Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Hearing that, Lvyang quickly rolled up her sleeves. When she saw the sight there, she was instantly so scared that her face turned ghastly pale and her entire body was trembling. There was an additional black line on her fair right wrist that led all the way to her shoulder. The strange thing was that there seemed to be something wriggling in that black line!

With a thud, Lvyang fell to her knees and said, while trembling and crying, “E-Eldest Young Miss, I know my mistake. Please let me off… I won’t dare to do this again in the future!”

“Just so you know, this is the latest poison I’ve personally concocted. There is no antidote for it in this world. Even Lin Xu won’t be able to neutralize this poison.” Mu Qianyue mercilessly destroyed the last traces of hope in Lvyang’s heart.

“Eldest Young Miss, I was blind as a bat and offended you. Please have mercy on me! Wuu… I won’t dare to do this again…” Lin Xu was the most amazing apothecary in the Phoenix Shadow Nation. If even he had no way of neutralizing this poison, then wouldn’t that mean that there was only death for her? She didn’t wish to die yet!

“It’s not impossible to spare you, but this will depend on your performance.” A gleam flashed in Mu Qianyue’s eyes when she saw Lvyang kept on kowtowing and pleading for mercy.

“I’ll work for Eldest Young Miss in the future. I’ll do anything Young Miss asks of me. If there’s any situation on Second Young Miss and the Crown Prince’s side, I’ll also report it to you at the very first instant.”

En, not bad. Mu Qianyue tossed out a black medicinal pill into Lvyang’s hand and her calm voice rang out, “This is the antidote for one day.”

Lvyang quickly swallowed it. “I’ll take my leave.”

After saying that, she quickly left the place. If she continued to stay here, she feared that she’d die from fright.

After Lvyang left, Mu Qianyue darted into the Heaven Connecting Tower and started her cultivation. The Essence Energy in the Heaven Connecting Tower was a lot denser than it was in the outside world. Cultivating there for a night was twice as good in comparison to cultivating outside.

As she inhaled and exhaled the Essence Energy based on the Nine Dragons Soul-Devouring Technique, wisps of Essence Energy were absorbed into her body. They flowed through her meridians for one Heavenly Cycle, then eventually entered her dantian. This process kept on repeating in an endless cycle.

After one night of cultivation, the Essence Energy in her body became noticeably denser than it was before. At the same time, it was also more pure and refined.

Sensing her body filled with energy, her lips curled up into a smile. “Today is the day to collect the acupuncture needles. After I collect them, I’ll be able to help Elder Brother heal his dantian.”

Getting up, she washed up before heading out.

Mu Qianyue had just reached the garden when she heard surprised cries coming from the courtyard in the distance.

Lvyang went to wake the Second Young Miss as usual, only to notice that the door was wide-open. She was still feeling baffled and wondering if the Second Young Miss was already awake. She went in and saw…


Lvyang’s horrified cry attracted the other maids and servants. When everyone saw this scene, their eyes and mouth were all agape, with them wearing strange expressions.

Wow! This was too explosive!

Mu Yurou was displeased to be woken up by the screams and noise from outside. When she opened her eyes, she saw a corpse laying on her bed.

What?! Within seconds, her beautiful and fair face blanched and turned into one which was bewildered and anxious at the same time. Where did this corpse come from?

When she moved the hair away from his face and was given a huge fright, her eyes filled with horror.

This wasー!

It was Wang Dachui, whom she had paid a great sum of money to take Mu Qianyue’s life. When her fingers touched the pale mottled skin, she realized that his body was cold and stiff. It was clear that he had died for some time already.

How was he dead on her bed? Could it be that Mu Qianyue wasn’t dead?

When Lvyang saw that the man on the bed was Wang Dachui, she was so scared that her legs turned weak and her face turned pale. When she went over to Mu Qianyue’s place like a fox masquerading as a tiger, Wang Dachui was already dead!

She thought of how she had passed by the gates of hell last night, her heart palpitated…

At this moment, the butler Ding Hao heard the ruckus and quickly led a group of servants to rush over. When they saw this scene, all of them stared in shock at the scene that met their eyes.

To think the Crown Prince Nalan Yu had stayed overnight in Mu Yurou’s room last night… And there was the corpse of an unfamiliar man on the bed as well…

The noise around them woke Nalan Yu up. He frowned, feeling displeased, and sat up. When he saw that everyone in the room was looking at him with a strange expression, his countenance changed drastically and his gaze snapped awake in an instant. He scanned everyone with a sharp gaze.

Recalling what had taken place last night, his doubt grew increasingly. Last night…

He seemed to have lost control. that feeling made him come to the realization that he had fallen to a scheme!

To think that someone in the Defender Marquis Manor had dared to scheme against him, Nalan Yu!

Who on earth had done it?

“Ahhh! All of you get out! Scram!” By the time Mu Yurou reacted, she quickly grabbed the clothes at the side to cover her body, her face turning pale from anger.

“You dare to do the act, so what is there to hide?” A servant said in disdain.

“That’s right! I just didn’t expect the Second Young Miss’s appetite to be so great that even the Crown Prince isn’t able to satiate her!”

“Tsk tsk tsk, to be like this before getting married… This is unprecedented in the Phoenix Shadow Nation!”

“I couldn’t tell. Second Young Miss is usually so quiet and weak, yet her appetite is so huge!”

“This is what they mean by not judging a book by its cover!”


Everyone started talking and Mu Yurou was so angry that she spurted out blood. Her face turned pale and she fainted. Of course, her fainting was an act. She was simply too embarrassed to see anyone!

“Scram! If anyone dares to take another look, I, the Crown Prince, will gouge out your eyes! I’ll kill off the nine generations of your family! Scram!” By the time Nalan Yu reacted, he wore a grim look on his face and bellowed furiously at the people who were watching at the door.

“Hmph, it’s right for our Eldest Young Miss to have broken off the engagement! As the Crown Prince, he doesn’t conduct himself well and entered a lady’s room in the middle of the night! He has really spoiled the Phoenix Shadow Nation’s reputation!”

“That’s right! How is the Crown Prince fitting for our Eldest Young Miss? He can only marry someone like the Second Young Miss!”

“Exactly! How can the Second Young Miss compare with our Eldest Young Miss? The Eldest Young Miss isn’t foolish anymore. She’s very smart, thank goodness she is no longer taken in by their schemes!”

“That’s right, that’s right. The Eldest Young Miss now is like a bright pearl that is covered with dust. Once the dust is wiped off, the light she emits can almost blind my eyes.”

“I feel that the Second Young Miss is too weak and pretentious. She has already engaged in such an immoral act even before getting married…”

“The Second Young Miss was picked up by the Old Master back then. Of course she doesn’t conduct herself well.”

Everyone didn’t try to hide their voices and continued chattering away with judgment, their tones were filled with disdain and mockery. All the while, they were all wearing contemptuous and cold smiles on their faces.

Although Mu Yurou was pretending to have fainted earlier, now, she really fainted from anger! Nalan Yu’s countenance was also grim and extremely frightening. His gaze looked as if he wanted to eat someone alive.

“Your Highness, you had first sullied our Defender Marquis Manor’s reputation, and now you want to kill nine generations of our family? Eldest Young Miss was right. Your Highness is lacking in morals and righteousness and it’s true that you’re aren’t befitting of her! Eldest Young Miss was wise to write the annulment letter!” Ding Hao kept his hands behind his back and said, his gaze cold and with disdain.

At the moment Nalan Yu’s humiliation the other day was brought up once again by Ding Hao and the others, his gaze turned extremely horrifying and dark.