
Li Yingfu, who was sorting out his books, heard that the door was pushed open. As soon as he turned around, he saw Nannan. Then a large group of people stood at the door behind Nannan.

"Grandpa, they call you ~"

With a big apple in her hand, Nannan stepped over the threshold and whispered to Li Yingfu.

"Oh, I didn't hear you! This man is old, and his ears don't work as soon as his thoughts run away! "

Li Yingfu said, turning to the man at the door and shouting, "come in!"

Seeing ye Cheng with an old man, Li Yingfu knew that this man was the gout patient Ye Cheng told him in the morning and the leader of Ye Cheng.

"Happy new year, old man! I wish you a happy old age! "

Luo Haifeng said and bowed to Li Yingfu.

"Get up! Let's sit down first! "

In Yunzhong City, Xu Bing finally received the information from his colleagues.

"Li Lin ~"

Of all the people surnamed Li who have met Yang Hao and Huang Mao, only Li Lin is in Yunzhong city these days.

Subsequently, Xu Bing checked the hotel accommodation information.

"This hotel also has a Li Lin!"

Feeling very close to the truth, Xu Bing immediately called his colleagues who were still working in the police reference room.

"Send me the information called Li Lin! Yes... It's him. Send it to my cell phone! "

Put down the phone, Xu Bing's hand began to tremble.

A moment later, the phone rang twice.

One is Li Lin's information, which is good for investigation. It is extracted and sent directly from the police system. The other is the name and location of the head lowering master in Siam.

In the data of this head lowering division, two are from Xiangjiang.

Xu Bing first looked at Li Lin's data, and then looked at the data of the head lowering division.

"Not the headmaster! How did he control others from a distance? "

Xu Bing was lost in thought again.

"Recently, the inspection team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection..."

In the room next to Xu Bing, there lived a businessman who was concentrating on the news.

When the TV was put on the downfall of the Xue family, the businessman unconsciously turned up the volume.

China's business is inseparable from policy.

Magic and other places can have money because of policies. The bank gave the money saved by the people all over the country to magic capital. All kinds of national resources were sent to Kyoto.

In the allocation of these resources, businessmen will benefit from it.

As a businessman, always understand the country's policies.

Watching the news has become a compulsory course for a successful businessman.

"Alas! I hope the fall of the Xue family will not affect the policies handled by the Xue family, otherwise I will lose money again! " The merchant sighed first, and then he was unwilling to die. He scolded: "you want to die. Say hello to us in advance!"

What the merchant didn't know was that his complaints and dissatisfaction in the room spread to the next room.

Xu Bing's thoughts were interrupted by the businessman, and he didn't blame the businessman. Then he turned on the TV and watched it.

In the news picture, a young man testified in front of the video that he and his father had taken bribes.

"How can this person's eyes be familiar?"

Xu Bing suddenly found that Xue Wenju's eyes seemed to have seen somewhere. When Xu Bing looked up again, the news screen flashed past.


Suddenly, Xu Bing seems to have caught something. He slipped out of bed, turned on the computer and called up the video of Xue Wenju reporting his bribery.

When he saw Xue Wenju's eyes again, Xu Bing's hands kept shaking.

"That's it... Another..."

Without knowing Li Lin's means, Xu Bing really didn't dare to easily contact people like Li Lin.

On the other hand, the police's inquiry of Zhou tiehang ended, and the inspection of all objects of Huang Mao and Zhou tiehang ended. There was no special discovery.

Among the relics of Huang Mao, several policemen found some nurse clothes, sex toys and nothing else.


"Don't worry about that. Take pictures first!"

In the afternoon, all the police returned to the police station with fatigue.

One day's seeing and one day's busy, without any harvest, but also made himself in a mess.

Some police officers couldn't even wash, so they picked up the bowl and went to the canteen.

Overtime is too common for the police!

Knowing that it's not easy for the police today, the canteen has specially made a lot of nutritious meals.

However, the next situation stunned the canteen aunt.

"Ouch ~"

When a policewoman saw the sliced meat in the pot, her face changed and she immediately squatted on the ground and vomited.

"What's the matter?"

"Are you pregnant!"


Some police officers in the control room said strangely.

"You're pregnant!"

The policewoman vomited twice and looked up and scolded. Then he turned and went to the bathroom.

The cleaning aunt of the canteen shook her head, picked up the broom and began to clean.

Just after a while, another policeman vomited.

This time there seemed to be a chain reaction. All the policemen who came back with the policeman threw up.

"Your technical investigators are also forensic. Is there a problem?"

A policeman found the problem and stopped the vomiting policemen.

"What's the matter with your inspection team?"

Several police officers in the technical investigation gave the man a blank look, and then returned to the canteen window.

"That, lotus root, green vegetables..."

When a gang of police finished cooking, the canteen aunt looked left and then again.

"Strange! Few people eat such meat dishes made today. How come everyone is vegetarian! I'll go and see what day it is today? Amitabha! "


The old aunt in the canteen went to turn over the old yellow calendar.

The policeman sitting down in the canteen silently ate the dishes in the bowl.

"Team leader, do you think these two people have run into evil?"

A policeman looked up and asked.

Opposite him sat an old policeman of a fairly old grade.

"Don't talk nonsense! What is evil but not evil! "

"Team leader, even if we don't talk, we can't stop others from talking nonsense! You know what? Just now, the house price of Riverside Garden fell by 5000! "

The policeman whispered.

"Why?" The group leader said strangely.

"Evil house!"


"Now 105 villas have been inherited! Besides, the whole Riverside Garden has been inherited fiercely! Many people who have bought a house are worried! "

The policeman whispered.

At the same time, other policemen in the canteen also talked about it one after another. If they didn't understand how Huang Mao said suicide, they committed suicide.

There are many ways to commit suicide. You can jump from a building, hang yourself or jump into a river! Why do you toss yourself like this? Aren't you afraid of pain?

The other forensic doctors sat together and talked about pain tolerance.

"Then who says that our soldiers can hold back under the fire is false! I really should show this video to these brick families! They shaved themselves one by one, but they didn't say a word! "


In Han's Hotel, Li Lin and Han Feifei are warm.

But I didn't know that a Taoist came to the sales point of snowflake company at the corner of the commercial street.

This man is Xu Bing.

Chinese Taoists are basically inherited from the Pre-Qin Dynasty. There are yin-yang scholars, strategists, gods, ghosts, golden elixirs and talismans. A man found scar face.

Wudang sect is precisely the inheritance of Jindan friars.

Although Xu Bing doesn't know fortune telling, he knows at least some Zodiac history and knows the algorithm of fortune telling.

The investigation of Xue Wenju is very simple.

Now Xue Wenju has been locked up by the prosecutor. When Xu Bing saw Xue Wenju again, Xue Wenju woke up. He was puzzled that his family was in prison.

However, the evidence of Xue's bribery is conclusive, and no prosecutor is willing to interrogate.