In Kyoto, Qiu Shao entered the small conference room with a sad face.

To be exact, this is not the meeting room of one bureau, but the meeting between the leaders of the two bureaus.

It was originally a meeting between two leaders. Now I see him pull in. It seems that he doesn't give face to the director of the Third Bureau these days. He ignores the hints of the leaders of the Third Bureau several times and hands over the intelligence informant in his hand, which angered the other party.

Since Li Lin quickly implanted the software into the system of a secret department in Japan, the directors of the three bureaux will come to talk to themselves when they have nothing to do.

He has been with the intelligence department for many years, and he is not blind. The director makes it clear that he wants all the information about Li Lin, and then controls Li Lin to work for them. How could he promise such a thing?

Not to mention that Li Lin is not his informant, even if he is, he will not do such a thing as building a bridge for others. What's more, the director only oppressed him with righteousness and didn't want to give him any benefits.

When he entered the meeting room, he saw his immediate boss and the major general and director sitting aside talking.

Seeing him coming in, they looked back at him.

"Shaoming is coming! Sit down ~ ~ sit down! " The major general smiled and pointed to the chair next to him. He said politely without losing his dignity.

Sitting opposite the major general was a senior colonel, who was Qiu Shao's immediate superior, branch director Wang Mingwei.

Wang Mingwei nodded his head lightly towards Qiu. Then he didn't say anything. His expression was calm and couldn't see anything.

Qiu Shao is in the fifth Bureau, which is a department playing conspiracy. Qiu Shao's branch is mainly to distinguish whether the intelligence thrown by himself and his opponent is true or false, and then verify it by his own means.

Living in this department, no matter how sunny people are, they can't laugh at all kinds of intrigues and tricks.

Many students studying psychology and information science were crushed by negative energy within a few days of entering this department. People who can still work in this department and sit as branch directors have long been used to all kinds of negative energy, and their hearts and minds are even deeper.

Therefore, when facing a major general of the intelligence department, Wang Mingwei was still in no hurry and had nothing in his eyes.

Qiu Shao sat down and nodded to Wang Mingwei.

"Where are we talking?"

Seeing Qiu Shao sitting down, the major general asked.

Not that he really forgot the chat just now, but to ask Wang Mingwei whether to continue the chat? Let's see how Wang Mingwei's attitude is.

If Wang Mingwei says he forgot too, restart the topic. What topic? Naturally, we should ask for revenge directly. We need fewer people. The profile also shows that Wang Mingwei doesn't want to care about him and Qiu Shao, so he can start directly.

"Talking about a group!"

Wang Mingwei glanced lightly at the major general, glanced at Qiu Shao and said.

Qiu Shao is the person he values. His subordinates are naturally unwilling to face the pressure of the director of the Third Bureau. Moreover, the other party seems to ask them for resources in the fifth Bureau. How does he favor outsiders?

After listening to the other party's fooling, he easily gave away the resources under his hand. I'm afraid it will be difficult for the team in the future.

Naturally, we can't let the other party open it easily. If the other party opens this at this time, he will lose the wind if he wants to stop it.

After Wang Mingwei finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes like a fake sleep. The major general flashed his eyes and nodded.

"Alas, these groups have money, power, gangs, goals, plans, talents and voices! Continue to buy some well-known domestic professors, and then use the green card to buy some Chinese to find thorns and oppose China at all levels! We have no time to fight! "

The major general sighed.

Next, he just waits for one of Wang Mingwei and Qiu Shao to agree with his words.

He can follow the words. We should also find each other's weaknesses and evidence and make trouble for each other. If we follow the words, we will need informants and resources. If he has resources, the informants will be identified by Qiu Shao and Wang Mingwei.

Unfortunately, the two people he faced were not simple characters.

Qiu Shao is still silent. He had better shut up when talking to two old foxes.

Wang Mingwei seems to know Qiu Shao's idea. He can't help but answer it.

"Those little people, if the state restores some power of our department, or performs the power of the investigation bureau for a period of time, I can sweep away all these bugs in the blink of an eye!"

Wang Mingwei said faintly, took the topic back, and complained that it was the result of not giving power.

Foreign forces are not single in China. Before saying a subversive word, countless people look for theoretical evidence, just like Bonzi applying for the culture left over from China, to find all kinds of seemingly powerful evidence, then find evidence, find someone to polish it, and then publish brainwashing hype.

The key is that few Chinese people who play the Internet are really literate. When they see such hearsay, they believe it! Some people even believe that the Chinese came from Africa and are the people of Africans.

"What if you take power? Elites speak for others, and even online media can be bought off! How many people at the bottom know the darkness of the world! As for the civilian level, there are flies everywhere! You can't kill, you can't catch! We can only expect a new generation of young people to have consciousness! Quality improvement ~ "

The major general said leisurely as if he were really chatting.

For a moment, Qiu Shao and Wang Mingwei couldn't hear what was behind the words of the major general.

"Who says you can't kill them all, you can't catch them all! But the law is not strict and the executive power is not enough! " Qiu Shao said coldly.

"If we can finish it, what else can we do?"

The major general retorted.

When big people talk, they are trapped after every sentence, except for their grand world outlook and comprehensive view of things.

No one knows where the trap is?

Like playing chess, there are many considerations in each step.

Major general Qiu seldom retorts. He can't make up his mind for a moment and stops talking quietly.

"Yes ~ the problem looks simple! If we were like Qin Jun in the film directed by Lao Mou Zi, we would encounter out of step thinkers and kill them all after a burst of arrow rain! Then the problems of the world will be easy to solve! "

Wang Mingwei's mouth opened, and cold words spewed out of his mouth.

Lao Mou Zi's hero implies many thoughts that ordinary people can't see. One paragraph describes the rigidity of Zhao people's character through Zhao characters.

This thought is essential to the Chinese nation, but it hinders the unification of China and the continuation of Chinese civilization. In his heartache, the king of Qin raised his butcher's knife and slaughtered all the people with this idea.

This film is telling the world that force can stop all non self thoughts.

The king of Qin succeeded by force, just as the rice army killed all countries that were out of step with him by force.

Intrigue is also a kind of force.

"Although the means of the king of Qin are rough, it is also the best way to solve the division!"

"But we can't kill. We can only watch our opponents split us!"

Wang Mingwei still feels that his own rights are too small.

Nowadays, all kinds of experts and professors who have been bribed for activities in China only do one thing to destroy the real history of China. Even if there are unearthed cultural relics to testify, they can be denied by these experts.

After denying Chinese history, the "fetal poison" grew rapidly. " "Hong Kong drugs" also rose one after another after there was no Chinese history education. On the contrary, those old Hong Kong people, especially those who retain traditional culture, are anti "Hong Kong drugs".

"So! This problem is difficult to solve! We have reached the point of life and death with our old rivals! It depends on the ability and voice of the people buried on the other side! "

As soon as the major general turned his words, he turned the problem back.

Qiu Shao kept smiling bitterly.

This old thing is so powerful! Such topics can be turned back. It seems that Li Lin's line is hard to hold!

Li Lin!

Don't blame me. If I give you up today, I hope you can take more care.