On the mountain road, Li Lin rode a motorcycle fast.

It has been more than 40 minutes since Tigress was lost after school. If the traffickers have cars and fast flowers, they should be on the way out of the county.

If you don't take the bus station and take a taxi on the road, you should be on the national highway or expressway.

Once out of Yang County, traffickers have more ways to escape.

Time is tight. We must need hands.

Thinking of this, Li Lin dialed Xu Bing.

He needs more people, so he can only find Xu Bing.

Xu Bing has been in the police force for so many years. People he knows know how to mobilize some people's skills, which is much better than his ability.

When Li Lin made a deal with Xu Bing, Ye Cheng's gang held their mobile phones in the car.

"Hello, commander Luo, this is Ye Cheng! I have something to report to you now! "


The first-class alarm sounded at the headquarters of Jinghu sub military region.

In military regions in the rear, even in peacetime exercises, there has never been a first-class.

A few minutes after the alarm sounded, all departments received an order to go out and find the children.

At first, some soldiers and officers thought that the child of the big man's family was lost. When the child's photos and information were transmitted to all commanders and fighters, everyone was stunned.

"Children in the mountains?"

"Children of poor people!"

... "damn human traffickers, even the children of poor people are abducted and sold. It's too rampant! It seems necessary for us to go out! "

"Orphaned and widowed, if the child is lost, her mother..."

The soldiers who responded did not need political commissars to do any ideological work at all. Everyone burst out angry and wanted to eat the criminals.

One advantage of the rear military region is that logistics is very developed.

Jinghu area is also a gathering place for some military enterprises. It is like the surrounding enterprises transporting military products all year round. It knows much more about the surrounding roads than the local drivers.

Don't underestimate these sub military regions that have little power and are not in charge.

Once these people use the relationship, it is a super network.


A message popped out of the mobile phone of a Guoqi employee on a business trip.

"Please, a six-year-old girl was abducted recently. The girl is tall..."

Outside a station, an officer's mobile phone came back from a holiday to visit his relatives. At this time, he remembered it and turned on his mobile phone.

"Damn human traffickers, even the little girls from poor families! Yang County, Jinghu Province


At the same time, various departments of Jinghu Railway Bureau held temporary meetings.

"Human traffickers are too rampant. We must kill them! Even the children in the mountains don't let go. If things get out, I'm afraid the whole city is not peaceful! "

"Don't talk about the whole city. I'm flustered now. I'm afraid something will happen to my child who is still in kindergarten! "

A middle-aged woman said.

"Human traffickers must be cracked down on, and a society that makes the society peaceful and peaceful can only be stable and long-term development if everyone's mind is at work!"

After the leader finished, the meeting ended.

All of a sudden, people from all walks of life who received the news looked up at their environment on the transportation lines, trains and cars. Staring at a five or six-year-old girl.

A middle-aged man with glasses stared at a little girl for a long time. At first, the little girl looked at the man with glasses. Then he found that the man with glasses was still staring at himself, so he hid in his parents' arms. Later, he looked back at the boy with glasses and immediately cried.

"What are you doing?"

The child's parents found the abnormality and stared back at the man.

"Are you the child's parents?"

The glasses man looked at the little girl and the girl's father.

The little girl is very beautiful, and the girl's father looks a little unsatisfactory.

It was for this reason that he stared at the father and daughter for a long time.


The child's father said impatiently.

"Your own?"

The man with glasses asked again, without considering the problems in his words.

"Do you want to fight!"

The child's father was angry.

Since his daughter was born, many people don't believe that her daughter is his own daughter. His neighbors often point out behind his back that he is wearing a green hat.

Depressed, he secretly did a paternity test before he was relieved. After that, he loved his daughter more.

In the past, people who said he was wearing a green hat basically said about him behind his back. Strangers at best just look at him more. There is no such name and boldness to say about him.

"I... sir... Oh! I'll show you the news! "

Seeing the man's angry look and the strange eyes of the people in the car, the man with glasses seemed to understand that he had said the wrong thing. The man with glasses simply raised his mobile phone and handed it to the man.

"These traffickers should be arrested!"

After reading the glasses man's information, the man first got angry, then looked at his daughter lovingly, and finally said to the man in the eye, "I misunderstood this. I'm sorry! So you can transfer this information to me and I'll send it to my good friend! "

"Line ~"

The man with glasses nodded.

"You are also a warm-hearted man. Let's have a drink together when we have a chance!"

Not long after Li Lin hung up, Xu Bing sent him a document.

Unfortunately, the memory of the mobile phone is too small and the processor is too old to receive.

"Your grandpa's!"

Li Lin scolded at his mobile phone.

When I bought this mobile phone in town, one was convenient and the other was cheap. I didn't expect it to be a refurbished miscellaneous mobile phone.

Give Xu Bing a call again and ask Xu Bing to send the software again after a period of time.

Then Li Lin drove directly into the county, then found a domestic brand mobile phone store, and ruthlessly spent more than 5000 to buy a mobile phone.

With the help of the staff, Li Lin replaced the mobile phone card.

Download Xu Bing's software again, and then open the software to watch.

The software is similar to Gaode map. It is mainly used by the military and police to plan the trip and view the road information of nearby vehicles.

General leaders go down to inspect, take that road and how to go. They basically use this software to view information.

Don't think big leaders fly back and forth. Many big leaders go to remote mountainous areas and even disaster areas several times a year.

Especially in areas with large earthquakes, roads are broken, railways are stopped and airports are not. The function of this software is reflected at once.

When Li Lin got the software, he was the second to view the traffic network information around Yang county.

The key is that the cameras on the road and railway can be mobilized at any time to view the information of vehicles in a certain period of time.

When the bus station in Yang county installed a face recognition system, he could use it in time. At that time, as long as you upload Tigress's picture to the system, the system will find Tigress among countless pedestrians in each station.

Unfortunately, this system is only available at the cart station. Otherwise, Li Lin wouldn't be so anxious.

"Li Lin, the children who go to and from school near the school, even if they are not picked up by their parents, they should go to and from school in groups! Human traffickers will not stay near the school! If the target of human traffickers is Tigress, there is only one possibility! "

At this time, the mobile phone received a text message from Xu Bing.

Li Lin's heart suddenly cooled after reading it.

If the target of human traffickers is Tigress, they have to know Tigress's situation very well! He Yuping didn't dare to do this until she knew how late he Yuping would pick up tigress.

Even if it is a passing trafficker, it can only be the nearby villagers. No human traffickers will go to remote mountainous areas to catch children!