Like a noble and elegant gentleman waiting for his partner.

His lips with a handsome and confident smile, elated, like the gods above the nine days, instantly charmed thousands of girls.


The whole audience was in a state of uproar!

Wang sun GUI's eyes are angry, hate to look at the moon, clearly is already a married woman, but also collude with the prince's highness, shameless!!

Moreover, the prince's highness actually said that one person in his life would be a couple. He made it clear that he would only marry Mu Xiaoyue, even if they wanted to be a concubine!

How hateful!

If the eyes can kill people, mu Qianyue has died several times.

Mu Xiaoyue looks at nalanye in a daze. Her mind is in chaos. From time to time, there are broken fragments flashing, clear and fuzzy. When she wants to grasp these fragments, she disappears.

All of a sudden, a sharp pain came from her hand. She lowered her head and saw nalanjing holding her hand tightly. Her slender knuckles were very hard, as if to break her hand.

In the past, the purple pupil with no focal length hidden tension, fear, worry and other emotions.

Mu shallow moon sighs, this vinegar jar turns over again!

"I am now King princess." Collected the thoughts in the heart, raised his head, and said in a calm tone.

"I don't mind." Nalanye is still smiling, confident and elegant.

"I am your cousin now. Is it really better to eat dumplings than to have fun than your sister-in-law? " Mu Xiaoyue looks up and smiles. Her hand under the table holds nalanjing's hand, saying that she won't agree to nalanye, but nalanjing still holds tightly.

Is it better to eat dumplings than to have fun?

Is this the idea of the noble prince, so he rejected all the princes and granddaughters and turned his eyes on Princess Jing?

Finally, the expression on nalanye's face is cracked, rigid and messy

The expressions on people's faces also cracked, ossified and disordered

Even the corner of nalanjing's mouth also took a puff, but she could say such words.

The men look scornfully at nalanye. Is this the corner of his brother's house? Hum, scum, even my cousin!

The women are jealous and angry to look at Xiangmu Qianyue. I really don't know whether it is good or bad. The prince's highness is lucky to see her and dare to tease his highness!

"Moon, you know, I don't mean that. We knew each other first. You know, you must blame me for coming back too late and for not protecting you. If I were in Fengying, I would not let you marry him! " Nalanye took a deep breath and tried to calm down his mood. He ignored the strange eyes of the people around him, and said affectionately word by word.

Everyone was shocked. The prince and Princess Jing were old acquaintances!

"Your Highness, although I am blind, I am not blind in my heart. Yueer is my wife. It's not appropriate for you to call her name so directly? You are so open in the hall, in front of many princes and ministers to rob your cousin, also not afraid to spread out to make the world laugh! Besides, Yueer doesn't like you at all, or even hates you! " Nalanjing sneered, such as glass like purple eyes in a cold, this time he is really angry!

Mu Hong, who was also sitting on the table, snorted angrily, "Your Highness, I hope you can pay attention to your own identity!"

Nalanye's face is stiff, so he doesn't speak any more. He takes back his hand which is frozen in the air, and turns and sits back to his position.

The banquet went back to the scene of the previous joy and noise, as if nothing had happened before.

In the temple stay a bit stuffy, Mu shallow month by the name of release, out of Xuande hall.

There is a bright full moon hanging on the sky like ink. There are only a few scattered stars in the sky with lonely light.

Night wind blowing, ice cold, take away the heart between the fidgety, consciousness also sober a lot.

"Moon." Behind him rang the gentle call of a man.

Mu Qianyue turns back and looks at the man coming from the moon. His face is as beautiful as a knife, with a layer of frost on his face, just like the bright moon in the sky, warm and dazzling.

"Please call me princess Jing or my cousin." I didn't expect him to follow.

Nalanye's face changed slightly, and a touch of pain flashed in his deep Phoenix eyes. "Moon, I don't mind if you've married someone, you know me."

"I'm pregnant with nalanjing's baby, don't you mind?" Mu shallow month reached out to touch flat abdomen, raised his head and asked with a smile.

Nalanye's body is stiff, stunned in place, child? She had a baby with nalanjing?!

"You, you really have his child?" It seemed that he had exhausted all his strength before he asked the question.

"Yes, I'm pregnant with his child, and if you don't mind raising a son for someone else, I don't mind. If my son can become the most noble emperor of Fengying in the future, I will also feel extremely honored! " Mu Xiaoyue looks up and says with a smile.

Ye said, "I don't care about the beauty of my son's face, but I don't care about it. I don't care about it for a long time."This time, change Mu shallow moon to stay in place, nalanye really love her like this? Love to even the dignity of the Royal disregard, love to even have children do not mind?

Even in the twenty-first century with open emotions, I'm afraid we can't raise sons for others?

"Sorry, I mind. I don't want my father to admit his mistake after my baby is born." Although I can't bear it, what should be said clearly is still to be clear. The so-called long pain is better than short pain.

"Moon, give me a chance, or it's not fair!" Nalanye said excitedly and angrily.

"There is no justice in this world. What you miss is what you miss." Mu shallow moon light way.

"I don't believe it! You clearly loved me before. I can feel your love for me. Why did I leave for a few years and all this changed? Yueer, as long as you give me some time, I will make up for you a little, and I will make you fall in love with me again! " Nalanye grabbed her shoulder and said earnestly and anxiously.

Mu shallow moon some tiny Leng, coagulate eyebrow.

"Moon, I knew you loved me!" Seeing that she did not speak, nalanye's eyes were filled with joy and excitement.

Mu shallow moon pushes away his hand, the expression is indifferent, cold and distant say, "I don't love you."

"I don't believe it!" Nalanye roared and looked unbelievable.

"Believe it or not, I really don't love you."

The girl's indifferent voice is like a heavy hammer hitting nalanye's heart, as if the whole world collapsed in an instant

I saw his face white, his feet staggered, almost fell, at this time his mind kept echoing four words, I do not love you, I do not love you, I do not love you , the fastest update of the webnovel!