Chapter 319 Hatred

Even though he was wearing leather boots and changing his voice, Lakin could still feel how old and powerless that man was. And some odour couldn't be changed.

For example, Old man stink.

The leader froze for a moment, and then he deftly lifted the mask.

"Lakin is worthy of the name of Lakin," Andy was a few years younger than Lakin. Since he had taken good care of his skin, he did not look much older.

He put forth more strength with his foot on Lakin's chest, and the man groaned because of pain. After that, Andy showed the mercy to him.

"Didn't you say that you would recognize me even if I turned into ash? Me too, Andy bro. " Lakin stared at Andy. He could not see his expression clearly, but he could imagine it.

"Who is your brother?" Andy spat and said disdainfully, "I don't have that luck."

As a result, they were no longer brothers as before when they had a fight.

When he was very young, Andy was the sworn son of Lakin. It could be said that one third of the credit to the Lan Group was from him! So, in the aspect of business, their friendship was totally against each other. As a result, they could turn against each other.

Of course, among them, Latin and Lapin had done everything they could and successfully made Andy, who had a grudge against Lakin, fall out with him.

After all, Andy was the right and most capable man of Lakin at that time.

Separation plans had been used throughout history. In the business world, no one would wholeheartedly trust a person, and his interests were always behind him. In addition, there was a long-standing conflict between him and her, and in the end, it would be out of control.

What Latin and Lapin did was to take advantage of this opportunity to improve their conflict.

Let's put it this way. The shares held by the Lan Group and the shareholders are not all belong to the Lan Clan! Some of them were from the confidant.

It was about the proportion.

The fact that Lakin was going to give them fifteen percent of the shares before the two had sex was infuriated by the incident! However, Latin, Lapin well as the Lan Clan called on them, exerted pressure on Lakin by reducing the price by 15% to 8%.

As the clan leader, no matter what his selfish motive was, he had to consider the overall situation.

Especially when his only son died in a car accident, and I had no successor, when the whole Lan Clan was restless and eager for action, Lakin had to make a compromise!

Well, this time it was a shock. Andy, who had been holding a grudge, smashed the table! We had said that one third of the Lan Group's credit goes to him, but only get eight percent of the company's shares. It is already surprising that the two sides can break up!

In the next two years, Andy established his own company in order to compete for the business of the Lan Group.

Originally, Lakin felt guilty for him, but didn't care... However, two years had passed, five years had passed. As time went on, Andy became more and more rampant. He had made ann

Drugged one night by her ex-boyfriend, a mysterious man took advantage of her in an ecstatic night filled with sex.

To take her revenge, she married the man, and used him.

"As long as I'm alive, I'm still his legal wife, while all of you are just his mistresses."

She remained adamant even when he was involved in scandals with other women.

Eventually she stormed off after she learned that he had betrayed her again.But life brought her back to him a few years later, to his astonishment.

re tied up, and it was normal for them to tremble due to the lack of blood.

"The share transfer agreement. Read it carefully. If you have any problem, we can talk face to face." Andy said that I'm generous and I'm a friendly person. He carried a chair in his hands casually and looked at Lakin face to face.

Why would Lakin waste his time on this stupid book? It was the last thing he wanted to read and he wouldn't be willing to sign it.

However... Lakin frowned. He felt that Andy was thinking about something else. He could not help reading the so-called shares as a degree. Everything went on as usual, except that Lakin had to transfer all his shares...

"Mr. Lakin, don't worry. Continue reading." "As long as you sign this letter of intent, I promise you, you will live well, and Lan Group is still under the name of Lan."

Lakin frowned subconsciously. Andy talked in a strange way. Why did he call the Lan Group the same as the Lan's?

It didn't take Lakin long to understand what was going on. He looked at the last row of words on the cover.

The next day, Lakin decided to give all his shares to his granddaughter, Nina.


Lakin had a blank mind and was unable to describe how he felt at this moment.

Lakin woke up overnight, got kidnapped, lost his freedom, and was treated like a beast. He never felt scared, astonished and shocked.

This time, Lakin was scared silly.

His fingertips rested on the three words, trembling, as if showing his same trembling mood.

Nina... Nina? How could it be Nina?

Lakin was reluctant to believe it, but he had to! This was so-called "Lan Group". It didn't seem to have the same last name?

And that's why Andy laughed.

Andy must be so proud that he even couldn't hurt Lakin by threatening and kidnapping him. Then, what about now?

Andy raised his eyebrows and asked quietly. Was he satisfied?

Lakin was grateful to him for his mercy. He even helped him to retain his dignity. Well, at least he had a little obsession with him.