"9-star boss..."

The first time fire Qilin appeared in front of him.

All the players in the Warring States period were stunned.

The two vice captains of Zhou Yu and Wei Yan in the Warring States period, who had been speculating that the target was only a 7-star boss, were even more surprised.

At the same time, I regret what I said before.

"Just a 7-star boss. We are unparalleled in the Warring States period. Will we see it?"

"It's just to deal with a 7-star boss. Why do you mobilize so many people?"

The words that had been said not long ago reappeared in my mind and stimulated Zhou Yu and Wei Yan in the Warring States period, making their faces red.

"Sun! 9 stars!"

"This mud M... Can I withdraw what I said before?"


When everyone was stunned.

Aware of the enemy's invasion, huoqilin has begun to attack.

After a short power accumulation.

With a roar of "roar", he opened his big mouth and spewed out a flame towards this side.

"Take precautions!"

With the timely response of the Warring States period, Lv Bu shouted.

In the array, hundreds of Warring States unparalleled high-level Knight players rushed to the front.

Clang clang!

With a shield in hand, he stood on the ground in a one-line formation.

At the next moment, everyone releases [giant shield] (enlarge the shield three times) at the same time, so that the huge shield side by side can protect others in the rear array and completely withstand the impact of the flame!


Under the burning fire, up to thirty or forty thousand points of damage jumped from the top of the swallowed knights.

The rest of the rear array protected were unharmed.

The next moment.

Countless high priest players in the rear cast spells at the same time, and green lights fell from the sky on the injured knights in the front row.

One by one high recovery value, constantly restoring the knight's blood!

The successful defense of the unparalleled players in the Warring States period seems to have angered huoqilin.


Another deafening roar.

Huoqilin suddenly increased his firepower, making the flames more fierce.


The powerful flame directly broke through the grid of the front knights, and dozens of Knights' shields near the middle were broken.

The fire drove straight along the breach and instantly swallowed up a large group of MAGE shooter players in the rear.

Even the knights with rough skin and thick flesh can't stop the damage of Fire Kirin, let alone these crispy skins.

The flames devoured the crowd with countless injuries of up to forty or fifty thousand points.

The priest's treatment can't keep up with the high amount of continuous damage caused by the fire.

When the second damage comes.

With bursts of screams, dozens of white lights rose into the sky. In the crowd, a large area was directly emptied, leaving equipment, potions and other falling objects on the ground!

Follow closely.

Gain [Fire enhancement] (increase fire skill damage) and release [ground fire to start a prairie fire].

It is the same as Zhang Yi's skill of "burning the prairie with fire".

Boom, boom!

Countless flame pillars hit from the bottom of the ground, hitting the unparalleled players of the Warring States period on the land into the air.

The huge amount of damage rising to 60000 or 70000 points is almost who touches who in seconds.

At the same time, the sky fire set the prairie ablaze and Jiaohui developed accordingly.

Countless fireballs fell from the sky and bombarded the crowd in disorder.

Screams came and went, and white light came one after another.

The unparalleled players in the Warring States period have not started yet.

In an instant, the number of casualties exceeded three figures!


The fierce strength of more than 100 people was lost in the opening seconds of huoqilin, which made the archer Wei Yan in the Warring States period stunned: "this boss is too fierce!"

The voice just fell.

In all directions, the unparalleled masses in the Warring States period have not recovered from the deterrence of the 9-star boss.

Fire Kirin has acted again.

The whole body burned with a raging fire and rushed directly towards the crowd!

The fire Unicorn like a monster is unstoppable.

Clang clang!

The front line of defense was easily dispersed like tofu.

All Knight players trying to block it were hit and flew.

While spitting fire from your mouth, crush it with your body or bite it directly with your mouth.

In the eyes of fire Qilin, the unparalleled players in the Warring States period are like ants. They can't resist the fierce attack. They are turned into white light one by one. They don't even have a chance to respond!

Everyone was terrified.

Only during the Warring States period, Lv Bu kept calm in the face of danger and ordered: "the knight surrounded it with multiple lines of defense! The mage and shooter should not be too close. The soldiers should protect the back row, and the assassins should not pass. Use long-range tactics to fight!"

With the order of Lu Bu in the Warring States period.

The unparalleled army of the Warring States period quickly began to set up.

Hundreds of Knight players, one layer inside and one layer outside, form three sieges to surround the Fire Kirin.

At the same time, countless archers, magicians and a small number of animal defense players launched long-range shooting outside the encirclement circle.

Whoosh ~

Boom, boom

One attack after another hit Huo Qilin with a defense of nearly 8000 points, only taking up four or five hundred points of mandatory damage without breaking the defense.

More than 80% of the audience can't break the defense against fire Qilin!

And fire Qilin's behavior can bring devastating damage to the unparalleled players in the Warring States period!

The triple defense line formed by Knight players can only lock the Fire Kirin's body, not its attack.

Because Huo Qilin has mastered several long-range skills, he can pass through the unparalleled Knight defense line in the Warring States period and directly win other peripheral players.

Regardless of [flame enhancement] or talent [flame body], the Fire Kirin's enhanced skills and talents are used to enhance its skill damage.

Therefore, every skill used by fire Qilin is extremely deadly.

Bath fire burning, God of fire array, fire of hell... One skill after another, unparalleled players in the Warring States period suffered countless casualties.

Since Huo Qilin began to act, the white light has not stopped on the field.

The three or four hundred damage caused by the unparalleled players in the Warring States period is insignificant for Huo Qilin, who has a total HP of more than 98 million.

Watching his teammates being tortured like vegetables.

Zhou Yu of the Warring States period, who was casting spells to attack Huo Qilin, said in amazement: "how can I fight? I can't fight at all!"

"I knew it was a 9-star boss. Let's directly launch the whole army! Is it still time to ask for support?"

"It's too late. Phantom city has a ten minute trip here. When the reinforcements arrive, we're estimated to be all dead!"

"The key is that its skin is too thick, otherwise it is not difficult to fight with the crowd tactics. Even I can only fight three or four thousand injuries. How can I fight?"

As Wei Yan's voice fell in the Warring States period.

It's obvious that fire Qilin wears several five digit damage numbers in sharp contrast among the countless hundreds of damage numbers no more than four digits on his head——

-29368 critical hit!

-31280 critical hit!

-30026 critical hit!

On the other side of the crowd, Zhang Yi is casting a spell to attack fire Qilin.

Fire Qilin's defense is so high that the damage of Zhang Yi with the artifact in his hand decreases greatly.

But in contrast, the damage he hit stunned countless Warring States matchless players around who could only cause hundreds of damage to huoqilin.


The flame Kirin swept through the crowd.

Something seems to have happened.

While the flame devoured the crowd, the Fire Kirin jumped a huge amount of damage on his head——

-5983700! Back injury!