"There are really ghosts in this world ~"

"Mom ~ did we just see a ghost?"

Thinking of what had just happened in that hall, several women jumped up.

On Yulong mountain, under the memorial tablets placed on the table in front of Qu blind man, there is a guide made of yellow paper.

After Qu blind man finished his Dharma, he set the road guide on fire.

"The emperor orders to summon all gods!"

Qu blind man roared and threw the spirit card on the altar.

Then he shook the bell and unfolded a roll of yellow cloth. Li Yingfu dipped the brush in blood and ink and handed it to blind Qu.

Qu blind man touched the yellow cloth for a while. When he touched the far right, he immediately wrote "road guide".

Then he wrote from right to left, from top to bottom: therefore, there are southern states in the world

Who knows how blind Qu saw Huang Bu and his pen writing. In short, a road guide was written exactly as well.

After writing, Qu blind took out a French seal from his arms. A chapter was stamped on the witness. As for the guide column, the blind Qu directly stamped his fingerprints.

Two different guideways were burned one after another.

In the funeral home.

The manager dialed for a long time and finally waited until the phone was connected.

"Is that Mr. Xiao Wenjun?"

The manager asked carefully when he heard the noise from the other side, including the noise of people.

Needless to say, the other party must have quarreled about the inheritance.

Without hearing the opposite answer, the manager raised his voice and said, "is that Mr. Xiao Wenjun?"

"I am. What can I do for you?" For a long time, there was an old echo on the phone.

"Mr. Xiao, today..."

Then the manager told Xiao Wenjun what happened today.

"Are you sure his name is Li Lin?"

"Yes, that's what he said!"

"You wait, I'll come right away!" Xiao Wenjun hung up the phone and shouted to the people in the house, "the Li family has come and has gone to the funeral home!"

"What? Didn't Pinlin say that the Li family won't come? "

"Now the family has come ~ and is still moving in the funeral home." Xiao Wenjun said excitedly.

"What shall we do now?"

"Go and have a look. If you can publicize it well, let some know that the relationship between the Li family and our Xiao family is still very hard!"

Xiao Wenjun said.

Some family ties and relationships are broken after the older generation is gone.

"Well, as long as the relationship with the Li family is, other people want to deal with us. The Xiao family should also weigh it!"

The woman behind Xiao Wenjun nodded.

Isn't the purpose of political marriage just to have more allies?

Now we can have one more ally without political marriage. Who doesn't want to.

Although I don't know who is standing behind Li Yingfu, Li Lin, a 20-year-old child, is a colonel of the police force. Isn't this enough to talk to the top leaders?

It can be seen that the Li family still has some human relations. In addition, these young Li Lin are the captain of the guard of the police force. The future is bright!

"Yes ~ there are always some people who think that grandma has passed away. We can move our position. We think it's beautiful!"

"If you were not for mom's sake, you would have been taken down!" Xiao Wenshan, sitting on the side, said coldly.

In front of this group of people, they don't read well when they study. They are afraid of hardship when they are soldiers. They work hard and lose their temper. They never sink their mind and really work. Not even an ordinary employee in the enterprise, he was promoted to section level cadres by the leaders.

It's all right. One by one, they think they can be the leaders of department level cadres. Now, the reform above wants them to retire early, but none of them is willing. The pension is 80% of this salary, and he still yells that he can't live.

If the leaders above hadn't seen their contributions in their family, these grandchildren would have been kicked away.

"You're in charge of our business, old man!"

"It's still our Xiao family. We never consider what to do for our Xiao family!"


Several young people began to scold Xiao Wenshan.

Xiao Wenjun and others got up and left without paying attention to Xiao Wenshan.

When Xiao Wenjun and a group of people arrived at the funeral home, where was Li Lin still in the funeral home. Seeing the arrival of the Xiao family, the funeral home staff looked at Xiao Wenjun and others with strange eyes.

"What's the matter? What about the man who moved my grandmother's body? "

The first person to get off the bus was a middle-aged fat man with a straight face and a pair of "official prestige" yelling at a group of people in the funeral home.

"Let's go ~"

"How long have you been walking?"

At this time, Xiao Wenjun also came down.

"I left when I called you!"

"So, Li Lin is probably still in Kyoto, and he still specially attended his mother's funeral!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Wenjun smiled.

At this time, Li Lin came to Kyoto, appeared in the funeral home and changed the coffin, which shows that the Li family still cares about the Xiao family.

"Go and see what sushi he changed for our mother?"

Several old people helped each other and walked forward under the leadership of the funeral home manager.

After entering the hall, a group of people stared out when they saw the huge coffin.

They have all visited the Ming Tombs, including the coffin of an emperor, but the coffin is far worse than this one.

The center of the hall, seven meters high, 20 meters wide and 50 meters long, is occupied by such a huge object.

Head on is an overwhelming pressure.

The Xiao family can't imagine who has the ability to use such a big coffin.

"There are words on it ~"

"A lot of Candles ~ what are those little people?"

"The tablets have been changed!"


The Xiao family walked into the hall and turned around the hall. Looking from the east to the west, I feel strange about such a layout in front of me.

This group grew up in a new era city and never saw what a traditional funeral is like?

Even if the TV series give them fuzzy anomalies.

People who shoot TV either don't understand it, or it's useless to shoot it. I really want to shoot a real memorial ceremony. If I spend more money, I will be superstitious. Especially the "golden boy and girl" made of paper man and the light on the coffin. People watching TV are scared.

A little boy with great grandchildren may think candles are fun and blow a few mouthfuls at the candles on the ground.

"Eh ~ this candle can't be blown out!"

After blowing several times, the little boy was surprised to find that the candle could not be blown out.

"Don't touch those candles!"

"Mom, this candle won't blow out!"

The little boy said wrongfully.

"Who told you to blow the candle? Don't touch these! "

The little boy's mother came over, grabbed the little boy and hit him on the palm of his hand.

"Really can't blow out ~"

"Still stubborn!"


Perhaps the little boy's words aroused the curiosity of some people in the hall. A 17-year-old girl looked around, her eyes were flexible, saw no one paying attention to herself, and blew at a candle.

Spit it out in one breath, and the flame on the candle tilted.

Not blown out~

The girl took a deep breath and breathed into the candle again.
