Several people continue to move forward, impressively found that the location of the gate will be bloodstained, Jin Xiaoxiao is more sure that someone came one step ahead of her.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw the bodies of the two sisters killed by Qianying. Feng Xue could not help but frown: "it's really unreasonable. I knew I would have done it ahead of time."

"It's unreasonable to be destroyed at this point."

Jin Xiaoxiao's eyes narrowed slightly and sighed: "Alas... It's my fault that I'm too tardy, otherwise it won't be like this."

"If you don't want Li Yining to find out, you have to wait until the night to do it. It's better to take sun's son back to Xiao's house when you found her. That won't be the case."

"At the moment, I don't know if this person has left. Be careful. If you can kill us, this person must be extraordinary."

Fengyue and Fengxue look at each other, and they nod. They tacitly protect Jin Xiaohu in the center of them and continue to walk to the inner courtyard.

When the three men came to the bedroom, they were surprised to see that all the sun's family had been killed. The bodies were lying on the ground in all directions. The wounds looked terrible.

Seeing this scene, Jin Xiaoxiao was not surprised. As early as he saw Qianying killing her sister's corpse at the door, he had expected that Mrs. sun might not survive.

She looked around and said to Feng Xue, "go and find out if this person is leaving. Once you find out that you don't fight with him easily, you must call us to go with you."

Feng Xue nods and exits the bedroom. Jin xiaodaimei frowns. It's not hard to guess who did it.

Either Li Yining has learned all about it, or the enemy who once did all the bad things of sun's mother-in-law and son comes to seek revenge.

In any case, she went all the way in vain today, and the only clue was so broken.

It's even more difficult to find the evidence that Li Yining has changed the crown prince. At this point, Jin Xiaoxiao feels very sorry.

Why can't you think more at the beginning? Why do you believe in a woman you don't know.

But now everything is too late. There are all kinds of medicine in the world, but there is no regret medicine.

Soon, Fengxue turned back and came to Jin Xiaoxiao and said softly, "Little Miss, I've searched the whole yard and found no one."

"Not even a trace of the assassin has been found. As you said, this man is absolutely not simple. His whereabouts are so secret that even if he is really hiding here at the moment, he will not be found by us."

Fengyue pondered for a moment, looked at Jin Xiaoxiao and asked, "Little Miss, what should we do now?"

Jin Xiaoxiao closed his eyes thoughtfully and sighed softly: "Alas... What else can I do? Look everywhere to see if there are any clues. If not, you can only turn back. "

"It's a pity that I didn't get anything from Mrs. sun. I didn't kill her myself."

Then the three began to rummage. Half a quarter of an hour later, the wind and snow suddenly heard a string of footsteps.

"Not good." Fengxue is busy to remind, and Fengyue stands in front of Jin Xiaoxiao.

For the first time, they thought that the assassin who killed the granddaughter-in-law had not left, and was not alone. They had brought more people with them.

Just with two people in, in the end can protect Jin Xiaoquan is not known.

But what Jin Xiaoxiao thought was totally different from the two sisters. On the contrary, she was a little happy. At least she could learn something from these people.

Soon, the sound of footsteps is getting closer and closer, and someone walks into the bedroom. Fengxue is about to move, but Jin Xiaoxiao stops her.

Because the person who came here was not the victim. It was Shaoqing from Dali temple.

When Shaoqing saw the corpses all over the ground, he was stunned, and Jin Xiaoxiao was here, which shocked him even more.

"Princess Yunxi?"

Jin Xiaoxiao is also very suspicious. She steps forward, frowns slightly and asks, "how are you here, my lord?"

Shaoqing closed his eyes: "I should ask you how you are here, right? Someone just came to Dali temple and said that there was a homicide here. "

"Originally, I didn't need my official to do it. Such a thing is exactly what Jing Zhaoyi should do. However, this person said that this case involves powerful people in Beijing, so I had to come."

After hearing the words, Jin Xiaoxiao understood the whole story.

It seems that this is still a chain game, one link after another. This person has already calculated every step she wants to take accurately.

It's not like Li Yining can think of such a thing, so who is secretly monitoring all this? Who would go back to cover up for Li Yining under such circumstances?

He even went to Dali temple to make trouble about it. As expected, he was vicious and courageous.

Seeing that Jin Xiaoxiao said nothing, Shaoqing took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Princess Yunxi, don't you have anything to explain about the corpse on the ground?"

Jin Xiaoxiao came back and said with a cold smile, "if I say I've been framed, I don't know if adults are willing to believe it?"

Shaoqing pondered for a long time and said calmly: "I only look at the evidence, but I have to check whether it was framed or not to know."

"But because of your special status, I think it's better to inform Duke Xiao of this matter. What do you think?"

Jin Xiaoxiao shook his head: "don't you have to? You've been in Dali temple for many years. Have you ever seen a killer stay where he is after killing someone? "

"If these people were really killed by me, there would be blood on me, and I didn't even have a weapon, and my two maids were helpless. How could I kill so many people?"

"This is a complete misunderstanding. I hope you can handle it at your discretion."

Shaoqing is very helpless to pick eyebrows, at this time behind a seemingly adjutant dress up a step forward, in his ear whispered something.

He nodded, looked at Jin Xiaoxiao and said, "Princess Yunxi, I have to say something about it. I hope you don't mind. After all, I don't want to mention your injury. I have to."

"It is said that you just lost your child a while ago, and the woman who delivered you was the one who was killed, right?"

"Even if you were going to kill this woman that night to vent your anger, how dare you ask about it?"

Jin xiaodai's eyebrows were frowning, and her eyes were full of resentment. She knew that it would not be long before it was concealed. Unexpectedly, it spread to Dali temple so soon.

Although the Xiao family tried their best to keep it secret, there were still some people behind their backs.

In this way, she has enough motivation to kill her granddaughter-in-law. It's reasonable to think about what happened tonight.