In fact, there are many situations like this.

For example, the word "eat" means many words with the same meaning in China, such as "eat", "eat", "swallow" and so on.

There are also many synonyms for death, such as death, death, death, collapse, Hong, etc. This is not the often said death, death, driving a crane, eclosion and death.

Only Chinese people know that these words seem to say that people die. In fact, they have completely different meanings, or different meanings.

Western culture is not like this. If you die, you die. One word can describe it.

However, the fact is that if you want to communicate with westerners normally, you have to know tens of thousands of words. If you know 3000 words in China, you can communicate normally and find all the meanings you want to express accurately.

"Maybe someone else doesn't know what I'm talking about? Then I'll tell you another one! The position of the air sea hole is just below your navel! What is the distance of one minute? It's the width of your index finger! Only your own index finger is one minute wide! There are no specific figures for this one.

In addition, Tianquan acupoint is one inch around your navel. This inch is not an inch away from the outside, but the width of your index finger, middle finger and ring finger. Only your three fingers are an inch! For a baby, his inch may be only one centimeter. For a strong man, his inch is six or seven centimeters! "

Li Lin continued.

The dosage of traditional Chinese medicine is determined according to the individual size and severity of the disease.

For the same disease, children's medication is completely different from adults' medication. It will not be the same as western medicine, but reduce the dosage of adults.

Even if medicine is developed, such as today, children can't use analgin, tetracycline and other drugs that adults can use, even if the dosage is reduced.

At the end of Li Lin's speech, some team members began to look for their two acupoints.

Although the players are all men, their different sizes determine their different positions to look for acupoints.

If Li Lin said an inch without saying that it was the width of three fingers, I'm afraid everyone will find their own two acupoints according to the international scale, which is obviously impossible to find.

Traditional Chinese medicine is not without quantitative, and Chinese tradition also has agreed weights and measures. These dimensions are not inaccurate, but because of some needs, they look so inaccurate to outsiders.

Once you set a precise number for an inch, it will be bad in some ways.

First of all, the acupoints around the human body can't be found.

By saying this, Li Lin made people realize that different ways of thinking were different from the beginning.

This is what Li Lin began to say. I will. Even if I teach you carefully, you may not be able to learn.

"Report, instructor, do you want us to learn traditional Chinese medicine?"

Another Captain stood up.

The attitude of talking to Li Lin is much kinder than before.

"Teach you traditional Chinese medicine? You look up to yourself! I tell you this because we think differently. I hope you will think more if you don't understand me in the future! Think more about what I said! Think more! Ask me if you don't understand. Don't speculate! "

"Report, we still don't understand!"

"Who can sing Beijing Opera Shajiabang?"

A group of players shook their heads.

None of these people have ever learned or even listened to Beijing opera.

"There is a saying in Shajiabang. I think my team just opened. There are more than a dozen people and seven or eight guns! Ladies and gentlemen, how many are more than a dozen people, seven guns or eight guns? Excuse me, are there any language defects in this word? "


"Seven guns are seven, eight are eight. Why say seven or eight guns?"

The officers under the stage talked again.

Some people thought carefully and began to abuse.

"I said, at that time, few people had culture. Writing such words was not aware of their mistakes!"

"Instructor, this seems to have another meaning!"


"Instructor, does this lyrics have anything to do with the question I just asked?"

The captain asked.

"Yes, it is the way of thinking that determines the way of discussion! In western thinking, it is a problem to say more than a dozen people. All quantitative words are required to be very accurate!

But our Taoism is different! Taoism believes that everything is changing! An entrepreneur, someone will fight with you, and someone will leave! Maybe nine people follow you today, and there will be only seven left tomorrow! Everything is changing! So when seven or eight guns sing, we can see the difficulties of starting a business at that time. "

Li Lin said here, and the front turned again: "I believe everyone knows the word vicissitudes of life. The Yellow Emperor asked Jiutian Xuannv how long you lived! Nine days Xuannv said, I have witnessed three times that the sea has become a mulberry field and mulberry field has become a desert! Because everything is changing, and what we grasp in our thinking is the variable. Western thinking holds the same! People with western thinking, good people are good people, bad people are bad people! Right is right, wrong is wrong! People with eastern and Western thinking will always look at problems in two! Only people with normal Chinese thinking see that everything is changing and everything is all inclusive! "

At this moment, most of the officers under the stage began to think about Li Lin's words.

Fortunately, these officers lived in the environment of Chinese thinking since childhood. Although they received more than 20 years of education in western thinking mode, they still figured out a lot of things.

At the same time, he was even more puzzled by what Li Lin said.

What does it mean that Chinese culture has been grasping change?

Yin Yang and five elements? Or I Ching gossip?

Suddenly, some people find themselves unable to understand the reason for gossip.

Yin Yang and five elements are easy to understand! But the eight trigrams of the book of changes are far beyond their thinking limit.

Some team members think of the ancient strategist battle array they learned when they went to school.

The eight trigrams formation is not because the formation is eight trigrams, but because it changes too much and too fast for ordinary people to grasp.

Like ENIG code cipher machine, IQ is not enough to decipher.

When they looked up at Li Lin again, their eyes changed from indifferent disdain to a trace of respect.

Although Li Lin didn't say much, he opened a door for many people here.

It turns out that there are too many mistakes in our understanding of ancient culture.

Just as everyone was about to accept Li Lin as their new instructor, the captain who spoke first stood up.

"You're just talking. You have the ability to show your ability!"

The captain still looked unconvinced.

In his opinion, Li Lin is all lip service, and the special forces pay attention to actual combat. Even if what he said is very reasonable, what's the use for them?

As soon as the captain's words were over, a group of players under the stage began to talk.

Many members of the thunder eagle team nodded one after another. Including the players who just heard Li Lin's words, they all looked up at Li Lin.


No matter how reasonable you say, it's useless in actual combat. Everything is in vain.

All theories that are of no practical use or that do not work quickly will not be adopted.