The next day, instead of going up the mountain to collect medicine, Li Lin asked Zhang Hai to take him around the surrounding villages.

I don't know. Just like this, Li Lin found that the life of people here is really bitter.

Including Zhang Hai's aunt, the family went to the south to work, leaving only her aunt at home. The surrounding village households are far away from each other, so they can't take care of each other at ordinary times.

Li Lin sighed deeply.

It is very similar to the original Chengou village, but the situation in Chengou village is much better than here.

At least Chengou village has some land, and the mountain villages here are all stones.

Next, Li Lin lived in the Tu village. He followed Zhang Hai to collect medicine during the day and went back to Yupei space at night to tell Wang Laoliu about the Tu village.

"It's impossible to take them back to Chengou village! It's unrealistic! "

Wang Daliang shook his head and did not suggest that Li Lin do so.

"Don't you have some money? Just give their brothers and sisters a sum of money? "

Wang Daliang continued to suggest.

"This should be the business of the local government! Why doesn't the government care? "

Wang Laoliu asked.

"The situation in their village is more complicated than expected!"

Li Lin said.

Because they are ethnic minorities and gather in the mountains, all the government can do is build roads and schools.

But the reality is that schools are mud houses and roads are paved with stones.

"Why don't you bring their brother and sister here! Our brothers teach them? "

Wang Laoliu suggested.

"Yes! It's better to bring them in than to suffer outside. Children like them are used to loneliness. This world is just right for them! "

Wang Daliang continued.

"Well! Old six is right! We've been here for a long time and are very lonely. If you have two children, be more angry! In addition, if the child is well trained, when he grows up and goes outside, he can also give you a lot of help! "

A glimmer of light flashed in Wang Daliang's eyes.

"It's OK. I'll send them back after their government attaches importance to it."

Li Lin said.

"OK! Anyway, the knowledge of our brothers is enough to teach junior middle school knowledge! After the knowledge of junior high school, both children have grown up. "

Wang Laoliu said.

"Old six, when are you so modest? I remember you were a bully in high school, didn't you? Later, he was expelled from the school because he fought with a second generation of the school. How can he have only junior middle school knowledge? If so, can you do this helicopter? "

Wang Daliang joked.

"Can't I just be modest?"

Back at Zhang Hai's house, Li Lin carefully asked Zhang Hai and Zhang Cao if they would like to go with him.

When the two children heard this, they nodded quickly.

It seems that the two children have been instructed by their aunt.

That day, Li Lin took Zhang Cao and Zhang Hai to find their aunt, and then found their village party secretary.

After Li Lin explained his intention, the village Party Secretary welcomed him very much.

Nevertheless, the village Party Secretary asked Li Lin's ID card and asked Li Lin to write a guarantee.

"Every summer and winter vacation, children must come back. Let's have a look!"

The village party secretary is an old man. Every time Li Lin promises to write half, he will think of some terms and ask Li Lin to add them.

After writing, the village head took a pen to record Li Lin's ID card information and asked Li Lin to press his fingerprint. At this time, the village party secretary wrote a note for Li Lin's adoption.

With the note from the village Party Secretary and the village head, Li Lin also has the legal status of taking in two children. Of course, this cop is for the police station.

The child's registered permanent residence has not changed. If it is changed to adoption, you have to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to apply for certificates. It's too troublesome. Besides, Li Lin is not going to adopt two children.

He and Zhang Hai met several of his relatives. Li Lin took Zhang Hai and Zhang CaO on the road with his backpack.

The things carried in the backpack are all the herbs grandpa needs.

With his brother and sister, Li Lin returned to the Autonomous County and then transferred two million yuan to a deposit slip.

When Li Lin left, he promised to build a cement road and a school for the Tu village.

In the County Hotel, Li Lin said to Zhang Hai, "tomorrow my brother will take you to a place where you will have an uncle to study, OK?"

"We'll go wherever my brother goes!"

Zhang Hai said.

"OK! Tomorrow morning, I'll take you to take a bath and sleep tonight! "

Li Lin Dao.

"Brother, I want to wear new clothes!"

Zhang Cao pointed to the package on the chair and said.

Entering the county today, Li Lin bought a lot of clothes for Zhang Hai and Zhang Cao. Now the two children can't put down their new clothes.

"OK! After you take a bath, put it on! "

Then Li Lin taught the two children how to turn on hot water and how to use shower gel, and waited in the room.

After the two children took a bath and slept at ease, Li Lin took the two children into the jade pendant space and put them in Wang Laoliu's wooden room.

"You mean their brother and sister?"

Wang Laoliu lit a soothing incense and pointed to Zhang Hai and Zhang Cao Dao.

"Yes! What a pity. I don't know how his mother could be so cruel and leave them cold and hungry in the mountain village! "

Li Lin sighed.

"Human nature is so realistic! Since the Western values entered China, China has no loyalty! "

Wang Laoliu took out a brand-new quilt and covered the two children again.

The weather outside is very cold and the jade pendant space is also winter, but it is still much warmer than the outside world.

"Alas! Westerners pursue equality, freedom and human rights! As everyone knows, we never lack these, we are just immoral! There is no lack of morality in society. What freedom and equality naturally exist! And we give up virtue and pursue these... As a result, the society will only become more and more chaotic! "

Li Lin shook his head helplessly.

Traditional Chinese medicine, there are many theories. In addition to the guiding medical theories such as Yin Yang and five elements, there is also the cognition of society and human nature.

It took China decades to destroy the traditional Chinese medicine inherited for thousands of years. Its purpose is to promote his value system.

The experience of Zhang Cao and Zhang Hai is just one of them.

Mothers abandon their children, local governments let go, and most of the so-called love funds are lazy politicians.

After Li Lin came out of the jade pendant space, he went straight to the bookstore and bought a lot of primary school textbooks and supplementary materials. In addition, he also bought a lot of extracurricular reading materials. In addition, Li Lin did not forget to buy a set of Chinese classics and history books.

Maybe it's the effect of soothing incense, or maybe the Zhanghai brothers and sisters have never slept so comfortably. I didn't get up until noon the next day.

After getting up, the two brothers and sisters were stunned when they saw themselves in a wooden house. They quickly put on their clothes, walked out of the room and looked around.

"Wake up! Are you looking for your big brother Li Lin? "

Although Wang Laoliu works outside, he always pays attention to the situation here.

When Zhang Hai saw Wang Laoliu, he nodded timidly.

"He's out! My name is Wang Laoliu. Your brother Li Lin must have told you that you will learn from me in the future, you know? "

Wang Laoliu tried to show a kind face and said.

"Oh ~"

Zhang Hai and Zhang Cao didn't say anything either. Li Lin told him these things last night. They just didn't understand. They woke up and came to this place from the hotel.

"Why did you sleep so dead? Let the big brother come behind our back! "

Zhang Hai looked up at the sky and rubbed his empty stomach. It was obviously noon now. He thought he slept too much. Li Lin left the hotel behind their two brothers and sisters.

Zhang Cao has no feelings for these because he is young.