Wilson had recovered from the shock, he forced three children to test DNA!

He suspected that Sherry had sex with that man, because his ultimate goal was not achieved! Wilson was not guilty at all. He even started to imply himself that Sherry had been a skittish woman since she was a child!

Wilson's brain was twitching. Wilson h

"…… Mommy, I won't play with you next time. " Clutching her hip, Rani giggled triumphantly.

Ray covered his mouth to hide his titter. By accident, he saw Marvin. 'Oh, my dad is here.'. The baby waved his paw and looked intently. Well, daddy's face was so dark. Did he get angry?

Ray poked his complacent mother. His eyes almost popped out as he poked her. At this moment, the mother, Lancy, finally knew what the baby was looking at.

"Haha." The girl showed a row of white teeth, looking very guilty.

Without saying a word, Marvin looked down at them from a high position. Marvin had the courage to be calm and powerful No matter how furious she was, in Lancy's opinion, her boss was furious, and quite angry!

Ah, what should she do?

Lancy scratched her ears, her big black eyes blinking. Was it her illusion? She always felt that the boss was just staring at her! But it didn't make any sense. The whole thing was committed by the same person. Why did they treat each other differently.

To prove her guess, Lancy made up her mind. The head was moving, from left to right, which was visible to the naked eye! Sure enough, those dark eyes were staring at her and wandering around. It was definitely aimed at her alone.

The girl's face was covered with tears. She was not a bully.

Now, she was not the one who was crying. Indeed, time had moved on! Rani giggled.

Then she was caught on the spot by Lancy.

Hearing that, Lancy glared and grimaced in pain. She thought, 'It's all your fault. Now is it all right? Do you want to swell up or calm your daddy down?'?

The twins blinked in astonishment and asked, "Mommy, didn't you say that you wanted to play with Ray or Rani? What's wrong with mommy now? She has an expression of 'being unreasonable and making trouble out of nothing'. Mommy, I don't think I will love you anymore!

Lancy shrank her neck and smiled awkwardly. Well, it seemed that she was the one who got no head.

Marvin, who had been ignored by them for a long time, was even angrier! So that meant he was not a threat to them at all.