Chapter 509 Everything Has Its Rules

It would take another four or five working days to change the shares, and the expression on Nina's face immediately changed.

One or four or five days, two or four or five days, it would take half a month.

Half a month! Half a month!

Nina wanted to get the result today. How could she wait another half a month? How could she accept such a result?

Nina's face was distorted. She must be angry!

"It seems that miss Nina can't accept it? Let me put it bluntly. There are domestic rules in countries, and there are also company rules in the company. These are illegal rules. Although some procedures were complicated, they had to be followed. Otherwise, how could one make it? Or do you have any other way to persuade the board of directors? "

Only Girt's voice echoed in the huge meeting room. Every word was so penetrating that it hit everyone's heart.

What he said hit the nail on the head.

So that someone could not refute.

The someone was Nina.

"That's right. How can there be a good thing that goes up to the sky with one step?" Another director said.

"If you don't want to follow any rules, you can do whatever you want at home!"

"Even if you have more than half of the shares under the chairman's name. The other half is in our hands. You can make your own decision. You can't make it up to us. "

"The other way is to buy all our shares. Speaking of this, I'll make my stand clear first. As long as the price you offer can satisfy me, miss Nina, I, David, will be willing to sell my shares to you. "

That was to say, David was a typical old fox.

Everyone knew how much David hated Nina. From the very beginning, before they hugged each other, Davif had already looked at Nina with eyes and nose.

" the price can satisfy me." these words made fun of all the directors! What kind of price is the best one? This was not the realm of asking for an exorbitant price. They could guess what Mr. David would do.

It was just a trick like asking for a lot of money and stopping selling it when Nina agreed to buy it.

Yes, it was just a trick! It was obvious that he was playing with her!

The board members and Nina knew it clearly.

Not to mention the fact that Mr. Ceng and the elders bullied the young people, the conflict between them and Nina was no longer a personal grudge. It had unwittingly become a "class conflict".

Once Nina got the position, they could imagine what kind of situation they would face.

Therefore, it didn't matter whether they were old or young anymore. It was related to their long-term interests, so they had to fight for it.

This was an invisible war, which had long gone beyond the shackles of age, gender and friendship. Whether it was Nina or the directors, there was no way to turn back.

Nina gritted her te

Of course, the leading direction of public opinion should be determined. Once there was a tendency of deviation, they had to find a way to pull it back.

The so-called public relations department was to consider the company's image.

Their accusations were so righteous and awe inspiring.

That night, Girt went to see Marvin.

It should be Mr. Ceng and Mr. David, but they didn't know the detailed address of the villa. If they wanted to find him, they could only go to the Lu mansion and get the same answer as before.

Girt, on the other hand, got the location of the villa from somewhere and went straight to it.

The appearance of Girt made the security guards of the villa vigilant.

'are you kidding me? A few days ago, something big happened. Now everyone seems to be suspicious!'! Girt was no exception, although he looked quite gentle and polite.

But the appearance was always not true. Just said why you were here.

The security guards were all vigilant. Girt was speechless when he saw the unfriendly faces of the guards.

He really couldn't figure it out. He just came to here for something. Didn't they need to be on guard against him like a murderer?

"I'm Girt Lu, the legal counselor of the Lan group." Girt didn't hide his true identity.

The legal counselor of the Lan group?

Captain Chen touched his chin and looked at this man over and over again. The Lan group was just Mrs. Lancy's company? "Well, wait a moment. I'll inform her first."

Upon hearing Girt coming, Marvin was a little surprised.

Then he realized that something must have happened to the Lan group.

Girt was allowed to enter the room. He didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. It was not his fault. The security guards' reaction was so strange.

As if facing a formidable enemy

Girt's eyes flashed. Was there anything happened here?