"Some people spread on the Internet that the vegetables planted in our village are genetically modified. Many netizens began to appeal to the people not to eat our vegetables! Boycott our vegetables. Now I want to know, how did that group of people get into the village? Why don't you ask their origin? "

Li Lin hurried.

Strangers seldom come to the village. I just don't understand how people in the village let this group smash their jobs?


"Uncle De Fu, tell me about the strangers in the village? Who on earth allowed them to take the video? "

Li Lin is on the edge of rage and doesn't want to explain more to Chen Defu.

"Several people did come this morning. They were friends in the city brought back by Chen Jincai. Nothing else? What happened to these people? "

Chen Defu asked.

Chen Defu doesn't understand GM. I don't even understand what GM is.

"This group of people made a video saying that the vegetables in our village are delicious!"

Li Lin bit his teeth and said, especially the delicious words.

"You bastards! I'll trouble him! "

Chen Defu understood as soon as he heard it.

It's delicious. Isn't it very delicious? Anger rose, put down the phone and went out.


Li Lin frowned again as he listened to the busy voice on the phone. I found that I had an unsolved problem.

Chen Feng has been sitting in the bar waiting for news. From last night to now, there has been a fierce struggle in his mind.

You can't kill Li Lin, but you're unlucky.

What if you die? Even if he can't die, it's good to do it secretly and block him up!

Does it work? In the face of such a murder and no evidence can be found, the police have no way to deal with him. If they get into trouble again, I'm afraid it will be difficult to be peaceful in the future.


Chen Feng frowned and didn't lean against the sofa. He had been sitting here all night. He slept several times and woke up to think about it again.

Bang bang!

The sudden knock on the door sounded very loud in this quiet bar.

Because the bar doesn't open during the day, it looks very quiet.

"Come in!"

Chen Feng rubbed his eyebrows.

One night later, Chen Feng felt much older.

"Brother Feng, there is another video of genetically modified vegetables on the Internet!"

A little brother in black came in with a tablet computer.

"Show me!"

Chen Feng sat there with his ass motionless and stretched out his hand. The little brother put his computer on Chen Feng's hand.

The little brother in black stood aside silently.

Then, Chen Feng opened the video and watched it silently.

After a long time, Chen Feng seemed to be determined to die and threw the tablet away.

"Go find some trustees and get some money to make trouble in Fushou building. Remember, we can't expose their relationship with us, or we'll get into big trouble! "

Chen Feng said slowly.

"Brother Feng, please rest assured! This kind of thing, we are not Li Lin, just put down the mobile phone, not long after, a group of people poured out of Fushou building.

The group surrounded the Fushou building.

Li Lin and Ren Yiyi haven't figured out what's going on?

A banner was pulled up in the crowd.

We don't eat GM - refuse all GM Videos - please give me a statement.

With the banner, Li Lin knew the demands of this group of people.

"What a bunch of fools! I don't know if I've been used! "

Ren Yiyi shook her head.

"What can I do? In this world, the foolish people account for the vast majority! "

Li Lin Dao.

"Oh! Take this transgene for example, not all transgenes are unsafe! They don't even know about it! "

Ren Yiyi sniffed and walked to the door with her wheelchair.

There was such a group of people blocking. Several people who wanted to come in for dinner retreated.

"Ladies and gentlemen, your blocking our restaurant has affected our business! Since you're not here for dinner, please leave! "

Ren Yiyi exhorted loudly.

"We're not leaving! If you don't give us a statement, we won't leave! "

Shouted a middle-aged man in the crowd.

If there is a policeman here, he will soon recognize that it is the policeman who has been looking for Liu Facai all day.

Wang Lei launched a bonus for the underground world, and he also knew it.

Others dare not do it. He is not afraid of being a bachelor.

"Tell you what? Have you come to our Fushou building for consumption? Or is our Fushou building hindering you? "

Ren Yiyi looked down the steps and found that most of these people were civilians at the bottom.

It's not that these people can't afford the food in Fushou building, but they won't be willing to come in and spend money.

There is no one who really consumes in Fushou building.

This shows that this group of people should be provoked by the video on the Internet.

"We don't care! Is it true that you use genetically modified vegetables? "

Cried a young man.

This man is a dark line photographed by Chen Feng.

"Who did you hear that Longquan vegetables are genetically modified vegetables?"

Ren Yiyi asked.

"It's said on the Internet that the people who grow GM vegetables have admitted it. Do you still want to deny it?"


When Ren Yiyi quarreled with the people under the stage, Li Lin stood by and looked slowly.

Instinctively, Li Lin felt something strange or not simple about it.

I and Ren Yiyi had just finished watching the video, and so many people came to the door at once. Don't they ferment for a few days?


The man seems to have a brick in his hand.