Lying on the edge of the pool, mu Qianyue narrows her eyes comfortably.

Just at this time, I saw Nalan Jing bared upper body, only wearing a pair of obscene trousers came in, still holding a towel in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Qianyue looks at him with vigilance.

"Lady, I'll give you a bath." Nalanjing looked a little shy and pleased, and said, "madam, can I see the light again as long as I apply the needle twice more?"

Smell speech, Mu shallow month Leng Leng Leng, anyway he also can't see now, simply way: "OK."

After a while, she became a masseuse again. She closed her eyes and fell asleep directly.

Looking at the beautiful and quiet sleeping face of the girl, nalanjing's lip corner brings up a helpless smile, but the smile is full of gentle indulgence and joy.

Although she can smile in front of others, she still has a sense of indifference and vigilance in her smile. However, she has incomparable trust in herself and puts down all guard heart.

Nalanjing leaned over and held mu Qianyue in his arms and went to the bedroom. He carefully put her on the bed, dressed her in the lining, and then covered her with quilts. His actions were extremely gentle. During this period, mu Qianyue didn't wake up at all.


The next day, Mu Xiaoyue woke up and found herself lying in bed with clothes on. After a moment's thinking, it was nalanjing who asked her maid to change it for herself. However, she had been seen and touched by someone all over her body.

According to the legend of the imperial court, all the officials in the imperial palace will wear their clothes for the banquet.

Feng Mou slightly narrowed, Nalan Yu just disappeared, Nalan Zheng not only did not worry, but also began to change the crown prince, it seems that in the heart of Nalan Zheng, the kinship really is not worth a few dollars.

Because tomorrow is the canonization ceremony, so the whole Phoenix film city is full of excitement, and there are talks about the new prince nalanye.

"It's said that the new crown prince has outstanding talent and is the core disciple of yunzong."

"Ah? The core disciple of yunzong? That's amazing! Yunzong is the biggest sect in tianwu

"I also heard that the new prince is an artificemaker!"

"Wow! Smelter?! That's amazing. It's said that weapon refiners are very popular. Their status and treatment are equal to those of Dan pharmacists! Now we have a genius in Fengying country! "

"Yes, it seems that our Fengying country is going to make a decision!"

"It's said that the new prince doesn't have a woman around him. He is not only amazing but also clean. He doesn't look like nalanyu..."

"Hush! Don't say it. Anyway, he is the emperor's son after all. If someone wants to hear him... "

Mu Qianyue, who is dining on the second floor of the restaurant, listens to people's comments on nalanye, and her eyes flash with light. It seems that nalanye is very popular.

But no matter how popular he is, it's none of her business?

"Lady, don't you think I'm useless? I can't do anything... " Sitting opposite her, nalanjing listened to the loud talk of all the people, and her eyes were lost.

"No matter how powerful nanalanye is, even if he is omnipotent, I will not cherish him. Although you can't do anything, I prefer to be with you. You have a simple mind and are good to me. You are most comfortable with you. " Mu Xiaoyue said with a smile.

"I like to be with my wife best, too. I'll be nice to you all my life." Nalanjing said with a smile on her face, but in her heart she was very depressed. Did she like it because of her simple mind? If one day, she knows that her innocence is a false image, all of which are deceiving her, will she still be with herself?

Besides, especially nalanye, the hateful guy, has come back.

It seems that you have to work harder and completely swallow someone's heart first!

The night is as cool as water, and the sky is full of stars.

On the pavilion in the middle of the lake, mu Qianyue sits cross legged and feels the changes of momentum around him.

Cultivation is not only to cultivate the true yuan power, but also to cultivate the mind. Only when you have a thorough understanding of some of the mysteries and mysteries of the Tao, will the state of mind reach a higher level, and there won't be too difficult obstacles in the path of cultivation.

Because she found that she had been on the level 9 Zhenwu for a long time. She had reached the peak of her strength, but she could not break through. I think it was a matter of mood.

Unconsciously, the moon rises in the middle of the night.

The figure on the pavilion was still motionless, like a statue.

All of a sudden, the vitality in the air fluctuated violently, forming a vortex and rushing towards mu Qianyue. Just as Mu was preparing to impact the barrier, she found that the vitality in the air was too thin for her to rush through.

"Stupid woman, don't you come in quickly, do you want to miss this good opportunity?" The voice of Tian Shuo rang out in my mind.

Mu Qianyue no longer hesitated, and the divine consciousness immediately entered the tower and began to absorb it.A steady stream of strong vitality poured into the body and entered into the elixir field. Under the heart method of Jiulong Yutian Jue, she was refined into pure and incomparable yuan power, and then flowed into the elixir field. After so many times, she finally broke through the barrier and became a first-class spirit warrior!

However, the Yuan Dragon cultivated in his body was more obvious, not as transparent as before, but with a little silver.


Yuan Long roared and leaped in her body, as if excited.

Mu shallow month opens an eye, see day Shuo a face discontented stare at oneself, not from a Leng, "why look at me like this?"

"Stupid woman, nalanjing is not as simple as you think. Don't trust him too much! Otherwise, hum! Don't cry to me then Day Shuo is angry hum of say.

Mu shallow month squints, she already knew Nalan Jing is not so simple good? But then what, she believed that he would not harm himself enough!

"Can I think you're jealous? Little day. "

"Who is jealous? I'm afraid you'll be fooled. " Tian Shuo said with a slight red face. He stopped, and said with a face of stink, "when I recover my strength, I can freely enter and exit the space of Tongtian tower and turn into a real form. When Nalan Jing meets me, he will naturally know what is self shame, and he will naturally retreat in the face of difficulties."

"Poof!" Listen to words, Mu shallow month direct smile spurt, really saw narcissism, did not see so narcissistic.

However, Tian Shuo's appearance is really outstanding, but nalanjing's is not bad either. It can only be said that the two people are equal.

Out of the space of Tongtian tower, mu Qianyue jumps down from the pavilion. Just as he is about to leave, he suddenly looks at the dark figure standing under the tree in the distance. It is a strange and familiar smell. It is nalanye who met once that day. , the fastest update of the webnovel!