Two days later, Guo Zhaodi appeared at the port.

Unfortunately, I didn't see Xu Zhongmin.

Port security only listens to Xu Zhongmin. Guo Zhaodi wants to order this group of people to no avail.

Unable to find it here, Guo Zhaodi continued to run to the next place.

At this time, Xu Zhongmin was busy.

A large number of crude oil and refined oil appeared in the Chinese market, crowding out the share of other refineries.

After losing their domestic sales, these refineries began to spread wildly to the foreign market.

If you want to occupy the foreign market, the quality of oil products must be above the international level.

The best quality alone is not enough, and the price must be the lowest. Only in this way can some oil traders break the Paris co-ordination agreement and use Chinese oil.

In an instant, the quality of refined oil produced by many private refineries was much higher.

Without some businessmen indiscriminately adding additives, these oils directly enter the international market. More are entering the black market.

In an instant, the international oil price fluctuated again.

A large amount of refined oil from Xu Zhongmin's crude oil also flows abroad.

The quality of this batch of oil is higher, and it still does not squeeze the market of related households in China.

It is good news for domestic private refineries to open a hole abroad.

In the past, domestic refineries undertook the oil refining tasks of other countries and earned hard money from oil refining. Their own refined oil has never really gone out.

After several days of operation, the commercial spy finally found Xu Zhongmin's company.

However, the clue was broken here.

"Check, check this company for me. See if it's China's plot. In addition, find a reporter to find the trouble of the Chinese government, saying that they control the company to operate the market and violate the market principles. In addition, hit me hard in various media. There is a problem with the quality of the oil products produced by Huaxia oil company. "

An oil tycoon road.

"Do we need to frame China's oil?"

"Of course, I need it. Remember to report his bad side to me, be reasonable and justifiable, and infinitely amplify the shortcomings of their oil products. Yes, it's their additives. There are problems in their chemical plants. "

The more the oil tycoon said, the more angry he became. He directly instructed his men to get Xu Zhongmin.

"Also, their oil prices are high and their oil products have a big problem."

A large number of offensive public opinion spread in various developed countries.

In an instant, the products from Huaxia were labeled again. This time, the label is heavier than that of Chinese goods entering developed countries many years ago.

The label given to Huaxia in those years was nothing more than poor quality. But in those years, some Chinese goods were of poor quality. In addition, there was a bottom line for any attack in those years, and it did not violate trade principles.

This time, demonstrations were held in almost many places.

Protest against the impact of Huaxia's product oil quality on the environment, and some even protest against vehicles burning Huaxia oil.

"You are murdering ~ murdering our air quality and murdering many small animals."

A gas station was surrounded by a large number of young people and students.

The owner of the gas station was very helpless at this time. He did use some refined oil from China. In his opinion, there was no problem. I didn't expect such a big reaction.


Facing the surging students, the boss had to announce that he would no longer sell Huaxia refined oil.

In a TV station, a gas station owner told the TV how low the quality of Huaxia oil products was. Most people's eyes were burning in front of the TV.

"Huaxia's refined oil get out!"

"Never add Huaxia refined oil in the future."

"Any company that sells Huaxia oil can't refuel in the future."

In addition to the fanatical majority, a small number of calm people watched the development of the situation quietly.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with them. What's the problem with us?

I haven't heard of any major accidents caused by the use of oil in the Chinese market.

This is just another market battle.

Only a few gas station owners were sad, staring at the TV and suffering.

"Son of a bitch, they even attacked us because they couldn't get cheap and easy-to-use Huaxia oil. They can't do business, and they want us to do business. "

Two days later, in the market, except for a few poor people who can't afford to add oil, they saw that gas stations with Huaxia oil sell Huaxia oil at an ultra-low price, so they added a batch.

Other normal people still hate Huaxia oil~

After adding Huaxia oil, a small number of poor people found that the use of Huaxia oil engine was more powerful.

In addition to the joy, he continued to choose to add Huaxia oil.

More poor people share the good news with their peers.

Then, there will always be so few cars choose to add Huaxia oil beside the Huaxia gas station.

Curious people will come forward and ask about the situation.

"Very good ~ although these oils look yellow, they may not be as good as our own oil in environmental protection, but they have strong power and low price. We have no choice."

At the same time, some transportation companies secretly add Huaxia oil to their trucks.

After the companies smuggling Huaxia oil began to eat, they gradually found that more and more people needed Huaxia refined oil in the market.

"We can't let Huaxia oil products enter our domestic market, let alone give such a lifeline to a red country, otherwise we will be finished in the future."

Shouted the politician of a country.

At home and abroad, there are surging clouds, and Xu Zhongmin, the initiator of all this, has also been pushed to the forefront of the storm.

"The problem is a little complicated this time. The quality of your crude oil is very good. Coupled with the cleverness of some of our chemists, our oil has begun to seize the share in the world."

Or the private company, or the office with the style of military camp.

Xu Zhongmin listened to the general manager standing opposite.

"What shall we do?"

Xu Zhongmin said anxiously.

As a person who has been on the battlefield, he is very sensitive to the dangers around him.

"If they want oil, we'll give it to them. Just you, be careful. And your oil source should also be covered, otherwise there will be a big problem. In just a few days, many people have asked me about you. "

"Can you tell who did it to me?"

"Hum ~ it's obvious that these oil tycoons want to kill with a knife, but they don't forget to buy a knife to kill. That's all. They still sent knives. Don't worry, those traitors, I will try to make them disappear in this world slowly by other means. "

After Xu Zhongmin left here, he immediately contacted his old comrades in arms who had not been contacted for many years to seek support and protection.

These are not enough. Xu Zhongmin also found a secret office for himself.

"Come on, sons of bitches. If you want to get the secret behind me, step on me first. I'm also a ghost climbing out of the dead. See who's more cruel. "

Soon Li Lin came back, this time a large amount of crude oil.

After the last time that most of the crude oil in Los Angeles was taken with it, Los Angeles experienced an industrial technological revolution.

After the arrival of Li Lin's big kowtow machine, the oil mining machine gave a lot of inspiration to the aborigines.

As a result, larger oil production equipment was produced, and the volume of oil extracted every day was dozens of times that before.