Chapter 368 How Capable I Am

If, in this way, could he make the woman under him know that he cared about her, loved her, and liked her, he wouldn't mind at all.


As Marvin opened his heart completely, he kissed her.

He kissed her forehead, nose and cheek gently with irresistible force.

It was not their first time, but they had a phantom of first intimacy. Especially for Lancy, she had no memory of their first wedding night. But at this moment, she seemed to have been in it and was on the scene.

Lancy struggled with her last sanity, unconsciously tugging at his collar, "Marvin, I was wrong, it was my fault, OK? You are the best! I don't mind that at all! You are very capable! "

Finally, she gave in without a fight and kept begging. She didn't know what she was talking about. Her head was completely blank.

"Tell me, how capable am I?" However, Marvin was still pressing on her, and the force was surprisingly hard, not too heavy for her to move.

Though his words made people blush, his face was as cold as before. How could outsiders know that he did nothing shameless under his serious appearance.

Lancy was so angry that she couldn't even say a word. "You, you, you!"

She couldn't answer him.

In the past, because of the necessary training courses and training tasks required by the organization, Lancy watched many loving films and even studied the body of a man.

But the film was one thing. When they were in there, it is totally another.

The man's hot breath tickled on her face, which made Lancy itchy. She wanted to scratch, but she couldn't move her hand. The itchiness became stronger, and she unconsciously moved her body.

The movement didn't matter at all. It lit up Marvin, who was already very tense.

Then he said hoarsely, "since you can't speak it out, then prove it with action."

Lancy just felt darkness in front of her eyes, then she pressed down. There was something cold on her soft lips. It was also so soft that she almost lost herself in it.

Lancy was in a daze for a long time. She had never expected that a man had such a magic that she could not get any information about him! It was like a beautiful spring water in his arms and was taken away by him.

The woman was immersed in her own thoughts. The man held the woman by her waist and rolled around on the bed. The man pulled the woman out of her trance.

The man's hands seemed to be magic, wandering behind her back, and back and forth, reluctant to leave!

Lancy didn't know when she gave in. All she could remember was that the man came in after that "scream". He kissed her, gently.

He aggressively tasted every part of her mouth, from her teeth to the tip of her tongue, without a pause. He was also deep in it?

He loved her and would never get tired of chasing after her.

Was this the feeling

family could be imagined.

Although she couldn't compare with Mr. Lakin, she was still the mistress in the servants' hearts. More importantly, Jill was a smart woman. She was even more capable than Nina.

What happened in the Lan Clan, no matter what happened, couldn't escape her eyes! Perhaps, because Jill hasn't been recognized formally yet, she tried her best to keep what she had now.

The reason why Jill was driven out of the Lan Clan was because of Nina. She didn't do anything wrong.

It could be seen that over the years in the Lan Clan, Jill was very cautious.

Why did Nina want to pick up Jill at this time?

Anyhow, Lancy had known those things, and she must have known that she had just used her mother as an excuse to perform a sad play. Since she had already known it, there was no need to hide it.

Nina had never thought of getting a forgiveness from Lancy. Both she and Lancy knew that it was impossible.

Lancy's words always made Nina feel uneasy. What made her angrier was that she didn't take any action after she said those harsh words.

Nina was agitated. She hadn't been able to sleep for days and she finally thought of it. No matter what Lancy was going to do, she was bound to go back to the Lan Clan.

Nina didn't think that Lancy couldn't guess what she was going to do next. She intended to stuffed the original copy into grandfather's safe.

Then everything would be clear.

So how to open the safe became the biggest problem.

The reason why Nina took Jill home was that she wanted to open the safe. Among all the people in the Lan Clan, Jill was the only one who knew Mr. Lakin best.

Jill spent most of her life studying Mr. Lakin's preferences. She was able to figure out the password.

The mother and the daughter stayed in the room for all day but didn't do anything. They looked dejected and didn't know what to do.