Chapter 211 The Nan Clan's Blame

There were three reasons. First, the Nan Clan was in business, and they got a lot of gold in that year. The reason why Wilson married Charles was that his clan was wealthy. Second, the Nan Clan was inferior to the Lu Clan, and it was easy to be recognized by people from the Nan clan, including Sherry. Second, Sherry was a beautiful woman, and don't forget that all men were handsome association with good looks.

Back then, Nan Clan was ecstatic about having a relationship with Lu Clan. Sherry's father, Mr. Nathan, the head of the Nan clan, was a man of foresight. He didn't want to be an upstart in the future, but a powerful family like the Lu Clan. The head of the Nan Clan, Mr. Nathan, thought to himself, 'Wilson in the Lu family is a random person's son. And Sherry is the eldest daughter of the emperor. The Lu Clan is really rich, isn't it?'

However, within just a few years, Wilson and Sherry had already been at odds with each other.

The other couple, Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Nathan also died in a car accident, leaving only their son, Lewis. Lewis was busy reorganizing the companies of the Nan Clan, while at the same time, Sherry had taken the initiative to cut all the contact with the Nan clan. They should be the closest brother and sister, but because of all kinds of reasons, they were even worse than strangers.

If she asked, would Sherry regret? She will definitely tell you that she doesn't regret it.

Sherry didn't want Nan Clan to be disgraced because of her, nor did she want to drag her only relative into the abyss of Lu Clan.

She hadn't seen her brother for years. Maybe even Sherry herself couldn't remember! She even didn't know whether her brother would like to see her or not!

The only way Sherry knew was to get in touch with the number of the old house of Nan Clan! In fact, she just wanted to have a try. After all, it had been so many years. Lewis must have been married and had his own family, and he might have moved out of the old house.

The phone was hung up again and again. Just when Sherry was about to hang up the phone disappointedly, a voice spoke at the other end of the line.

"This is the Nan Clan. Who are you looking for?"

This voice is Sherry couldn't help covering her mouth with a hand, and her eyes had already turned red, choking with sobs and unable to speak.

"……" The man at the other end of the phone paused when he stopped reading the document. A figure flashed in front of him and he hinted the man opposite to him to be quiet. "Sherry?"

It was Lewis who answered the phone. To her surprise, he didn't call her sister, but called her by her name.

Sherry was stunned and didn't know what to say. Just like the way Lewis called her, she had to realize that the relationship between them had long gone.

Sherry didn't know how to ask for help! She was the one who had actively cut off contact with them, and once she had trouble, she was also the one who asked for help from her parents. At that moment, Sherry really wanted to slap herself in the f

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

r him!

Mr. Sidney was also angry at Sherry. Looking at the situation of Lewis, he was afraid that the Nan Clan had already known those things. However, it could be said that this was Wilson who had caused so much trouble, and it was the guilty one. "Dear nephew, calm down. Don't you think it's beneath your dignity?"

Lewis pursed his lips and said sarcastically, "what else do you want to say? Now there is no room for negotiation. He shouldn't have entangled with her if he still had a little conscience! He even threatened her with the Lu Clan's fame Do you really think our Nan Clan is a coward? "

Lewis was so cruel!

'Now that the Nan Clan has established a firm foundation, we can't afford to offend them easily.' Mr. Sidney thought.

In fact, Mr. Sidney had never thought of really scheming against the Nan Clan. Firstly, the Lu Clan is in trouble; secondly, even if Wilson divorces Sherry, the Lu family still doesn't have complete friendship with the Nan family. All these have been in touch with three of them and their two kids, haven't they?

"What a powerful Nan Clan! Even they look down upon Mr. Sidney, don't they?" Mrs. Wilson thought, 'He was too arrogant to meet them.

"Well, that's enough!" Mr. Sidney supported his head with one hand in the headache, looking at the diffident Wilson, Lewis who came to visit Sherry and Mrs. Wilson who caused trouble. "Go and ask the master out."

After much consideration, Mr. Sidney decided to let his grandson Marvin deal with this matter. For his sake, the Nan Clan could also restrain themselves.

Obviously Mr. Sidney knew that Lewis came here to find fault with Wilson. No matter what he said, Lewis would only think that he was biased in the way of Wilson. Mr. Sidney wanted to tell people that he was too old to do these things!

In fact, the real reason was that the Lu Clan was at present and Marvin was the ruler! The reason why he did so was that he could solve his rear-view problems and restrain those who were ready to stir up trouble.