Chapter 515 Three Kids Appeared Out Of Nowhere

The little heads, the soft cheeks, or they just carried them on shoulder and thrown them into the cellar?

The man on the left of Captain Chen slowly approached him and whispered, "Captain, I think what she said makes sense. We still have to catch them..."

"Damn you!" Allen slapped back, "do you know who they are? If you dare to arrest them, you will be punished! "

The man touched the back of his head and asked, "boss, do you know these three people?"

Allen rolled his eyes and said, "don't you know that the master and madam have a pigeon pair?"

Everyone was shocked. Were these the two children?

Oh, no, there were three

Pigeon pair should be two children? Right?

So who was the father of the extra baby?

Rex pouted and spread out his hands, "blame me?

Not everyone knew Ray, Rani and Rex. The three little kids had left for more than a year, and their height and skin color had changed. On the other hand, in order not to be intervened, Mr. Sidney didn't send anyone of the Lu mansion, of course, except for captain Chen. He was responsible for the safety of Central Lake Pavilion. Most of them were sent here by Mr. Sidney from personal villa, so it was normal that they didn't know the three children.

It was supposed to be a serious place, but the scene became funny when Captain Chen recognized the identities of the three children.

They all ignored one point. How did the three kids get in?

Ray and Rani were very familiar with the villa. They had lived here before their parents got married.

The three kids did the same action. Rani followed her brother Ray's actions, and Rex followed the actions of Rani. The three of them all walked towards the main hall with their hands on their backs.

"Your level of protection is too weak! It's far from enough! " While walking, Rani said something.

That was the conclusion of the three of them.

"Yes, you're right. It's far from enough." Rex nodded in agreement.

The three of them walked around and broke into the hall directly.

On the other side, Sherry didn't leave, so Maria could not leave. The two of them were eagerly watching the surrounding. It seemed that the guards had gone to the backyard, but then there was no sound.

Finally, they heard footsteps again.

It was getting closer and closer.

If Sherry turned around, she would see clearly that Maria was about to faint.

Because from the sound of footsteps, one could tell that there was definitely more than one person on the other side.

Maria's mind was in a mess. She thought, "I don't know if it's too late for me to faint now. The other party won't do anything to the person who fainted, will they?"?

However, the more Maria thought so, the more difficult it was for her to pass out.

It was really a sad story.

Finally, the moment

er Mommy was really sick? "Daddy is bad. Daddy didn't tell Rani and brother that Mommy was sick. I will break off with you!"

Rani said in a sobbing voice. She still sounded like a child. No one knew who had taught her how to break off with a man.

From whom?

Who else could they be except those Playboys on the island?

After writing a few strokes on his notebook in silence, Marvin went downstairs slowly and picked up his daughter.

Lying on her father's shoulder, Rani felt wronged and cried all of a sudden.

"Your mommy will be fine. Don't cry." Marvin's body was stiff because his daughter was crying

He had never had such an experience. Even when the father and daughter met, Rani had never cried.

Now thinking about it, it seemed that neither Rani nor Ray had cried. They were smarter and more experienced than ordinary children. It seemed that Marvin had been used to treating them like adults.

But now, his daughter was crying. his little daughter was crying... Marvin was at a loss.

"No, Daddy lied! Why didn't Mommy come to see Rani if she was not sick? Daddy must be lying to me. " Rani cried out loud and pulled his father's ear.

Lying was the most outrageous thing.

Rani choked with sobs. Her nose was red. How pitiful she was.

Rani blushed and rubbed against Marvin's shoulder from time to time.

Father's heart softened, and there was a little pity in his cold eyes. He held his daughter with one hand, and took his son with the other hand, and went upstairs.

At present, what the two children wanted to see most was their mother.

Rex followed them happily.

It was the same room, but the two patients were different.

She used to lie there peacefully, but now her hands and waist were tied. Looking carefully at the things binding them, she found that they were fluffy and the style was a little like a lady's scarf.