"Fuck you, it's Chinese New Year today. I want to eat something good! Add some ham sausage to the instant noodles, and you'd better add some marinated meat! "

The young man bit his teeth and was cruel.

When thinking of the marinated meat, the young man took a look at the neat fushoulou marinated meat on one side of the freezer.

When he ran the express, his buddy told him that the marinated meat was delicious.

In order to save some money for his girlfriend, he forbeared and didn't buy it. He couldn't bear to spend another penny.

Today, my girlfriend is gone!

It's the new year again. Can you treat yourself badly?

In front of the stewed meat in Fushou building, the young man grabbed two rows of stewed meat and stuffed them into his arms and walked to the cashier.

"Fifty seven dollars in all!"

The cashier's aunt took a distressed look at the young man.

The Chinese New Year is full of instant noodles, and the slightly better ones are the two portions of marinated meat.

Two portions of marinated meat add up to only 600 grams. Can you eat enough for the new year?

From this afternoon to the morning after tomorrow, all supermarkets will not be open. In other words, the young man spent only 57 yuan for the two days of the new year.

Chinese New Year's Day usually doesn't spend money. I bought all the things I should buy years ago. In addition, the city of magic capital is dominated by foreign population, and a large number of outsiders go home for the new year. Even if the supermarket owner wants to open the door, he can't make much money.

"Thank you!"

The young man took out the money and handed it to his aunt.

"Young man, you are alone in the magic capital for the new year?" Aunt said curiously.

"Well ~" the young man nodded, picked up his things and left.

The supermarket store still needs 30 cents. It can save a little.

"Poor ~"

Looking at the young man's back, aunt shook her head.

Close the supermarket door and check the account with the manager. After checking, you can go home and have a reunion dinner.

The young man returned to his rental room with marinated meat and instant noodles.

This is a basement of less than ten square meters. In addition to a bed, there is a crowded bathroom in the room.

The dark room was shrouded in moisture.

The quilt and bed are already moldy.

He threw the things he bought on the boat, and the young man went to bed and looked at the ceiling.

Is that how he lived his life?

No, where can he go?

He can't help cheating on his girlfriend!

Is it too cowardly?


If one day you die quietly, no one knows~

Turn on your mobile phone and brush the news. There are negative news everywhere. The young man's face was as usual. He no longer made comments and scolded as he did a few months ago.

What does the life and death of others have to do with him?

He can't take care of himself!

I closed my eyes and thought for a while~

Goo Goo~

The stomach began to make trouble again.

"Oh, my stomach, I'll tell you to have this meal today, okay? After eating, let's go to bed! The rest is for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. When the shop opens the day after tomorrow, you won't have to be hungry if you find a job! "

Getting up from bed, the young man skillfully opened the instant noodles and stared at the marinated meat for a while. Finally, he couldn't help but greedy and opened the marinated meat.

A smell came, and the young man's saliva flowed.

Suction slip~

Swallow the saliva, take out the bread and take a bite directly.


There is a gap in the round cake.

After eating a mouthful of flour cake, the young man turned back and took a bite of marinated meat.

"Cool ~"

The young man's face showed an intoxicated expression after the stewed meat went down and trembled.

Opening his eyes, the young man threw down his dough cake and ate the marinated meat.

I can't care so much~

Now I want to eat marinated meat!

A moment later, a 300 gram marinated meat was finished. The young man was not satisfied and tore up another one.

The two portions of meat were soon finished, and the young man turned back and lay on the boat.

"How comfortable ~"

Young people who had never felt like this soon fell asleep.

At the same time, a man in a Chinese city dragged his tired body into the supermarket.

The man had several bloodstains on his face and limped.

The clothes on the body had multiple scratches, and the down jacket fabric on the upper body was torn to reveal the bile cloth inside.

When he came out, the man also had a marinated meat on his hand.

As like as two peas, Shanghai's meat production is still the same as the meat eaten by the Devon youth.

The man came home with marinated meat and looked at the cold house. His anger rose.

His home was destroyed~

The 13-year-old daughter was gang raped to death by gangsters in the school, and her daughter-in-law went crazy immediately.

He spent half a year in a lawsuit.

Unfortunately, the four teenagers who gang raped his daughter were released by the court because they were minors.

The other parents came to him with 100000 and wanted him to stop suing. He also did not agree that he would seek justice for his daughter no matter how much it cost.

Seeing that the Chinese new year was coming, the second instance judgment of the court still released the four animals.

He couldn't understand. He came to the door, but saw the four brutes sitting together happily celebrating the new year, as if his daughter's death had never happened.

Furious, the man went out to find a brick and hit the animal's parents.

Unexpectedly, the other party helped a lot. The man didn't fight. If the police hadn't come quickly, I'm afraid he would have gone with his daughter.

When pulled away by the police, the other party's parents also scolded: "your daughter is a bitch. Your whole family is a bitch. Don't give you 200000 compensation. What else do you want? Wrong people? "

The man looked up and howled on the spot. Unfortunately, he was caught by the police

Until exhausted and pulled back by the police.

Looking at the family photo in the house, the man held his head and cried bitterly.

"Qianqian ~ dad is incompetent ~ he didn't get justice for you. Dad misses you so much and wants to go down to see you ~ "sobbing ~"

After crying for some time, the man went back to the kitchen and took a kitchen knife.

After bumping the kitchen knife, the man seemed to feel uncomfortable and put it down and opened a group in his mobile phone.

"Group leader, do you still sell pig killing knives? I want a knife with good steel! "

With that, the man stared at his mobile phone.

"Yes, yes! Do you want one? "

"Yes, today. Deliver it to the door!"

"Today's Chinese New Year..."

"Five times the price!" The man said directly.

When the matter was settled, the man opened the marinated meat bought from the supermarket, opened the bag and chewed it.

After several portions of meat, the man suddenly felt a burst of sleepiness attacking his head. So he lay down on the sofa and slept.

Ding Dong~

I don't know how long later, a door bell woke the man.

The man got up and walked towards the door.

Just so together, I feel like my body is much lighter and my whole body is very powerful.

When he moved, he came to the door.

The man didn't think much. At this time, he didn't think much.

The doorbell rang. It must be the knife you want.

The appearance of his daughter dying in peace is still wandering in his mind. How can he care about his body?

"The knife you want?"

The door opened and a middle-aged man outside asked.

"Yes, I want it. Is it easy to use? " The man asked with a smile.

"Easy to use, it must be easy to use! This is made of high-quality steel from gun shell. If it's not easy to use and can't kill the pig, you'll come back to me for trouble! " The middle-aged man said with a smile.

The man took the knife, looked at it again and again, and said, "the knife I want is not useless for killing one or two animals!"

"That's for sure. Whose pig knife doesn't need to be used for several years. I don't know how many pigs to kill. Don't worry about me. When quenching, we use our ancestral secret recipe! "

The man said mysteriously.

Quenching is generally the last process after steel forming. Don't underestimate this process. Many things are good or bad on this head. Quenching has water and oil. In addition to paying attention to the temperature, it is how to mix the quenched water.

"OK, here's two thousand yuan for you ~" the man thought about it for a long time. In addition to feeling that the knife was very light, others thought that the middle-aged man should not boast.

After the transaction, the man returned to the kitchen with a set of props and began to sharpen his knife.