Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At the thought of this, her lips curled in a faint smile and she pointed at a vacant spot on the ground next to her. “Sit down cross-legged.”

Mu Rufeng sat down properly as he was told.

Once he was positioned, Mu Qianyue quickly took out an acupuncture needle and pierced it into the Guanyuan point on Mu Rufeng’s abdomen. With a gentle flick of her slim and long finger at the tip of the needle, the acupuncture needle produced a soft ringing sound. Following that, she retrieved another acupuncture needle and pierced it into the Baihui point on the top of Mu Rufeng’s head. Repeating that flicking action, the tip of the needle produced a gentle vibration again.

This was the Yin-Yang acupuncture technique passed down from her family many generations ago.

The Yin-Yang acupuncture technique was derived from the Eight Trigrams and the Five Elements. Taiji generates Yin and Yang; Yin and Yang in turn generate the Four Symbols; the Four Symbols in turn generate the Eight Trigrams. The Four Symbols correspond to the Azure Dragon of the East, the Vermilion Bird of the South, the White Tiger of the West, and the Black Tortoise of the North; each of these four also additionally represents one of the four seasons in a year: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

As for the Five Elements, they represented Gold, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth, and they correspond to the lungs, liver, kidney, heart and spleen of the human body.

The principles of Yin and Yang applied both to the visceral organs and to the universe. They were the origin of all changes, the root cause of all life and death. Deities were no exception. One should always aim to treat the root causes of diseases. Crucial to the human body are the visceral organs. It was based on the principles of Yin and Yang, born from the energy of Heaven and Earth’s Five Elements. It contained the deity, soul, and essence, absorbing the quintessence of the Five Grains to produce energy that would be transported to the limbs, skin, hair, and all bones and muscles of the human body. This was how a human could exist in the universe.

The Yin-Yang acupuncture technique comprised of 9 x 9, totaling 81 needles, and was able to heal every kind of disease. Complemented with medicinal herbs and Essence Energy, this miraculous acupuncture technique could cure every ailment in existence, even reviving the flesh and bones of a dead person!

Having applied nine needles without stopping, Mu Qianyue’s forehead was covered in sweat and her face had turned pale. It seemed that she wasn’t powerful enough, for if she had the capabilities of a Venerate Cultivator, it probably wouldn’t be so arduous.

Every needle applied using the Yin-Yang acupuncture technique expended an immense amount of Spiritual Power and energy.

Meanwhile, Mu Rufeng wore an astounded expression on his face. As these nine needles were pierced into his skin, he could visibly feel an abnormal movement in his dantian, and a strange warm current emanating throughout his entire body, making him feel extremely comfortable.

Strangely, it was as if he could feel his crushed dantian coming back together in one piece!

Shock and astonishment flashed across his long, black, single-eyelid eyes. If he had a shred of doubt prior to this, that doubt had vanished entirely in this instant!

Qian Huang, who was observing all this in the dark, had a lot of question marks in his mind. Wasn’t it just inserting a few needles? Why did Eldest Young Miss’s forehead break out in cold sweat?

“Yue’er, have a rest first.” Looking at his sister’s pale face, and the way she was tightly biting her lips, Mu Rufeng his felt heart ache for her.

“I’m fine.” Mu Qianyue shook her head. Based on her older brother’s condition, she must insert the full 18 needles in order for it to be effective. There were only nine more to go, so she only had to persist a little longer.

When inserting the subsequent nine needles, Mu Qianyue moved the Wood element of the Ring of Life on her finger, and several wisps of intense and pure Life Energy then flowed into Mu Rufeng’s body through those needles, slowly healing his damaged meridians and dantian…

Finally, when all 18 needles were inserted, Mu Qianyue heaved a sigh of relief and suddenly realized that her clothes were soaked in perspiration.

“Brother, you only have to undergo this acupuncture treatment eight more times, and your dantian will completely recover. Going forward I will come by once every seven days,” Mu Qianyue said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.

“Okay,” Mu Rufeng replied with a smile.

“Brother, aren’t you curious as to where I learned my medical skills from?” Mu Qianyue asked as she blinked.

Upon hearing this, Mu Rufeng reached out to stroke her hair. “Regardless of whether you are well-versed in medical skills or not, you are my younger sister.”

Mu Qianyue revealed a faint smile. How nice it was to have an older brother who cared for her like this. In her previous life, she was an only child, so she had particularly envied those with siblings.

“Brother, if you wish for your dantian to fully heal and return to its original state, you need a type of Essence Recovery Pill.” This was what Tianshuo had told her.

“Essence Recovery Pill?” Mu Rufeng frowned. “I’ve never heard of such a pill before. I wonder if Master Lin Xu knows how to refine it?”

“Brother, you don’t have to worry about the refinement of the pill, you only need to gather the medicinal herbs.” As Mu Qianyue spoke, she whipped out a piece of paper, on which the names and ages of various medicinal herbs were written.

“Yue’er, you’re a Pill Apothecary?” Even the calm and steady Mu Rufeng couldn’t help but reveal a shocked expression on his face.

“I’m not a Pill Apothecary. I can at most be considered an Apothecary because I don’t know how to refine pills, and only can refine some ordinary medicinal liquids.”

In the continent, other than Cultivators, there was also a rare occupation known as a Pill Apothecary.

It was rare because in order to become a Pill Apothecary, one had to possess the Spirit of Fire. Not just anyone could possess it.

Firstly, one’s spirit had to possess the Fire element, and the Fire Seed had to be extracted from their spirit. Only those who succeeded in doing so would possess the Spirit of Fire. Apart from that, one also had to possess a shred of Wood element. Only when one fulfilled these two conditions, would they qualify to become a Pill Apothecary.

In this vast world, there were only a handful of people who succeeded in extracting the Spirit of Fire. Naturally, the implication was that Pill Apothecaries were rare and revered.

Ordinary Apothecaries could only do the basic procedures—differentiating and picking medicinal herbs, and refining ordinary medicinal liquids.

Only those who could refine pills could be considered a Pill Apothecary!

Although her body’s Spiritual Power also possessed the Fire element, the Fire Spirit Fruit was required in order to extract the Fire element, or else, one wouldn’t succeed. Even if one managed to obtain the Fire Spirit Fruit, chances of success were not guaranteed—even then they only stood a 10% chance of succeeding. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many cases of failures.

As for the refinement of ordinary medicinal liquids, the Spirit of Fire was not needed, and ordinary flames would suffice. But one had to possess knowledge of medicine and know how to control the fire. Or else, they wouldn’t succeed in refining even those ordinary medicinal liquids.

All these reasons were why Mu Qianyue was only an Apothecary at present.

But what baffled Mu Qianyue was, why the Pill Apothecaries of this world could refine all sorts of magical pills, yet they didn’t know how to do acupuncture treatments, nor did they have knowledge of acupoints.

Since the Yin-Yang acupuncture technique could save a person, it naturally could also be used to kill someone. This was the trump card she held in her hand.

“I’m surprised our Yue’er is also an Apothecary,” Mu Rufeng said with a smile. Even though they couldn’t compare with the Pill Apothecaries, even the Apothecaries were popular wherever they went.

“Brother, these medicinal herbs might be harder to find, so you must send more men to search for them,” said Mu Qianyue.

“Alright!” Mu Rufeng lowered his head and looked at the prescription in his hands. “I will send my men to search for these medicinal herbs as quickly as possible. Once I gather all the herbs I will immediately inform you.”

Since the first treatment was completed, Mu Qianyue accompanied Mu Rufeng for dinner and stayed until the skies turned dark before leaving.

When Qian Huang walked out from the dark, there was a mixture of shock and confusion on his face. “Master, your dantian?”

Naturally, he didn’t believe his master’s dantian could be healed so easily. One must know that once a person’s dantian was destroyed, even immortals could do nothing to help, yet Eldest Young Miss had a way to cure it? But looking at the look of awe and renewed confidence on his master’s face, he had no choice but to believe it.

Gazing at Mu Qianyue’s back view as she left, the gentleness in Mu Rufeng’s eyes slowly faded away, to be replaced by a hint of coldness and solemnity. “Do not reveal a word of what happened today. Or else, only death will await you!”

A domineering and cold air emanated from him.

Qian Huang’s countenance abruptly changed. “Yes, I understand!”